From John McCoy, Head of Aungier House
Aungier House welcomed new students to the senior campus on the 31 January, 2018. Students from Year 7 partnered up with their ‘Big Brothers’ in Year 12. Our Year 12 students were able to gently guide their new ‘Little Brothers’ around the school, and engaged in a number of activities aimed at making positive connections early.
To extend on the Big Brother/Little Brother Program in 2018, our Year 5 students were also partnered up with Year 10 students. This was designed to assist in building stronger relationships between our senior and junior students, with the intention of giving our younger members confidence in making the transition to high school as well as giving our senior students leadership opportunities.
During Week 2, Year 7 students were able to gather as a year cohort and attend the Year 7 Camp at Broken Bay. Students were involved in bushwalking, initiative exercises, high ropes as well as the much enjoyed canoeing and raft building on the glorious Hawkesbury River.

Aungier Year 7 students prepare for the race to the water!
Week 2 and 3 provided Aungier Students with the opportunity to engage in the Religious life of Waverley College. The Commencement Mass was held at St Mary’s Cathedral, the spiritual home of Sydney’s Catholic Community. The Aungier House Mass was also a significant occasion for students in Years 5-12 to come together in prayer and reflection. The key theme of our Mass this year was “Speak through Action”. Aungier House Prefect, Domenic Abruzzese, gave a thoughtful reflection on how students in Aungier should focus on what good they can do for the community.
Wednesday 21 February, will be an evening many Year 9 students will remember fondly as they completed the Year 9 Ballroom Dancing with St Clare’s College. Reports came through that talented Aungier students Jack Fingleton and James Elfes were selected as having the best dance moves on the night!
The Wellbeing Interviews took place on Monday 26th February. This was an opportunity for students and parents to catch up with our very supportive Aungier House Wellbeing Mentors to review the individual student effort of 2017 and set important goals for the new year.
The House Swimming Carnival took place at SOPAC, Homebush in Week 7. Strong efforts by our star swimmers including Max Dimitrijevic, Mackenzie Palmer, Leo Astridge, Ben Finegan, Luke Stewart and Lathan Hutchinson-Walters, had Aungier sitting in 2nd position at one stage. Aungier House ended the day in 6th position which was a big improvement on the 8th place in 2017. In the words of Lennon & McCartney, “I’ve got to admit its getting better!” I look forward to seeing a podium finish in 2019!
As the term hit Week 8, the Waverley College Cadet Unit, along with the new Year 8 recruits, travelled out to Douglas Park for the Annual Field Exercise. Despite a mixture of weather conditions including some extremely hot periods and heavy rainfalls, all students had a very enjoyable time. Congratulations to Year 12 Aungier students, Stephen Davies, Farrell Sutanto, Dean Theodorakakis and Jasper Wilde, who had a significant involvement in directing the camp as senior cadets.
The Aungier House Assemblies provided a point for Aungier Students in Years 5-12 to mix together. This term, the Aungier House Song and the Aungier “Man of the Week” award was launched. Congratulations to the following students who received this prestigious award in Term 1 for such items as raising a tremendous amount of money for charity and being all round great members of our community:
- Riley Hassey (Year 7)
- Ben Pignatelli (Year 5)
- Joshua Gentle (Year 8)
- Antonio Rodrigez (Year 8)
Next term, while slightly shorter, is another very busy term for students in Aungier House. Students will return to classes on Tuesday 1st May in their full school winter uniforms, including long sleeve shirt, tie and blazer. Our Year 12 students will have their Mid-Semester Examinations in the opening weeks of term. Years 5, 7 and 9 will sit the NAPLAN testing on the 15, 16 and 17 May. Students in Year 10 will have their Career Profile interviews. Years 7-10 will commence Half-Yearly Examinations in Week 6. On the co-curricular front, Winter sports will be in full swing with the commencement of the CAS season.
I would like to congratulate all students in Aungier House for the positive start to the school year. I would like to thank the Aungier Wellbeing Mentors for their wonderful support of students in Aungier. I wish all students the very best as we move into the next chapter of 2018.
Have a safe and restful holiday period.