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The Heads of House and I enjoyed an evening on Sydney Harbour last night with Year 11 and their guests, for the annual Year 10 dinner cruise that was postponed from 2021.

Just under 300 people boarded the Bella Vista at Darling Harbour, and enjoyed a delicious three-course meal, followed by several hours on the dance floor. The operator’s resident DJ brought this to life.

Xavier Schofield

Xavier Schofield

Caleb Sinclair-Harris and Charlie Smith

Caleb Sinclair-Harris and Charlie Smith

I would like to congratulate the Year 11 boys who attended for the respect they displayed on the evening, and their positive interactions with the Heads of House and their guests. Our boys looked sharp in their suits and were a credit to the College and their families.

The College attempted to ensure all major events missed due to COVID-19 were postponed, however the extended lockdown in 2021 prevented a number of events from 2020 fitting into what is a very busy College calendar. The College regrets that this could not be the case for all events.

Sydney Harbour 2022

Early Finish for Senior School on Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Years 7-12 students will finish at 2:30pm on Tuesday, 31 May. This is due to a Professional Development staff meeting.

Please note, that afternoon 1sts, 2nds and 16A Rugby ONLY, will still train.

National Reconciliation Week Preparations

This week Waverley College acknowledges the importance of 26 May and National Sorry Day. On this day we recognise the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors, and think about what we can do for the healing process for our people and nation. While this date carries great significance for the Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it is also commemorated by Australians right around the country.

National Reconciliation Week occurs next week, with the theme ‘Be Brave. Make Change.’ – encouraging us all to embed change into our everyday practice. On Monday, Mr Kevin Heath and Walawaani students will officially open National Reconciliation Week at our College, with a Smoking Ceremony and address at both the Junior and Senior Schools.

Our First Nation students will run the College assembly on Thursday, with guest speaker Katherine Newton. Katherine is a non-Indigenous leader and the CEO of RU OK? and will speak about the importance of recognising reconciliation in the workplace.

“We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.” Reconciliation Australia.

National Reconciliation Week 2022

Did You See Dancing Sensation Mr Olds in the Wentworth Courier on 18 May?

Year 6 teacher Mr Thomas Olds – one of the 12 ‘Stars of the East’ – will hit the dance floor in competition at the InterContinental, Double Bay on 4 June. Raising money for the Cancer Council, he is dancing in honour of his mum, who has survived two bouts of cancer. Mr Olds has so far raised $6,134, thanks to the generosity of the Waverley College family. This is an important fundraiser across the Eastern Suburbs, so please consider contributing to this worthy cause.

>>> Click here to view the page of Mr Olds.

>>> Click here to donate or purchase a ticket to this exciting event.

Waverley Boys Give Back

We recognise four special students who participated in community programs at ‘Kids Giving Back’ during Term 1 and the recent April school holidays. Thank you Ishaan Jeena, Aidan Carpenter, Owen Storie and Arran Storie, who each chose to share their time to help vulnerable people in our community.

These four boys are role models for all of us, because they demonstrate our College values in action. These boys drew on their initiative and kindness to undertake a range of activities that contributed to meet the needs of vulnerable people in our community, many of whom were affected by this year’s floods. 

Vale Mr Stan Williams

Mr Stan Williams was a full-time 4th Grade teacher at Waverley College from 1957-1992. We mourned his passing on Tuesday, 17 May, at age 94. Stan’s funeral was held on 20 May at Mary Immaculate Church. There was a wonderful turnout of Stan’s past colleagues and students, and the Junior School choir performed honourably at his service.

COVID-19 Health Update 

27/5/22 COVID-19 Close Contacts
Year 5 0 0
Year 6 0 0
Year 7 0 2
Year 8 1 4
Year 9 1 0
Year 10 0 1
Year 11 0 0
Year 12 1 0
Staff 1 0
Total 4 7


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 

Week 5 of Winter Activities

1sts AFL, Football and Rugby

Unfortunately, the weather continues to impact our winter season, with a number of games washed out last weekend. We did play some fixtures, and it was great to see our 1sts AFL, Football and Rugby all have impressive wins against strong opponents.

Thank you to the supporters and students who attended a number of these matches. Just a reminder that any Waverley student in attendance at any venue, whether it is home or away, must be in full sport attire or College uniform.

13D, E and F Rugby

I also watched our 13D, E and F Rugby teams on Saturday, who were all outstanding, and represented the College to a very high standard.

Congratulations, 13E Rugby

Congratulations, 13E Rugby

Co-curricular Expectations for Parents and Students

Disappointingly, there were a number of students who chose not to attend their Football fixtures last Saturday at Barker, despite all notices clearly stating these matches were on. All students must meet their Co-curricular requirements for training and games, and the College also has a commitment to other CAS schools in terms of fielding teams. Any absence due to illness on a Saturday will require medical certificates as per College policy.

