Year 7 Camp 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
During Term 1, all Year 7 students will attend Camp Somerset, located 90 minutes from Sydney, near the beautiful Colo River. The camp is a wonderful opportunity for your son to forge new friendships with his peers and to get to know his Head of House.
Camp Date: Monday, 14 February to Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Location: Camp Somerset
Departure Time: To be confirmed
Tasks for you to do:
- Please carefully read the overview from Camp Somerset (detailed below)
- Complete the online Camp Medical Form and Consent Form (detailed below)
- Print and sign the Consent Form and return it to Ms Sucur in the Wellbeing Centre by Tuesday, 1 February

Year 7 Camp 2021
Overview of Camp Somerset
Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre has been offering outdoor programs to school students since the early 1980s. As an industry leader with over 35 years of expertise, Somerset offers a unique blend of learning experiences, outdoor facilities and activities, delivered in a professionally-managed outdoor education program.
Somerset offers the unique experience of tent camping, which presents the opportunity for students to engage with their natural surroundings and spirit of adventure. It provides a fun and supportive framework for students to develop leadership skills, work as a team and appreciate the value of friendship. Their professional, tertiary-qualified Group Leaders facilitate engaging fun activities, extending students’ physical and emotional capabilities while enhancing self-confidence and self-reliance.
Somerset programs aim to develop student relationships with the outdoors, and with each other, in an environment that requires initiative, perseverance, adaptability and a sense of responsibility. Their programs provide students with the opportunity to reach out of their comfort zones and to embark on positive risk-taking initiatives, both of which are crucial to their development.

Year 7 Camp Yarramundi 2020
How to Access the Online Camp Information and Medical Form
- Please go to www.campsomerset.com.au
- Select School Camps in the Menu > Click the box Online Medical Forms and Camp Information
- Enter Login details:
Username – wavyr7
Password – wav2022
Completing the Online Camp Medical Form and Consent Form
- Please complete the necessary personal and medical fields for your child/ward
- You will also have options to hire or purchase any equipment you may need
- There are links to the Equipment List, Useful Packing Tips and FAQs
- Once the Online Camp Form has been completed, you will receive a summary of these details onscreen – Please: click ‘Checkout’ at the bottom of this pending screen to complete the submission
- A confirmation will be emailed to you
- A Somerset Consent must be signed. Please print and sign the Consent Form (found in your confirmation email), and return it to Ms Sucur in the Wellbeing Centre by Tuesday, 1 February
- A link to the Equipment List, relevant to Waverley College’s program, will be found in the Confirmation email
- Please also refer to our website for useful equipment selection and packing tips
- If you wish to purchase any equipment from us at a later date, this can be done up until midnight, prior to camp
>>> Click here to visit the Store on the Camp Somerset website.
Your son’s Head of House and Waverley staff are looking forward to building connections with your son over the course of the Camp, and creating lifelong memories.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact either:
Ms Cathy O’Sullivan – Head of Conlon House cosullivan@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr John McCoy – Head of Aungier House jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Suzi Sucur – Wellbeing Administrator ssucur@waverley.nsw.edu.au