In 2022, Year 6 MacBooks will be at the end of lease. Parents have been emailed with all the information needed to choose whether they wish to purchase and retain their son’s laptop, or return the unit.
The email also contains all the payment options for those purchasing. The nomination needs to be submitted by Friday, 28 October. If no nomination is received by this date, it will be assumed that the unit is being returned.
On 28 November, iAssist will release devices that have been purchased, and collect units that are being returned.
MacBooks for those students continuing into Year 7 will be deployed at the end of the Summer break. More information will be sent out closer to the time.
If you have not received either of these emails, please contact iAssist who can re-issue.
iAssist are available Monday to Friday – 7:30am to 4:30pm. Email: iAssist@waverley.nsw.edu.au