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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Year 7 Geography Field Trip Excursion – Permission Slip Required by Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Garigal National Park - image: courtesy NSW National Parks and Wildlife

Garigal National Park - image: courtesy NSW National Parks and Wildlife

Students in Year 7 Geography have been exploring the nature and management of landscapes and landforms.

Mandatory fieldwork provides your son with the opportunity to learn about geographical concepts outside of the classroom.

This field work opportunity also relates directly to your son’s upcoming Term 2 assessment task.

Date: Wednesday, 10 May 2023 (Week 3)

Venue: Bantry Bay or Camp Coutts (students will be notified prior to the day)

Time: 8:20am – 3:15pm

*Students MUST arrive no later than 8:20am and assemble in the Centenary Quad

Return: Students will return to school by 3:15pm (students are still expected to attend co-curricular activities as required)

Click here to view and complete the excursion permission slip

A copy of this permission slip will be emailed to your parent/carer email address.

*Please give your permission by Wednesday, 3 May 2023.


Mr Tom Steel

HSIE Teacher