The ‘Worn Up’ Textile Rescue Program funded by our local council, has another collection coming up!
If you have any non-wearable textiles, please bring them into the secondhand clothing pool. This includes old Waverley branded uniform items along with any items that are ripped, stained and unwearable. We have regular collections by Worn Up, so please do keep items coming in.
The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop on Level 3, Centenary Building, North Admin Building, on the Senior School Campus. Enter reception and take the lift to the 3rd floor, exit and turn right.
These items will be collected by Worn Up and reformed into new products such as tables, tiles, dog beds, acoustic tiles and more! To find out more about them and their progress, follow them – @wornup on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you for supporting our Students of the World Ecology Club and Secondhand Clothing Pool in this responsible textile disposal. Please note that any current branded uniforms that are still wearable, will be considered for secondhand resale.
Would You Like to Learn More About the Great Work That Worn Up Does?
>>> Click here to view further information about Worn Up.
Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe
Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator
E: rsutcliffe@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Kirsten Hott and Ms Camille Owen
Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators
E: clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au