On Monday, 19 June all Year 7 students will attend a ‘Consent Labs’ workshop during Period 3 in the PAC. Consent forms an important part of the PDHPE syllabus governed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and is taught in the Year 7 course at Waverley College.
Consent falls under the following PDHPE Outcome: PD4-3- Investigates effective strategies to promote inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships.
The syllabus focus’ for the session will be: What skills and strategies can be used to promote inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships?
- describe how rights and responsibilities contribute to respectful relationships
- discuss ethical behaviour in relationships and recommend actions to promote their own and others’ health and safety i.e., consent
Click here for more information
Year 7: Consent Foundations to be Explored during the Session
- What does everyday consent look like? How can we use skills that we’ve already been taught and apply them when exploring respectful relationships?
- Boundary setting in everyday scenarios, such as in platonic relationships, as well as in romantic or sexual relationships.
- Practising consent language.
Assemble Location: PAC
Missed Classes: Period 3 timetabled lesson
Cost: $2.85
Enquiries to: Mr Ben Shorthouse