Artists impression of the Centenary Quadrangle. The new Centenary Quad will include increased shading, seating and green areas.
From Development Manager, Rebecca Curran
This year we have held two major fundraising events – our Annual Giving and our Blue & Gold Ball. We have raised in excess of $100,000 which will be put towards landscaping works in both Senior and Junior campuses. Last week, we acknowledged those who had raised funds for the College at our Blue & Gold Ball, which you can reread here.
This week, I would like to extend the College’s heartfelt thanks and acknowledge those who have kindly donated to the College Building Fund this year via our Annual Giving campaign:
- Mr John Dowd
- Ms Rebecca Randall
- Mr Christian Hansen
- Mr Patrick McClure
- Mr James Jarrett
- Mrs Litsa Vouros
- Mr Peter Ayres
- Dr Richard Vickers
- Mr Donald Shale
- Mr Anthony Spratt
- Mr Graeme Vine
- Professor Stephanie Watson
- Mr Graeme Curran
- Mr Stephen and Mrs Andrea Boyd Boland
- Mr Ray Nolan
- Mr John McGrath
- Mr Michael Wesslink
- Mr Stan Dumbrell
- Mr John Wakim
- Dr Sam Lackey
- Mr John Lynch
- Mr John Coorey
- Mr Mark and Mrs Stephanie Schofield
- Mr Peter Carpenter
- Mr James G Ryan
- Mr Tom Boyce
- Mr Andrew Scarf
- Mr John Hitchen
- Mr John Murray
- Mr Andrew Ferguson
- Mr Frank Ledwidge
- Mr Peter Frampton
- Mr William Buckland
- Mr Martin Jacques
- Mr Zainal Arifin Gunawan
- Ms Melanie Abbott
- Mrs Carole Horgan
- Mr Anthony Sweetman
- Ms Jill Livesey
- Mrs Angela Farmeary
- Mr Gavin Duane
- Ms Tjong Malahayati
- Ms Wendy Jones
- Mr Demetrio Rebollo
- Karol Davant
- Mr Rod Williamson
- Dr Brett Courtenay
- Mr Robert Kinnane
- Mr Stephen Daley & Dr Judith Trotman
- Ms Karol Davant
- Ms Yam Mak
- Mr John Blazevski
- Mr Robert & Mrs Patricia Risk
- Ms Kathleen Vouros
- Mr Denis Cleary AM
- Mr Michael Clifford
- Mr William Furney
- Mr John O’Loan
- Mr Terry McGuinness
- Mr John Georgiades
- Mr John Allen
- Ms Samantha Leet
We will endeavour to keep you updated on the progress of the landscaping works at the College. Again, thank you for your support and your efforts in ensuring that the future at Waverley College looks very good indeed.