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In Term 4, Sustainability Group led by Jayden Lim, Sebastian Van-De Hoek and Hayden Walker took up their trowels to plant our new Sustainability Garden. As part of the Living Connections program, Waverley Council kindly provided many beautiful native plants such as Coastal Wattle, Wonga Wonga Vine and Native Geraniums in order to help Waverley College to become a valuable nature corridor for Australian wildlife.

Urban areas often fragment habitat corridors and prevent wildlife from moving around, feeding and reproducing. In order to reconnect coastal areas to other urban habitats for birds such as the Superb fairy-wren and the New Holland honeyeater, we have planted this garden. We look forward to seeing how the Sustainability Garden will develop over time.

Sustainability Group meets every Tuesday Lunchtime in E04. All are welcome to come along.

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I hope all boys have had a great start to Term 4 and that our Year 12s are progressing well with their respective HSC examinations.

At today’s leadership assembly we celebrated and acknowledged all our Year 12 Leaders, the new College Captains, House Captains, Prefects, and Cocurricular Captains. I apologise to those that watched online, we did experience some technical difficulties. 

The new College Captain elect, Peter Stamatelatos challenged all students to be grateful for what they have in their lives by using both words and deeds. He also spoke of the Edmund Rice Touchstones assisting us to find the right bearings. 

I asked the assembly to consider the words of American author John Maxwell with respect to their leadership. 

‘The pessimist complains about the wind. 

The optimist expects it to change 

The leader adjusts the sails’

We expect our Year 12s to be the leaders of the College, they have the helm to ensure that we stay on an even keel and ship shape. I asked them how they were going to adjust the Waverley sails on their watch, what crew traditions need renewing, and what customs need to be challenged? I reassured them that their parents, teachers, support staff and the Year 5-11 crew, are all willing to bear a hand and that our wishes are for plain sailing and safe passage. 

On the College communities behalf, I encouraged them to enjoy the voyage and offered them best of luck and Godspeed. 

Leadership Announcements

Congratulations to the following boys on their leadership appointments:

College Captain – Peter Stamatelatos 

Vice Captain –  Charles Harris

Vice Captain – Patrick Hoggett

Vice Captain –  Byron Scott

College Captain and Vice Captains

College Captain and Vice Captains


House Captain – Saia Afeaki

House Prefect – Charles Jaeger

House Prefect – Jack Fingleton

House Prefect – Harrison Palmer

College Captain – Peter Stamatelatos

Aungier House Captain and Prefects

Aungier House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Tobias Malzard

House Prefect – Alexander Elder

House Prefect – Harjot Mand

House Prefect – Will Gibson

Lacey House Captain and Prefects

Lacey House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Nicholas Quinn

House Prefect – Jack Hickey

House Prefect – Finn Anderson

House Prefect – Spencer Kapos

Brennan House Captain and Prefects

Brennan House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Klayton Thorn

House Prefect – Liam Gregorio

House Prefect – Tom Cahill

College Vice Captain – Charles Harris

O’Connor House Captain and Prefects

O’Connor House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Sam Connolly

House Prefect – Cooper O’Donnell

House Prefect – James Hoggett

House Prefect – Marlin Bowring 

College Vice Captain – Patrick Hoggett

Conlon House Captain and Prefects

Conlon House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Dane Perica

Quinn House Captain

Quinn House Captain


House Captain – Max De Carvalho

House Prefect – Jack Mackenzie                                  

House Prefect – Lachlan Muir

House Prefect – Finn Harley Whitney

Green House Captain and Prefects

Green House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Remy Crompton-Lamb,