I also want to remind all parents of expectations at training and games in regards to communication with staff and coaches. Parents are asked to please remain at a distance at all training sessions, to allow coaches to do their jobs effectively. Speaking to coaches or staff whilst a fixture is on, is also a breach of CAS Codes of Conduct. If there are any issues or concerns, I would request that you only contact the convenor of that activity or myself, after the session or fixture.


We continue to celebrate individuals who represent the College at a high standard. Congratulations to the following students on their representative selections and high performances in the community:


Congratulations, CAS Hockey Reps

Congratulations, CAS Hockey Reps

Congratulations, SEHA Hockey Reps

Congratulations, SEHA Hockey Reps

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation

Congratulations, Max Yuen

Congratulations, Max Yuen

NSW CIS U15 Rugby League

Check the Fixtures!

Please ensure all students know when and where they are playing this week, and that we continue to meet all expectations and required codes of conduct.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


A Wet Week

Unfortunately, the fixture against Newington College was impacted by the rains. A number of cancellations occurred last weekend, which was a great shame. We do particularly feel for our Prep 1sts team who were looking forward to having their very first match on QP1. I know that special moment is just around the corner for these young men.

Still, we were able to go ahead with the 13Fs, 13Es, 13Ds, 16As, 4th XV, 3rd XV, 2nd XV and 1st XV matches. From the eight fixtures played, both Waverley and Newington recorded four wins each. Our 13s continue to show dominance with some strong victories.

Congratulations, 13E Rugby

13E Rugby

The 16As went very close to winning in a frustrating match, which I am sure they will learn plenty from. The Opens were very competitive, going down narrowly in soggy conditions, in the 4ths, 3rds and 2nds.

The 1st XV were able to get another win on the board. The Double V continues to build momentum as we approach the CAS competition. In difficult conditions, it has been pleasing to see the commitment on display by all 15 players working as one unit.

CAS/GPS/ISA Trial Round vs Oakhill

This weekend, Waverley College play the final CAS/GPS/ISA Trial Fixture of the season against Oakhill College. In recent years, it has been well publicised how Oakhill have helped with the development of such NRL stars as Luke Keary and Ryan Papenhuyzen. Oakhill will certainly prove to be a wonderful challenge for all our teams in the run into CAS.

Our 14s and 15s age groups head to Castle Hill to play at Oakhill, while the 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing at Queens Park for the final time in Term 2. All 16s and Opens teams have the chance to play on QP1 for the day, with the 1st XI Football team playing away this weekend. We wish all teams the best.

Program for the Remainder of Term 2

Week 6, Term 2

 Week 7, Term 2

 Week 8, Term 2

 Week 9, Term 2

Canteen Support

The Rugby Supporters’ Club are looking for any parents, carers and friends of students in the 13s, 16s and Opens to assist on the BBQ and Canteen this weekend.

If any parents, carers and friends are free to assist at any stage this Saturday (or any Saturday throughout the season), please register your interests on the 2022 online roster below:

>>> Click here to register to help at the Queen’s Park Rugby Canteen and BBQ.

Presentation Night

The Rugby Supporters’ Club ask members of the community to indicate their ideas about possible venues which might be able to cater for larger groups for our Rugby Presentation Night.

If you have any ideas, please feel free to email Mr McCoy:

All the best for all teams this weekend against Oakhill!



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


On 24, 25 and 26 May, Waverley College entered teams from Years 5-11 into the annual da Vinci Decathlon competition. This year, the event was conducted via Zoom.

All students showed great enthusiasm for the duration of the day, and participated in 10 challenges across each team in:

All teams displayed passion, dedication and awesome team work.


We would like to congratulate all students for their hard work and participation in this valuable event:

Thank you to our dedicated teachers who provided assistance over these days: Mr William Roberts, Ms Melanie Stephens, Mr Richard Chen, Ms Margaret Fitzgerald and Mrs Deanne Edwards.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library and English Teacher



Ms Melanie Stephens

English Teacher



Mr Richard Chen

Science Teacher


On 25 May, the Senior library joined with our Junior School colleagues to participate in and celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime.

Our Junior school Innovation student helpers’ team joined in with over 1 million other students around Australia to listen to Family Tree, written by talented singer-songwriter and children’s author Josh Pyke, illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.

We thank Ms Pearce for her assistance organising the morning, Mr Robert Tall our literacy coordinator for attending, and Ms Zivanovic for preparing the Junior School Innovation Hub for what was a very special morning.

Keep reading, kids!


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library and English Teacher


A year on from our uniform donation to Fiji, we are privileged to see the results of your incredible generosity.

The school held its Graduation last week, and provided us with these beautiful photos of their students proudly wearing our Waverley blazers.

We look forward to continuing our relationship with these students and the school, when we are allowed to once again take Immersions.

