Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, Wollongong
We’ve organised a fantastic excursion for Year 12 Studies of Religion II and I to the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, Wollongong on either Thursday, 16 June or Friday, 17 June.
This excursion provides an opportunity for students to experience the practice of Temple Puja, a topic on the HSC Course. Classes have been allocated across the two days, and students have been advised of the date their class will attend.
Thursday, 16 June: 12SR1.1, 12SR1.3, 12SR2.1, 12SR2.5
Friday, 17 June: 12SR1.2, 12SR2.2, 12SR2.3, 12SR2.4
Please complete the permission slip below as soon as possible, unless already submitted in hard copy.
Should you have any questions, please email Ms Martina Cooper: mcooper@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Martina Cooper
Head of Religion
E: mcooper@waverley.nsw.edu.au