House Prefect – Conor Boyd-Boland

House Prefect – James Belavic

College Vice Captain – Byron Scott

Tevlin House Captain and Prefects

Tevlin House Captain and Prefects

Cocurricular Captains

1st XI Cricket Captain – Sam Connolly

Captain of Cricket – Dylan Brown

1st IV Tennis Captain – Nikita Nikitenko

Captain of Tennis – Kai Jones

1st V Basketball Captain – Eoin Morrissey

Captain of Basketball – Charles Harris

1st VII Water Polo Captain – Alessio Imhoff

Captain of Water Polo – James Privett

Captain of Lawn Bowls – Jude Sedley

Captain of Swimming – Remy Crompton-Lamb

Captain of Table Tennis – George Vouros

Captain of Diving – Harrison Palmer

Captain of Music – Harrison Palmer

Vice Captain of Music – Dante Bryan

Captain of Touch Football – Reeve Smith


Cadets Leaders 2021

Senior Cadet Under Officer – CUO Mark Gaponov

Adjutant – CUO William Gibson

Logistics Officer – CUO Lachlan Muir

Training Officer – CUO Bryn Parry

Operations Officer – CUO Dane Perica

Regimental Sergeant Major – CUO Isaac Kopsiaftis

A Company Commander – CUO Thomas Cahill

B Company Commander – CUO Sebastian Van De Hoek

C Company Commander – CUO Hayden Walker

SPT Company Commander – CUO Finn Anderson


I am particularly thrilled to see the first St Catherine’s CSM (Company Sergeant Major), WO2 Sophia Voigt, and TRGWO (Training Warrant Officer), WO2 Alison Zaczek.

Principal Awards

A Principal Award is received once a student has earnt three Gold Awards. Gold Awards are awarded after receiving five Blue Merits, which are awarded in recognition of any form of good effort, behaviour, achievement or service.

Congratulations to the following Principal Award winners, who were announced at this week’s College assembly:

Montgomery Armstrong | Year 7

Kayden Baker | Year 7

Tomas Crosson | Year 7

Archie Godby | Year 7

Christian Miletic | Year 7

Oliver Moclair | Year 7

Dominic Schofield | Year 7

Jason Shen | Year 7

Oscar Wilson | Year 7

Nicholas Zanapalis | Year 7

William Hodgson  | Year 8 

Lachlan Korpar  | Year 8 

Denis Kosinskyy  | Year 8 

Joshua Lewis  | Year 8

Lachlan Miranda  | Year 8

Ryan Bayas  | Year 12

Fritz Jahnke-Tavana   | Year 12

Lachlan Muir  | Year 12



COVID Episode 2

After returning to face-to-face learning, we continued to document life at Waverley for the second and hopefully the final instalment of the coronavirus series: Connection and CollaborationThe video highlights how far we have come over the last two terms by staying connected and working together as a community. It will also capture something similar to a time capsule, some of the happenings at the College during this historic and challenging time. 

This year, we have seen a slow unravelling of the systems that connect us to each other – schools, hospitals, age care facilities, places of worship, border access, and family support systems that we rely on. 

We have had to find new ways to live our lives and stay connected to each other. We need to recognise that it’s normal in a situation of ongoing uncertainty such as a pandemic, that we have ups and downs, we can feel depleted or exhausted and experience periods of burnout. 

To get us through these challenging times, we need to:

We pray for those countries that are struggling at this time and we hope a vaccine can be found and distributed across the world. We are grateful for what we have

I hope you enjoy the episode.


Old Waverley Uniform, We Need You!

Do you have old Waverley uniforms hanging around at home? The College is rehoming and recycling your unwanted items – and we’re on the lookout for as many of them as possible.

Good quality items are being sent to communities like Timor-Leste and Fiji, so they can be used by schools in need. Items that are no longer wearable can also be reused, but we’re handing them over to businesses that will benefit from them instead – like cleaning companies.

How You Can Help

We’d be very grateful if members of our College community could return their old uniforms to the second hand clothing pool by Monday, 2 December.

Instead of binning your Waverley-branded items or leaving them with charity shops, please:


New Uniform 

For an overview of the new uniform and transition dates, please click here

Uniform Shop & New Uniform

For an overview of the new uniform and transition dates, please click here

For the Uniform Shop, prices and bookings, please click here.

