From Phillip Davis, Director of Mission
Last Friday, 16 February 2018, the Aungier House Mass, was celebrated by College Chaplain Fr Bernie Thomas ofm. The Gospel (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26), which was acted out by Aungier Year 8 students, mirrored the message Speak through Action, the theme which our Year 12 Leaders have chosen for 2018. Aungier Prefect of Spirituality, Domenic Abruzzese connected this theme with life at Waverley College in his Reflection.
Other features of this Mass included the Entry Procession and Gospel Procession, while Communion Reflection Song If You’re Out There by John Legend aptly connected to the idea that actions speak louder than words. I would like to thank the staff and students responsible for the organisation and specific roles during the Mass. I would also like to thank Mr McCoy, Head of Aungier House, for his assistance, as well as the many parents and grandparents who attended the Aungier House Mass.
Below is Aungier Prefect of Spirituality, Domenic Aburzzese’s Reflection:
I invite you today, to reflect on the Gospel and the readings, and possibly inherit some ideas on how you, as Aungier students, may benefit from these words.
Edmund Rice in the first reading had a deep desire to help the poor, rough boys of Waterford. His dream then turned into reality through his actions. For all of us, we can all have a dream. That is free. We can tell everyone about the dream. That is free also. But to achieve our dreams or our goals we must find the strength to do.
As Waverley College students we are very fortunate that we can dream big. We can dream about a variety of things whether it be on the sporting pitch or aspiring for personal best in the classroom. We can talk all about these dreams but if we do not do, these dreams stay dreams.
In the Gospel, we see Jesus bring someone back from the dead. While those who witnessed would have been amazed, there was a period of ridicule from those standing around. Despite the judgement, Jesus is able to bring the child back to life anyway.
The actions and ideas of Jesus are applicable in our lives also, as we must put aside the preconceived idea of what we believe is impossible, to make that impossible, possible. We must also put aside those who may doubt us and may potentially stop us from having a try. Jesus “speaks through action” by acting despite ridicule, which results in the child coming back to life.
It is not only Jesus who is the hero in the Gospel. The leader of the synagogue doesn’t just hope Jesus will cure his child, but actually goes and finds Jesus. He doesn’t just ask Him back for help, he leads him back. Action.
Overall, today’s readings link to this year’s theme of “Speak through Action.” Don’t just talk about what you ‘going’ to do… actually do it. Actions really do speak louder than words. Take that extra step and challenge the possibilities of your own limitations and be the change that you want to see, just as Jesus did.