Ms Suzanne Walsh, Director of Mission and Identity
Service Week
As our Year 10 exams end, our Service Week from Monday, 21 – Thursday, 24 November is about to begin. Thank you to all our Year 10 students for taking up this wonderful service opportunity.
I look forward to seeing some of you over this time, and please make sure you thank the organisations for hosting you at the end of your experience.
Ms Maakrun and I are very proud of you, and look forward to hearing all about your experiences at the Reflection Day.
Reflection Day
Please note, our Reflection Day will occur on Friday, 25 November. All students are to wear their PE uniform on this day.
Students are to meet in the Chapel at 8:45am. We will then move to Centennial Park for the day.
Please bring a pen, your own recess and water bottle.
A BBQ lunch and drink will be provided.
The day will finish at 3:15pm and students will be dismissed by their Heads of House from Centennial Park.
In the event of wet weather, we will hold the Reflection Day at Waverley College.

Stained Glass Window in the College Chapel
Reflection Mass and Supper
The Reflection Mass will start at 5:30pm in the Chapel. Attendance by students is COMPULSORY and we look forward to welcoming as many parents/carers as possible to join us for the Mass.
*Students MUST wear their PE uniform to the Reflection Mass and normal College rules apply to haircuts and tidy appearance.
Supper will be provided in the Centenary Quad immediately after the Mass.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the service experiences that the Year 10 cohort were privileged to participate in, and to debrief as they finish up their year.
We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Ms Sue Walsh
Director of Identity & Student Formation