Second Hand Clothing Pool Clearance Sale

The second hand clothing pool is open from:

Every Thursday, from Thursday 29 October (12pm-2:30pm)

Everyone is welcome. Our clearance sale has plenty of items to see junior and senior boys through Term 4, and we’re asking for a gold coin donation in exchange for as many items as you need. Senior School students can come along without their parents/carers.

The sale includes:

Additional opening hours will be confirmed. For stock enquiries, please contact the Parents’ Association at   


From Head of Library Services, Mr William Roberts

Waverley College was proud to participate in the 2020 Australian Children’s Book Week launch. Selected classes tuned into the presentation, live from Taronga Zoo, in our Literacy lessons. Boys were able to listen to award-winning author Will Kostakis give his top tips for improving your writing and hear from students around Australia as they reviewed the shortlisted children’s books for 2020.

Year 12 guest leaders also came in to read to the Year 7 boys. Our new 2021 leaders read from a selection of books on this year’s theme, ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’.

The following Year 12 leaders participated:

Klayton Thorn
Peter Stamatelatos
Byron Scott

We thank our Literacy team, Mr Robert Tall and Andrea Fernandez, for their participation in – and support of – this treasured Australian event.

Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass for 2021 can now apply online. A new application should be submitted if a student is applying for a school travel pass for the first time or requesting an additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation (e.g. joint custody).

Students who have changed school/campus, changed address, repeated a year or received an expiry notification from Transport for NSW for their school travel entitlement should re-apply or update their details.

Where there is a change of distance eligibility based on a student’s grade, the system will automatically update a student’s entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, they will receive an expiry notification via email.

Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition which is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.

Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.

Applications need to be submitted before Thursday, 31 December 2020 to ensure that current student entitlements are updated and their current entitlement/card remains valid. If their application is submitted after 31 December 2020, the system will automatically cancel an entitlement/card and a new one will need to be issued.

Students in the Opal network applying for a SSTS or Term Bus Pass entitlement for the first time will receive their card at their nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out from January, 2021.

Students residing in Rural and Regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the commencement of the new school year from their nominated operator, this may be distributed via the school or sent direct to their address. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes.

Students/Parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.

Expiring Opal Cards

From January onwards, there will be a number of School Opal cards expiring, as the physical card has reached its lifespan.

These are cards for students who will be in years 8 to 12 in 2021, and only those Opal cards which haven’t been replaced in the last five years.

Impacted students and/or their parent/guardian will be contacted directly by Transport for NSW via email or post. They will be asked to confirm their details online in order for a new School Opal card to be sent to the correct postal address in time for the new school year.

If contacted by Transport for NSW, details should be submitted online by Tuesday, 01 December 2020 at the latest. Affected students who do not confirm their details in time will have a new School Opal card posted to the address we currently have on file.

New Concession Entitlement Cards

You can now order the new Transport Concession Entitlement Cards (TCEC) through the Transport for NSW School Portal.

The Transport Concession Entitlement Card will replace the following cards:


For further information please download the 2021 School Travel Information Sheet or if you have any issues please contact Transport for NSW.


Waverley College Aquatic Centre is available to the whole community

Our Aquatic Centre is a facility that is available for the whole community to enjoy. We run comprehensive swim school programs for all age ranges, from preschool-aged children upwards, through to adults. The swim school operates throughout the summer months, commencing at the start of Term 4  and concluding at the end of Term 1 on Friday, 18 December 2021. For more information on the Term 4 swimming programs and costs and policies, please visit the Swim School Website.

Important COVID-19 Information

Please note that parents and carers are not allowed on school grounds during COVID-19 restrictions. All swimmers must meet at the Performing Arts Centre gates on Birrell Street 5 minutes before the start of each session to check-in and be escorted to the pool. Please do not enrol in the swim school if your swimmer will have difficulties coping with these changes. Please read the Waverley Swim School COVID-19 Safety Plan for full information on all changes and procedures to maintain a COVID safe environment.

