Firstly, a big congratulations to all our Year 7 students on completing their exams! YAY!
Given that all exams are done and the end of school year is in sight, textbooks issued to you at the beginning of the year, as well as English novels that you were given throughout the school year, are now due for return.
Starting next week, during certain classes, students will be coming down to book hire for returns, therefore if you can please ensure that they bring them from home, that would be greatly appreciated.
If they are away on that scheduled day, not to fret, as they are always welcome to drop the books off to Book Hire when back, or leave their books in the marked green crates in the library or main reception.
*Book Hire opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm.
Any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out via the email provided.
Thank you for your help!