Ms Suzanne Walsh, Director of Mission and Identity
Years 5 and 10 will be taking part in a Little Brother / Big Brother gathering on Friday, 11 March from period 4 until period 6.
Students will first meet at 12:05pm for a BBQ lunch in the Braidwood area, and will then be transported by bus from Carrington Road to Bondi Beach.
Students will travel in House groups with their buddies, and will then participate in activities whilst at the beach.
There will be a House anti-bullying photograph competition as well.
Year 5 students will then return to the College by bus, along with attending Cadets.
The remainder of the Year 10 students will be dismissed from Bondi Beach at approximately 2:30pm.
Heads of House and Year 5 teachers will be in attendance.
Please complete the permission slip below to enable your son to attend.
>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.
ALL students should wear their PE uniform and bring a water bottle please. There will be no swimming on the day.
Ms Sue Walsh
Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: swalsh@waverley.nsw.edu.au