COVID19 Plan Waverley Term 4

Enrolment and Payment

Enrolments are open for Term 4. Online bookings are now closed but there are still spaces available.

Contact Details

Download the brochure: Swim School Term 4 2020 Brochure.

Please email:

From Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation, Mr Simon Potter

We’re pleased to announce that the recorded stream of the 2020 Year 12 Graduation Liturgy of the Word Video:

You can watch it here:

The footage is password protected and the password is gradmass2020.

From College Nurse, Ms Adele Cutbush

Dear Parents and Carers,

The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Immunisation Team is visiting Waverley College on Tuesday, 27 October 2020.

The visit is for Year 7 students to receive the second dose of HPV. We will also be providing catch-up vaccinations for any students who previously missed out on doses.

Year 7 can watch this video to find out what to expect.

Students are advised to eat breakfast on the vaccination day. Morning tea, lunch and extra fluids are also recommended on particularly hot days.

 Year Group



 Year 7  Human papillomavirus (HPV) (Gardasil9)  Two-dose HPV vaccine course with at least six calendar months between dose one and dose two.


From Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing break with your boys. We have a very short term ahead of us but an extremely busy and exciting one. This term we celebrate the transition our Year 6 students will make as they end their primary school journey here at the Junior School and enter the next stage of their education at the Senior School. We look forward to celebrating and recognising the achievements of each student over the last 2 years. We will inform you in the upcoming weeks what we have organised as soon as NSW Health advises us on COVID safe protocols. 

As mentioned at the beginning of last term, I encourage you to sit down with your son and have a discussion about what they would like to achieve for Term 4. They can set their S.M.A.R.T goal/s and record it on page 141 in the school diary. Having it recorded allows them to revisit their goal throughout the term and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. 

Can I please ask that if your son has an inappropriate haircut from the holidays that it be rectified by Monday? The College’s expectations are on page 27 of the school diary. The presentation of our boys is paramount to the way they learn and behave. 

I have attached information regarding the Child Safety Handbook below. There is a lot of important information in this handbook and I encourage you to download the latest edition and discuss the safety content with your son.


Child Saftey Handbook 2020

 Child Saftey Handbook 2020

Child Saftey Handbook 2020

The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive resource to assist you on a range of topics essential to child safety.  It includes important content updates from NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Rural Fire NSW, Transport for NSW, Sydney Trains, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, eSafety Commissioner and NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.

The handbook has been updated to include key messages about COVID-19 safety and bush fire safety given the unprecedented fires we experienced earlier this year. 

Below are links to the handbook as well as the app stores. 

NSW Child Safety Handbook 2020 (1st Edition)

Child Safety Hub






Cybersafety is one area that needs special attention and education for our boys. We need to teach them to make safe and smart choices when online and become good digital citizens. 

On Monday 26 October, Waverley is getting ysafe in to present to our boys ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’

The ysafe presentation will emphasise the constructive relationship students can have with technology under a positive digital citizenship ethos, and upskill students in understanding the importance of and ways to implement safe online practices. 

A parent webinar will be offered on Wednesday 28 October. This is a great session to be a part of and a crucial way of staying up to date with key cyber safety topics.

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Parent Webinar Information

Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance on how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. 

We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cybersafety education. This practical, strategy-rich session will cover the most important points that all families need to know about online safety, covering key information about social media and gaming, screen time recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cyber safe home for kids of all ages.

If you’ve ever struggled with getting your kids off their games and into bed, worried about the content of the games that they are playing or felt concerned that your child was spending too much time in the digital world, this workshop is for you!

Please register for this event by following the link provided. This is an important school event for all parents to attend. Click here for the link to the webinar registration page.

Learning Hub

Learning Hub


Learning Hub – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Welcome back to Term 4. It is wonderful to commence what is a relatively short but very busy term.

This term will see the launch of a competition where Junior School boys will challenge themselves to build a setting from their favourite book. Competitions are a highly motivating and engaging way for students to think critically and creatively.

