STEM robotics
Welcome to the last Nurrunga for Term 1 ... it's a bumper edition this week with important updates from both the Head of College and Deputy Head of College. As Mother's Day approaches, be sure to: 1. register to attend our first whole school Mother's Day Mass with your son; 2. help your Junior School son buy a Mother's Day gift online through the Parent Association; and 3. buy a ticket to the Estee Lauder Mother's Day Shopping Night on 3 May (supporting RUOK?). All the details are here. In addition, our Heads of House have each provided a great report on the students' Term 1 activities and achievements.
More News and Events
St Anthony's Clovelly Confirmation
St Anthony’s Clovelly are celebrating Confirmation on Wednesday 13 June 2018 at 7.00pm.
Students from Year 6 and above who have been Baptised and have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion may apply. There will be 4 lessons on Saturday afternoons in preparation and a practise beforehand. There will also be an Information Meeting for parents on Monday 14 May at 7.00pm at St Anthony’s School, Parish Meeting Room. Please contact our Sacramental Coordinator, Linda Heavener, at linda.heavener@gmail.com if you are interested in your child attending and for further information.
Uniform Shop Closed for the Holidays
AFL Supporter Group Meeting
The AFL Supporter Group is meeting on Wednesday 9 May at 6pm at the Queens Park Pavilion. All welcome.