Year 7 Geography students at Centennial Park
From Head of Geography, Adam Wallington
Students in Year 7 Geography are currently learning about the importance and issues of water in the world. Last week Year 7 undertook a mandatory Geography field study to Centennial Park Wetlands Education Centere.
Whilst on the excursion, students had the opportunity to develop their mapping, orienteering and water testing skills. This enabled a deeper understanding of biotic and abiotic factors that affect the wetlands. Students were able to study the unique flora and fauna in the area and track the movement of water in and out of the lakes and ponds.
Other issues covered during the excursion included a study of the human impacts and the management strategies employed by the Parklands to promote ecological sustainability.
Most importantly, students had a real life and authentic learning experience; outdoors, with friends and enjoying a beautiful space.

Year 7 Geography students at Centennial Park
Student feedback from the day
From Mackenzie Flitcroft 07GG2
“The trip to the wetlands also helped with our assignment as the instructors explained how to tell if the water was clean or dirty and what makes the area the way it is.”
From James Kambas 07GG2
“I enjoyed being with my friends and learning about the reeds.”
From Max Harrison 07GG2
“I liked that we could explore the Centennial Park Wetlands by ourselves within our groups.”
From Julian Tee 07GG6
“The activities were interesting, thorough and active. We enjoyed being able to roam free and discover things by ourselves. Overall, our group rated the excursion an average of 8.5 out of 10.”

Year 7 Geography students at Centennial Park
From Leo Astridge 07GG6
“We found it really good that we could go at our own pace and we didn’t have to go with the rest of the class. It was also very interesting to learn about all the tests that are made to make sure the water in the park is healthy. Also, we never knew that most of the water in the park is storm water. The instructors really made you think about the different activities and didn’t just tell us the answer. We also got to take lots of very helpful photos for our assignments. Due to the excursion, we now know where all the rubbish goes when it goes down the drain.”
From Leon Hulewicz 07GG6
“It was very interesting doing the questions and orienteering. The answers we found will be useful in the assignment because we will know all about the water in lakes and rivers.”
From Max Hansen 07GG6
“I found it really fun that we got to walk around by ourselves without direct teacher supervision. We also liked how fun it was to find the information because it was presented it in a fun and easy way.”