This will be an exciting learning experience that inspires our engineers and builders of the future. I look forward to seeing the final designs.


From Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

Welcome to Term 4!

As we begin the final term of 2020, I’d like to remind our boys to prepare for their end-of-year examinations by seeking feedback from their teachers and setting clear S.M.A.R.T goals.

In this Teaching & Learning update, you can also find out about the Growing Up Digital Australia survey, our Elevate sessions for Years 10 and 12, a special visit from a Waverley parent in Year 8 English and CBCA Book Week celebrations in the library.

S.M.A.R.T Goals

S.M.A.R.T goals ensure that students are ready for their final exams. I encourage you to talk to your sons about the goals they’re setting for themselves and take a look at the Term 4 S.M.A.R.T goals template on page 141 of the school diary.

It’s important that boys keep an open mind when receiving feedback and treat it as an opportunity for growth. Now is the time for them to consider their strengths and areas of opportunity, seeking out strategies and guidance from their teachers that will help them improve for their final exams. 

Elevate Sessions

Last week, Year 10 attended a time management study skills session with Elevate, led by high achieving university students.

Year 10 left the session with resources and tips on prioritising their time to fit in study in a weekly plan, the value of study beyond tasks set by teachers, creating study groups and overcoming procrastination.  

Year 12, 2021 students also attended an Elevate session called ‘Student Elevation’. This session supports students to start Year 12 strong, providing them with tips and resources on motivation, building self-belief and agency. It also covers shifting from a fixed to growth mindset and S.M.A.R.T goal setting.

Feedback from both year groups was extremely positive. In particular, students valued the tips from students who have recently experienced the HSC and its demands. 

Students particularly valued hearing the tips from people who have recently gone through the demands of the HSC.  Each student has a booklet that they completed during the session if parents or carers would like to go through the session with them.

Have Your Say: Growing Up Digital Australia

Do you wonder how digital media and technologies might affect your child’s wellbeing, health and learning? If your answer is “Yes”, you can share your views with the Gonski Institute of Education at UNSW. They’re working on a ground-breaking research project called Growing Up Digital Australia, which is aimed at children aged five to 17 – and they’re inviting parents to have their say. 

Click here to complete the survey.

Teaching & Learning Highlights

Year 8 English: Perspectives of War – From English Teacher, Ms Mary Ryan 

In Terms 3 and 4, Year 8 students study a unit called Perspectives of War. We analyse different types of texts and explore experiences of war and conflict. This includes documentaries, short stories and films as well as poetry.

In the final English class of Term 3, we were delighted to welcome Waverley parent Mr Charles Miranda to the College, to speak about his career as a foreign war correspondent. 

Charles has covered numerous conflicts in countries around the world, including East Timor, Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the War of Donbas on the Russian-Ukraine border. His incredible experiences and wonderful storytelling ability were totally absorbing. His presentation challenged us all to reflect on the harsh realities of war in the 21st Century.

Charles came equipped with some of the essential items you need to bring with you into areas of conflict, and dressed two of our students, Anton and Jock, as though they were about to enter a war zone.

Year 8 English: Perspectives of War

Year 8 English: Perspectives of War

By chance, Year 12 student Mark Gapanov also happened to be listening to Charles’s presentation. As it turns out, Mark’s relations in the Ukraine were impacted by the very conflict Charles covered in 2014.

Thank you to Charles for generously donating his time and enriching our studies with his fascinating stories. Thank you, also, to the library staff for facilitating the session – and to Mr Roberts for taking photographs.

CBCA Book Week 2020 – From Head of Library Services, Mr William Roberts

Waverley College proudly participated in the 2020 Australian Children’s Book Week launch. Selected classes tuned into the presentation, live from Taronga Zoo, in our Literacy lessons. Boys were able to listen to award-winning author Will Kostakis give his top tips for improving your writing and hear from students around Australia as they reviewed the shortlisted children’s books for 2020.

