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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

An Impressive First Full Round of Fixtures

(Acting) Deputy Principal - Students, Mr Steve O'Donnell

(Acting) Deputy Principal - Students, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Read more: Cricket, Basketball, Swimming, Diving, Somerset Camp, State Oz-Tag, State Touch Football, Surf Life Saving titles, summer sports photos, CAS Code of Conduct, COVID-19 protocols, correct uniform reminder, winter activities, House Carnival save the date!

>>> Click here to view the Fixtures.


Our first full round of CAS summer sport for quite some time was successful, and it was great to see all players and coaches representing the College well.

Cricket and Basketball

Some of the highlights included some impressive results in all Cricket with the 1sts, 9A and B, 8A and B, and all three Year 7 teams victorious. In addition, we had some great wins in Basketball across all grades.

Basketball Term 1 2022

1st XI

1st XI

Swimming and Diving

Our Swimming and Diving squads also competed at the CAS Invitational at Homebush on Friday night. Many members of the swim squad performed well, as did our divers, with Milan Mann placing 3rd in the intermediate competition.

CAS Swimming Term 1 2022

CAS Swimming Feb 2022

CAS Diving Feb 2022

Somerset Camp

This week we also had our Year 7s spend three days at Somerset Camp on the Colo River, and from all reports, these students had a great time.

Year 7 Camp Somerset –Quinn

Year 7 Camp Somerset – Quinn

State Oz-Tag and Touch Football

Well done to those students that competed in the State Oz-Tag competition last weekend, and I also want to wish those students competing at the State Touch Football tournament this weekend, the very best.

Surf Life Saving State Titles

I am aware that we have a number of talented surf lifesavers competing at the State titles at Manly next weekend, and if an exemption has not yet been requested, can I please urge families to ensure that this is done urgently. Please note that students are entitled to two exemptions throughout the year.

Surf Life Saving

Summer Sports Photos from Monday 21 – Friday, 25 February 

Next week we will be taking Summer Sports photos on the Tennis courts before and after school. We will match the photo schedule as best as we can to the training schedule, however, all students will be required to wear their playing attire for these photos.

Our Water Polo players will need to wear their PE attire. All photos will be taken on the Tennis Courts. Our swimming and diving squads will have their team photo taken on the day of the CAS Championships.

>>> Click here to view the photo schedule.

CAS Code of Conduct, COVID-19 Protocols and Correct Uniform Reminder

This week we are away to Cranbrook, and a reminder to all students, coaches and parents, that the CAS Codes of Conduct are developed to ensure good sportsmanship at all times.

COVID-19 protocols will continue to apply this term, that include only one parent per player at any indoor venue, with masks to be worn at all times. QR coding and vaccination status for adults will also be requested at all venues. Any person showing any symptoms, is a close contact or has been asked to isolate must not attend. 

All students should now be fully attired in the correct summer playing attire for all fixtures. This uniform is available in the College Uniform Shop. You can find information about the Uniform Shop at the end of every edition of Nurrunga in the ‘Important Links’ section.

Winter Activities

This week was also the last opportunity for students to request a change to their winter activities. No more requests will be accepted from next week. Students who have not requested a change, will just have last season’s winter activities roll over to this year.

House Swimming Carnival – Save the Date!

On Friday, 4 March we have our House Swimming Carnival at Botany Aquatic Centre, with further information published from next week.

Good luck to all teams this week!

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
