Work sample from 2022 Waverley College student
Year 9 Photography and Digital students are going on an exciting evening ‘Light Painting’ photography workshop with artist and photographer, Peter Solness.
The students will have the opportunity to develop their manual photography skills, using long shutter speed exposures and illumination techniques in Periods 5-6, in the art rooms.
Afterwards, we will experiment with our light painting skills and ‘Paint’ the landscape around The Federation Pavilion in Centennial Park.
When: Tuesday, 13 June 2023.
Where: C12 Art Room for the introduction workshop during Periods 5-6, then Centennial Park for the evening session. Students will meet outside C12 at the end of lunch for the afternoon workshop in Periods 5-6.
Students will meet outside C02 at 5pm sharp to walk to Centennial Park for the evening photography session. We will finish by 7pm sharp at the pedestrian gate at the corner of YORK AND BIRRELL Streets (see map below).

The Parent Pickup Location is marked with a cross.
Supervision: Parents/carers are advised that there will be no supervision between 3:30pm and 5pm.
Clothing: Students are to be in full school uniform.
Food: Students are strongly advised to pack their own afternoon tea/snacks if they are staying at school from 3:30pm and 5pm.
Parent/Carer Permission: Parent/carer permission is required. Please respond to the notification in the Parent Lounge no later than Monday, 5 June 2023.

Work sample from 2022 Waverley College student