Next week, students in Year 12 Marine Studies will be attending an excursion to Parsley Bay to put their fishing skills into practice.
- 12 MS Class 1 – Monday, 6 June 2022
- 12 MS Class 2 – Tuesday, 7 June 2022
Students will depart from school at 8:45 am and return in time to attend Periods 4-6.
Students will make their own way to and from Parsley Bay. There is limited space with me in my personal car if necessary.
Students must wear appropriate clothes for fishing and change back into full school uniform for their afternoon lessons.
Students must ensure that they hand in their SLR and Catholic Studies assessment tasks due on Monday, 6 June and Tuesday, 7 June respectively, as a prerequisite for attending.
Do I Need to Give Permission?
Yes. Please submit your permission slip by Monday, 6 June 2022.
>>> Click here to view and complete the Parsley Bay Fishing permission slip.
Ms Gemma Brown
Head of Science
E: gbrown@waverley.nsw.edu.au