As you know students in Year 8 don’t have an opportunity to study Drama as part of their curriculum. Hence the Drama Department is providing students with an opportunity to watch a performance and participate in a workshop in the final week of Term 2.
Zeal Theatre are coming to perform a play called Meltdown for Year 8, during periods 1 and 2 on Monday 10 May, 2021. Your son will then be withdrawn from one further period during the day, to participate in a Drama devising workshop.
Hopefully this will inspire some students who have forgotten about Drama to choose it as an elective in Year 9. For others, it will be an opportunity to watch an issue-based performance, and participate in a fun, experiential workshop. The workshop aims to give students an opportunity to learn theatrical techniques and work as a team to create an original play and perform it to the rest of the workshop group.
Venue: Waverley College
Date: Monday 10 May 2021
Meeting Time/Place: Braidwood, beginning period 1
Uniform: Full school uniform
Cost: $10.00 (This will be added to your account)
Meltdown Synopsis (from Zeal’s website):
Zeal Theatre’s 50th original production, ‘Meltdown’ deals with fear, depression, anxiety, stress and anger. Zane is 15 and his ‘normal’ family is rife with mental health issues; a Year 12 sister paralysed by fear, a stressed-out Mum, a little sister hooked on Social Media, a baby brother who can’t stop crying, and a volcanic Dad about to explode. With Zeal’s dynamic multi-character acting and blend of music, drama and comedy, Meltdown is a powerful story for all secondary students.
Meltdown is written and performed by Zeal veterans who play a multitude of characters in a fast-paced production, blending elements of heightened naturalism, expressionism and verbatim theatre.
Ms Alison Jinga, Head of Drama and Mr Peter Lamb, Drama Teacher
E: ajinga@waverley.nsw.edu.au
E: plamb@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Writer, director and performer Tom Lycos

Writer, director and performer Stefo Nantsou