Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Congratulations to our Year 12 students for getting through the HSC Trial Assessment period and finalising assessments and course outcomes across their subjects as we approach the end of Term 3.
Over the next few weeks, teachers will be returning scripts with valuable feedback to assist in preparation for the final HSC Examinations and finalising course outcomes which will be the focus of the remainder of classes in Term 3.
Revised HSC Examination Timetable Coming
NESA has indicated that during September they will release a revised HSC Examination Timetable and details regarding the plan for face-to-face opportunities on 25 October for Year 12 students preparing for HSC Examinations. Once this information is released, we will be working on what this will look like for Waverley College students and will update you forthwith.
Tuesday 7 September – Online Sessions With Brent Sanders and Dr Prue Salter
We recognise that students may be struggling to navigate all of these changes and may be potentially experiencing waning motivation, so next Tuesday 7 September they will have the valuable opportunity to attend an online session with Brent Sanders who will examine critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success.
HSC plus ATAR students will also attend a session on Study Skills by Dr Prue Salter which will provide strategies to work through the challenges of changes to the HSC Examinations and hone motivation.
Students will then be allocated some home study time in the afternoon to work on the advice presented during the morning and focus on any study or outstanding work. This will provide a much needed circuit breaker towards the end of a very challenging term.
The Program for the Day
Periods 1-2 | HSC plus Vocational students
Students attend scheduled lessons via Google Meets. HSC plus ATAR students – Dr Prue Salter Study Skills Students will join the session by 8:45am. The link is currently available in their Google Calendar. Dr Prue Salter will provide valuable tips on HSC Examination preparation and motivation, particularly during such uncertain times. This is the session that Year 12 students report is the most valuable of the Study Skills sessions in the final push toward the HSC Examinations. |
Periods 3-4 | All Year 12 Students – Brent Sanders ‘Life Choices for Young Men’
Students will join the session at 10:45am. The link is currently available in their Google Calendar. Brent Sanders is an ex-Police officer from Winning Edge Strategies who will offer an engaging presentation on ‘Life Choices for Young Men.’ This is not a self-protection seminar but rather a presentation to address what are relevant issues facing young men in our society. The main focus behind Life Choices for Young Men is to deliver a frank, open and down-to-earth presentation to the boys which examines critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success. The presentation addresses the following:
Periods 5-6 | All Year 12 Students
Home study — time to go through study timetables, catch up on work and go through the learnings from the online sessions. |
Warm regards,
Ms Gabrielle Smith
Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au