On Monday, 19 June all Year 9 students will attend a ‘Consent Labs’ workshop during Period 4 in the PAC. Consent forms an important part of the PDHPE syllabus governed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and is taught in the Year 9 course at Waverley College.
Consent falls under the following PDHPE Outcome: PD5-3- analyses factors and strategies that enhance inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships.
The syllabus focus’ for the session will be: What factors enhance inclusivity, equality and respect in relationships?
- Investigate the characteristics of respectful relationships and the rights and ethical responsibilities of individuals in relationships
- Describe rights and recognise responsibility to others in a variety of relationships, e.g., consent, ground rules, boundaries
- Practise and evaluate their ability to use interpersonal skills to develop and maintain respectful and inclusive relationships, eg informed consent, conflict resolution, seeking help, providing feedback, asserting a stance on an issue
Click here for more information
Year 9: Consent areas to be explored during the session
- Young people may be exploring new experiences throughout high school at gatherings and parties. How can they do this safely?
- Can young people give consent when they’re intoxicated?
- What protective behaviours can young people implement to help keep themselves and their friends safe in the setting of alcohol and other drug use?
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the session.
Assemble Location: PAC
Missed Classes: Period 4 timetabled lesson
Cost: $2.85
Enquiries to: Mr Ben Shorthouse