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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Year 8 Subject Selection Forms for Stage 5 2022

New Kenny classrooms

On Wednesday all of the students in Year 8 received an email containing a link and a password to the Edval Timetable Program for them to do their online elective subject selections for next year.

Instructions for students

You should select the two electives you would like to do in order of priority and a reserve subject in case you are unable to do one of your first two preferences.

After you submit your preferences, a confirmation form will appear. Please print this form, have it signed and return it to the box outside of Ms Lamonica’s office on the first floor of the administration building on Birrell Street.

Subject selection online will be available until 22 July.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum
