(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter
Gentlemen, I hope that your Week 3 onsite HSC seminars went well this week and we are looking forward to having you back onsite for face-to-face lessons and wellbeing activities next week. Please remember that the final extended HSC session is next Monday, 25 October with the Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II practice exams.
Please arrive promptly at 8:40am for an 8:45am start to the following venues organised by class:
- W41 – SoR II (SR2.01)
- W43 – SoR II (SR2.02)
- W44 – SoR II (SR2.03)
- W45 – SoR II (SR2.04)
- E41 – SoR II (SR2.05)
- E42 – SoR II (SR2.06)
- W31 – SoR I (SR1.01)
Week 4 from Tuesday, 26 October will be face-to-face classes and a series of activities organised by the wellbeing team.
Week 5 will be a time for at home study.
For those of you who need assistance with organisation and/or motivation, the recording of the HSC examination preparation by Dr Prue Salter and a range of other useful resources can be accessed in the link below:
>>> Click here to view Dr Prue Salter’s HSC exam preparation recording and other useful resources.
Username: forwaverleycollegeonly
Password: 94 results
Follow the steps in the video and if you need help with your plan, Dr Prue Salter provides info in the video on how to send notes through to her for feedback.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
E: lporter@waverley.nsw.edu.au