Old Uniforms Repurposed in Fiji 2022


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Last week, 70 students from Years 11 and 12, and 10 teachers, went on our Kairos #4 Retreat. This is a very special student-led retreat, open to all Year 12 students and to those in Year 11 who wish to lead these retreats in Year 12.

Kairos was held at two venues: Mount Schoenstatt and Mount Carmel. We would especially like to thank Fr Bernie who led one of the retreats, and all the teachers who helped facilitate this wonderful formation experience for our students.

Congratulations to all attending students on your enthusiastic participation throughout the experience. As our retreat program grows, we look forward to welcoming more retreatants in the coming year.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


This term, Year 10 History students have been studying the role of Australians in WWI and WWII. In examining and reading through primary sources from my grandfather’s time in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and New Guinea, students in my class were able to draw connections between people, places, and events of the past.

Year 10 History - Primary Sources

In history, primary sources are defined as firsthand evidence of an event that took place in the past. They are a powerful learning tool to really help students sharpen their critical-thinking skills.


Ms Emma Halpin

English and History teacher


Shark Tank Presentation

Year 11 Business Studies students have been actively working on developing their business plans for their upcoming Shark Tank-style business pitch. To help create an entrepreneurial mindset, Waverley College was fortunate enough to secure James Peebles from TRUE Projects as a guest speaker.

Year 11 Business Studies Shark Tank 2022

TRUE Projects’ point of difference is based around full disclosure, and an open-book pricing method. James discussed the skills required to successfully start up and run a business, providing invaluable insights and advice around developing a business concept.

Thanks, James!

Year 11 Business Studies Shark Tank 2022


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE


Students from Waverley College and St Clare’s College in Years 9-12, are performing in our school production of Cosi on Tuesday, 7 June, Wednesday, 8 June and Thursday, 9 June at 7pm in the Br R. J. Wallace Performing Arts Centre (PAC).

Waverley College is committed to an all-round education of boys, including the Creative Arts. It is very important to expose students to theatre from an early age, because it helps to increase their dramatic literacy.

As such, it is my pleasure to inform you that students in the following classes are invited to attend the matinee performance of Cosi at 12pm on Tuesday, 7 June at no charge.  

Classes in Attendance at the Matinee on 7 June

Students will participate in class discussions around the staging of the show, the production elements such as the set, lighting and sound effects used, as well as, the directorial vision and the acting techniques evident throughout. 

For the Drama students, there is a written task associated with viewing the production.

Do I Need to Give Permission?

If your son studies one of the following subjects, then yes you do:

Please complete the permission slip for the excursion no later than Wednesday, 1 June 2022.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.

Book Your Evening Tickets Today!

I’d like to warmly invite you to come and see the show at an evening of your choice.  

Tickets are selling fast. Get in quickly and book seats before we sell out!

Bookings are open via our website link under the heading ‘Events’ on our webpage.  

>>> Click here to view information about booking tickets.

Tickets will not be available at the door, so please ensure you book early, to get a seat on the day you desire.


Ms Alison Jinga

Head of Drama and Entertainment and Producer of Cosi 


In support of the Visual Arts & Visual Design curriculum, Years 11 and 12 Visual Arts, and Year 11 Visual Design students will be attending an excursion to the Art Gallery of NSW on Monday, 20 June 2022. 

Students will attend the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize to provide further stimulus and direction for the theoretical and practical components of the Visual Arts and Visual Design course.

Students will also explore the Daniel Boyd and Public Gallery spaces to broaden their understanding of audience participation in installation and traditional works.    

Start time: Period 4 – 12:05pm – 3pm. Students will attend periods 1 – 3 of their timetable. 

Uniform: Students are to wear full academic school uniform (including blazer).

Do I Need to Give Permission?

Yes. Please complete the permission slip for the excursion no later than Monday, 6 June 2022.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission note.

If you have any questions regarding the incursion, please do not hesitate to contact the Visual Arts Department.


Ms Jenna Turnbull 

Visual Arts Teacher 


The Sydney Morning Herald and HSC Careers Expo is on Friday, 3 June 2022 at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park.

The HSC and Careers Expo is to allow students to discover and to investigate Courses and Careers for which they may apply for 2023.

The Expo features over 120 exhibitors, seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, careers and study advice. Students should be encouraged to attend seminars and to collect booklets, brochures and information for courses or jobs in which they are interested and intend pursuing as careers.

Students will travel to and from the HSC and Careers Expo by hired buses leaving the College at 8:45am and returning by 11:55 am. The total cost will be $20.00 and will be added to the fees account. Entry is valid for all three days of the Expo, so students are encouraged to return to the Expo with their parents.

The Expo will continue on Saturday, 4 June and Sunday, 5 June from 9am to 3pm.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



Ms Elizabeth Watson

Director of Teaching & Learning
