Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
During Week 5, students from Years 5-11 were due to attend e-safe presentations on campus.
Our commitment to increasing education for students, professional learning for staff, and formation for parents will not be diminished by our current circumstances. We have had to pivot and work with our provider to enable these important e-safe presentations to go ahead in an online forum. These will be conducted at the same time as if they had been held on campus.
Nearer Week 5, students will be provided with a link for the sessions which will be attended by their class teachers along with the rest of their year group.
E-Safe Presentation Dates
Monday 9 August
- Year 7 Period 1 (8:45am-9:30am) Cyberbullying and Online Conflict + Digital Wellbeing
- Year 8 Period 2 (9:30am-10:15am) Cyberbullying and Online Conflict + Digital Wellbeing
- Year 9 Period 3 (10:35am-11:20am) Managing Online Conflict + Digital Footprint
Tuesday 10 August
- Year 5 Period 1 (8:45am-9:30am) Cyberbullying and Bystander Empowerment + Safety on Social Media and Games + Digital Wellbeing
- Year 6 Period 2 (9:30am-10:15am) Cyberbullying and Bystander Empowerment + Safety on Social Media and Games + Digital Wellbeing
Wednesday 11 August
- Year 10 Period 2 (9:30am-10:15am) Managing Online Conflict + Digital Footprint
- Year 11 Period 3 (10:35am-11:20am) Digital Footprint and Employability + Connecting Safely + Online Wellbeing and Self-regulation
Outside of School Accountability
Despite the majority of students doing a fine job during online learning, the College has received several reports recently of current students making poor decisions, often in groups in public.
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every person in Sydney. People have lost their jobs, are forced to work from home, missing loved ones, have had wedding and other major celebrations cancelled, and have not been able to visit family in hospital. For all of us, this is a time of great uncertainty. This is not the time to be causing additional stress on others in our community by thoughtless, selfish actions.
Please use this as a timely reminder that students must be adhering to current NSW Health ‘Stay at Home’ orders. Any student identified in CCTV footage or captured on a mobile phone engaging in anti-social behaviour during remote learning will be held accountable by the College. This is the same as if we were on campus. The College will always assist any investigation conducted by NSW Police.
Parents are encouraged to know who their sons are with during the day, and what activities they are engaged in. All six periods during remote learning involve a Google Meet with their teacher, so it is the College’s expectation that your sons are at home and in front of their computer during school hours. After school, and on the weekend, the College supports and promotes engagement in exercise and recreation, not anti-social behaviours that cause additional stress on our community and that bring the College’s name into disrepute.
Mr Patrick Brennan
Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing
E: pbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au