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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Year 12 Investigating Science Excursion – UNSW Museum of Human Disease

Image: courtesy UNSW Museum of Human Disease

Image: courtesy UNSW Museum of Human Disease

An excellent opportunity to cover a number of syllabus dot points will be provided for the Investigating Science Year 12 students.

When: Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 8:45am-11am

Essential: All students must wear a mask for the presentation

This excursion will include a 35-minute presentation with the rest of each two-hour block used for the students to complete a worksheet activity and an exploration of the Museum.

Four-hour visits will include a half hour break.

Students will have the cost of the excursion ($13) added to their College account.

Given that the Museum is at Randwick, I would expect that most students will be able to make their own way to the Museum.

The students are expected to return to school after 11am for their Period 5 and 6 classes.

We will use public transport to return.