Waverley College Old Boys’ Union

The Old Boys’ Union (OBU) was established in 1908 and, as a key association in the wider Waverley network, aims to foster a bond of fellowship between Old Boys by facilitating opportunities for connection and camaraderie for ex-Waverley students as they journey through life.
The OBU strives to support current Waverley students by providing ancillary activities, materials or volunteers for College functions and significant events, including fundraisers and mentoring programs. Additionally, the OBU provides financial support to College initiatives that benefit current students, from essential equipment and supplies to bursary assistance and academic prizes.
The OBU supports the initiatives of Waverley College as it continues to grow into the future while preserving and promoting its history and traditions.
Get in touch and get involved
There are numerous opportunities for Old Boys to stay in touch; through sports clubs, class reunions, OBU and College events, the OBU website and social media. Key calendar events where Old Boys are invited to participate are Back to Queens Park, Back to Waverley Day, the Cadet Reveille and the Annual Muster. Additionally, Old Boys are invited to speak at Careers Nights, mentor sessions and Masterclasses, as well as take up coaching and tutoring positions at the College.
Old Boys are encouraged to register themselves on the OBU website and keep their contact details up to date. Registering on the WCOBU site is very simple, as is providing optional biographical information, photo and email. Where emails are not public, the site allows contact through the site itself.
For assistance or questions, please contact foundation@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 02 9369 0656
Old Boys' Union meetings
The Old Boys’ Union is a non-incorporated association comprised of ex-Waverley College students. It is voluntarily managed by an elected council and governed by a constitution that outlines the scope of its role. The council usually meets five times per year, including the AGM in May, at the College premises. The Principal and a Development Officer also attend these meetings.
If a general member wishes to raise an issue to be discussed at a Council meeting, please contact Salvatore Riolo at wcobuexecutive@gmail.com
After the May Procession each year, the Waverley College Old Boys’ Union hold their Annual General Meeting, where planning for the year ahead is discussed and the election is held for a new Executive.
Current OBU President – Salvatore Riolo, Class of 2003
Waverley College graduates are made life members with payment of a one-off fee of $360 which is billed in part-payments of $60 in each of the student’s Year 11 and Year 12 school accounts.