Basketball 1st V 2021
Read more: Years 7-12 online meeting via Google Meet and registration information.
All Students From Years 7-12 are Welcome to Trial! Registration Essential
All students who would like to represent 1sts and 2nds Basketball for the upcoming season 2021-22, need to attend the online meeting for information regarding the pre-season and season moving forward.
Meeting Details – Tuesday 17 August 2:30-3:30pm Online Via Google Meet
1. >>> Click here to register your name and email on the Google Sheet.
2. Look out for the meeting invitation in your email.
If you have any questions, you may direct these to Mr Matthew Johnston at mjohnston@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Matthew Johnston
Teacher Year 6 Red, Basketball Head Coach
E: mjohnston@waverley.nsw.edu.au