CBCA Book Week 2020

CBCA Book Week 2020

Year 12 guest leaders also came in to read to the Year 7 boys. Our new 2021 leaders read from a selection of books on this year’s theme, ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’.

The following Year 12 leaders participated:

Klayton Thorn

Peter Stamatelatos

Byron Scott

We thank our Literacy team Mr Robert Tall and Andrea Fernandez for supporting and participating in this treasured Australian event.

From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson

2020 Fees

Please note that the 4th payment for the COVID catch-up is due on:

16 October 2020

2021 Fees

First Payment 

Prompt payment date: 22 January 2021

Due date: 29 January 2021

Second Payment

Prompt payment date: 23 April 2021

Due date: 7 May 2021

Third Payment

Prompt payment date: 16 July 2021

Due date: 30 July 2021

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25 discount. Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110. Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (eg internet/BPay) and see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

If you wish to withdraw your son from Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal to confirm that your son’s enrolment will cease. The last day you can give notice of your son’s enrolment finishing at the end of a school term is the first day of that same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees is payable. Dates are as follows:


Term 4, 2020: 12 October 2020


Term 1, 2021: 29 January 2021

Term 2, 2021: 20 April 2021

Term 3, 2021: 13 July 2021

Term 4, 2021: 6 October 2021

From Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator, Ms Kath Knowles

Please click here for the latest careers newsletter.

Welcome back to Term 4 and the start of the 2020-21 Summer Co-curricular season.

I want to congratulate a number of students, staff and coaches for their efforts over the pre-season and holiday period. A number of our talented Tennis players competed in the prestigious NSW Tennis tournament in the holidays where we had some great success. Our team finished 2nd overall and well done also to Nikita Nikitenko who finished 1st in the singles tournament. All of our players had great success where we also finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the doubles in this very demanding competition lasting 3 days.

NSW Schools tennis tournament

NSW Schools tennis tournament

Our 1st XI Cricket also secured the Berg-Murphy annual shield against St Patrick’s Strathfield for the first time since 2014 as well as a famous victory against Riverview. Our Basketball teams competed in trials against some other CAS Schools and all performed well and our 1sts and 2nds are playing this Friday night against Cranbrook for the first round of CAS but unfortunately, only players and a parent are able to attend as part of Covid restrictions. However, we wish them well plus all other activities for their first full proper round for the new season. The 1sts teams will also be attired in the new co-curricular apparel for the season which is very impressive and is something these teams will wear with pride.

Congratulations to the following students selected as leaders for the new Summer season:

1st XI Cricket Captain – Sam Connolly
Captain of Cricket – Dylan Brown
1st V Basketball Captain – Eoin Morrissey
Captain of basketball – Charles Harris
1st VII Water Polo Captain – Alessio Imhoff
Captain of Water Polo – James Privett
Captain of Lawn Bowls – Jude Sedley
Captain of Swimming – Remy Crompton-Lamb
1st IV Tennis Captain – Nikita Nikitenko
Captain of Tennis – Kai Jones
Captain of Table Tennis – George Vouros
Captain of Diving – Harrison Palmer
Captain of Music – Harrison Palmer
Vice Captain of Music – Dante Bryan
Captain of Touch Football – Reeve Smith

These students have been identified as role models for younger students and have proven that they can represent the College by meeting all expectations to the highest standards.

Finally, I just want to remind all families of the importance of following all necessary protocols for both home and away venues for Covid protocols. As well I also want to remind all parents of students of the correct processes in requesting leave by emailing myself with as much notice as possible. The importance of students meeting their co-curricular commitments though is very important not only for the College’s commitments and as part of their enrolment, but also for their overall well-being. New Australian Government Physical Activity guidelines recommend 90 minutes a day for all adolescents of moderate to vigorous exercise to maintain good levels of health.

I want to also wish our 2020 Year 12 cohort the very best for their current HSC Exams and hope they all know we are behind you!

Best wishes to all activities and teams for the season and ‘Go the Waves!’