Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Staff & Student Wellbeing
May Procession 2018 New Start Time
The College Executive recently reviewed the timing of the annual May Procession. We received feedback from key stakeholders including staff, parents, Old Boys and our Chaplain.
There was overwhelming support to move the commencement of this to a more family-friendly time, at the same time respecting the need of individuals to still attend Mass during the morning.
The College decided to commence the May Procession this year at 12pm. Students are required to be in full winter uniform (blazer and tie) and have their names marked off by their Wellbeing Mentor by 11.30am.
Cutting the Waste at Waverley College
As part of our commitment to sustainability, the College is phasing out plastic water bottles. Though water will still be sold during Term 2, the canteen will also stock reusable water bottles. Students are encouraged to transition to reusable bottles during this time, either bringing their own to school or purchasing one from the canteen.
The College has installed a number of water filling stations to meet the extra demand in Term 3, when no water bottles will be sold on campus.
At our assembly last week I spoke to the students about this initiative, which includes the introduction of new recycling bins across the campus. To support our sustainability initiatives, we ask that when making recess and lunch for your son(s), please keep the disposable packaging to a minimum. We all know that this is a tough endeavour in a world that has become so addicted to plastic packaging but anything that you can do to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in your son’s lunch box will be significant in supporting our goal of caring for our environment.

Ryan Smith, Year 11, using one of the new water stations
Winter Uniform for Terms 2 and 3
A reminder that students are required to wear their College blazer and tie when travelling to and from the College during Terms 2 and 3. As was the case last year, failing to do this will result in a Saturday detention.
The College has high expectations of our students when they are in public; particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. The positive message we give to the public through our uniform and grooming is an extension of the ongoing cultural change we are seeing at the College.
Haircuts will also be checked by Heads of House from day one next term.