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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Year 10 Service Week and Christmas Hampers

Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh

Year 10 Service Week

Last week as Year 10 students finished up 2020, they spent the week “giving back” to the community through a variety of service activities. These activities involved our students working with the homeless and disadvantaged members of the community and provided students with a wealth of life experiences and challenges. Many of the students commented on how much they enjoyed the week and especially the relationships they were able to form throughout the variety of encounters they had.

Some of the service venues included: Wairoa School for children living with disabilities, La Perouse Primary School, The Exodus Foundation where over 800 hampers were packed for those in need, Our Big Kitchen, Rough Edges, Matthew Talbot Hostel, painting at the Holdsworth Community and learning more about our Indigenous brothers and sisters through Kadoo.

Each of these placements enhanced our student’s life perspectives and encouraged them to challenge common stereotypical images.

The Service Week ended with a wonderful Reflection Day at Centennial Park where our Prefects helped our Year 10’s enhance their understanding of these service experiences. Many thanks to all those teachers and students involved over this week for their enthusiastic cooperation and involvement. A special thank you to Mr Richard Bryant who helped make this amazing opportunity a reality. I am sure that the life lessons learned from these experiences will enhance the willingness of our students to become more involved in social justice activities throughout their senior years.

Christmas Hampers

Thank you also to all those who so generously donated to our Christmas Hamper Appeal. The response was overwhelming and will certainly enable some much needed Christmas spirit to be passed onto our community.

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Christmas and look forward to working with these amazing young men in 2021.