A friendly reminder that the consent and medical form for the Senior and Kairos Retreat are due today, Friday 30 April. Please click here to fill in the form.
Thank you to the parents who have already completed the form.
Please click here for your son’s retreat type and location.
Senior Retreat
The Senior Retreat is taking place from 12 to 14 May and students will be attending the venue that is allocated to their House. The three venues are Benedict XVI Retreat Centre (Aungier, Green), Lutanda Camp Toukley (Brennan, Lacey, O’Connor) and Rathane (Conlon, Quinn, Tevlin).
The students will depart Waverley College by coach for their venues from 9am on Wednesday 12 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 2:30pm on Friday 14 May. Students are required to be at school by 8:30am on Wednesday 12 May.
What to bring:
- All students need to bring: neat casual clothes for three days and two nights, toiletries (NO aerosol cans), bath towel, hat and sunscreen, insect repellent
- Remember some warm clothing, as evenings may be cool
- Only ‘roll-on’ deodorant is to be brought; NO spray deodorant is allowed
- T-shirts not singlets; enclosed footwear not thongs
- A pair of football socks or other similar length socks
- Stamped self-addressed envelope and pen
- Sleeping requirements: a pillow case, single bed bottom sheet and a sleeping bag
- Mobile phones will be collected by staff once students arrive at Retreat venues and returned to them when they leave the Retreat venue. Otherwise, they may only be used in an emergency
- Over the page is a list of venues and emergency contact numbers
Cost: Will be billed to school fees.
We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at swalsh@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
Kairos Retreat
This retreat takes place from the afternoon of Tuesday 11 May until Friday 14 May. The Kairos students will depart Waverley College by coach at 2:30pm on Tuesday 11 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 3pm on Friday 14 May. Students are to wear their PE uniform to school on 11 May.
For more information, please refer to the letter that was emailed to you last Friday, 16 April.
What to bring:
- All students need to bring: neat casual clothes for four days and three nights, toiletries, bath towel, hat and sunscreen
- Remember some warm clothing, as evenings may be cool
- T-shirts not singlets; enclosed footwear not thongs
- Sleeping requirements: a pillow case, single bed bottom sheet and a sleeping bag
- Mobile phones will be collected by staff once students arrive at retreat venues and returned to them when they leave the Retreat venue. Otherwise, they may only be used in an emergency
Cost: Will be billed to school fees.
We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Ms Sue Walsh
Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: swalsh@waverley.nsw.edu.au.