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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Worlds of Teenagers and RUOK?

Simon Gillard, guest speaker on RUOK day

From the Director of Wellbeing, Matthew Porter


Two Worlds of Your Teenager Parent Information Evening

Last Wednesday we had 200 parents attend an information session run by Sonya Karras and Sacha Kaluri in the Lacey Gymnasium. These presenters have a wealth of experience on Career Pathway Planning and Safe Partying. They shared some practical advice and strategies on having some challenging conversations with our sons.

Sonya Karras speaking to students on safe partying

Sonya also presented her Safe Partying session to students in Year 10 and Year 11.

These tips on goal setting and career planning and celebrating safely and sensibly will have no doubt made for some meaningful dinner table conversation between our boys and young men and those parents who were in attendance.

For more information on Sonya and Sacha’s book “The Two Worlds of Your Teenager”



RU OK? is a mental health and suicide prevention campaign designed to break down the stigma around mental illness and encourage boys and men in particular to reach out and seek support. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness and upskill our students to be more mindful of those around them and some of the challenges they may be facing. By engaging in meaningful conversations or by asking one simple question, “Are you OK?” we may make a world of difference to someone in need who may be suffering in silence.

Simon Gillard addressing students on RUOK day

At the College Assembly on Wednesday we heard from RU OK? ambassador Simon Gillard who shared his own story as a high ranking police officer before the stress of his job got the better of him. Simon battled post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression before he finally reached out and sought help. His take home message was to never suffer alone and the earlier you seek help the easier it is to manage the challenges that you may be facing.

Simon’s story was incredibly engaging for our students.



Visit by Blake Cavallaro, Sydney Roosters Game Development Office

Earlier this month Blake Cavallaro visited the College to present workshops to Year 8 and Year 9.  The Year 8 message was a powerful anti-bullying one which aims to empower students to stand up for themselves and other who are being bullied while the Year 9 message centre on how to make better decisions in real life situations to avoid serious and lifelong consequences.

Blake Cavallaro, Sydney Roosters Game Development Office


Mentor Time

Earlier this week, one of the challenges in mentor time was to build a tower using basic materials.  I had suggested using gummy bears, sticks of spaghetti, marshmallows and BBQ skewers.  Clearly Mr Rowlings’ group had bigger towers in mind!

Tower building in Mr Rowlings’ mentor group