Sydney Fish Market Behind-the-Scenes Tour. Image courtesy: Sydney Fish Market
On Friday, 17 June, all Year 11 Marine Studies students will attend an excursion to the Sydney Fish Markets and the Sydney Aquarium.
Students will meet at the Sydney Fish Markets at 6:15am. Students will attend the fresh fish auction of the morning and have a behind-the-scenes tour of the Sydney Fish Market.
Following the Fish Market tour, students will then make their way to the Sydney Aquarium at Darling Harbour, for a tour starting at 10am.
The purpose of this tour is for students to become more familiar with the ‘Dangerous Marine Creatures’ that we have been studying this term.
Students will be dismissed from Darling Harbour at 2pm to make their own way home at the conclusion of the excursion.
Students must wear full academic winter school uniform.
Do I Need to Give Permission?
Mr Richard Chen
Science Teacher
E: rchen@waverley.nsw.edu.au