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Last Friday, the Old Boys’ Union generously donated Rosary bracelets to our Year 5 and Year 7 students in time for our annual May procession.

These beautiful wooden bead bracelets and ‘How to Say the Rosary’ cards, replaced the usual rosary beads, and were made by one of our Waverley parents, Rita Di Napoli, from Rita Palma Candles and Gifts. The Old Boys Union and Rita’s generosity in helping facilitate this, was greatly appreciated.

Year 7 Rosary OBU

Year 7 Rosary OBU

Each of these students will be able to wear these at school and beyond the Waverley gates, as a reminder that God is always close, and as a special devotion to Mary, just like our founder Blessed Edmund Rice.

Year 7 Rosary OBU

Year 7 Rosary OBU

The Year 7s were also treated to a BBQ by the Old Boys, and greatly enjoyed their afternoon.

Many thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Year 7 Rosary OBU BBQ


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


>>> Click here to view the fixtures.


Read more: Canteen support greatly valued, Cross Country Top 10 winners, two NSW CIS Swimming champs, new consequences for Waverley College uniform breaches, 1st AFL, Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition Representation and Debating, Water Polo and NSW Touch selections, check your team for this Saturday’s games, College tutorials have started, upcoming NSW School Snow Sports events.


Round 1 of Winter Activities

A big thank you and well done to the whole Waverley College Years 5-12 community, on the first full round of winter fixtures last Saturday. Whilst the rain still impacted, and there were a number of cancellations prior to and on the day, those matches that did go ahead were all played in a good spirit and with good sportsmanship throughout the day.

Canteen Support is Greatly Valued

I especially want to thank all of the parents who stepped in and assisted in the canteen, the after match 1sts functions, and at the BBQ last Saturday, as well as those parents who were at Queens Park from early Saturday morning into the evening. We are so blessed to have these parents who volunteer so much of their time to ensure we are delivering a high-quality program and hospitality for visiting school communities. We would love to have more parents involved, to better share the load! 

Cross Country – Waverley Celebrates Four Top 10 Winners

I also want to thank Mr Jeremy Roff and Mr Nicholas Brophy for their hard work in hosting the first Cross Country event at North Ryde last weekend, in some very challenging conditions. Well done to Evan Rowbowtham, Joshua Peters, Campbell Groves and Dominic McGrath who all finished in the top ten for their respective divisions.

Congratulations to our Two NSW CIS Swimming Champs

Well done also to Ryan McNamara (Year 7), on placing first in his three events at NSWCIS Swimming this week in 12yrs 50m free, 50m fly, 100m free. This is a huge achievement.

Ryan McNamara

Ryan McNamara

Special mention to Scott Swinburn (Year 11) on his second place in the 200m backstroke.

Thank you to our Aquatics Convenor Ms Nicola Silsby and Head Swim coach Mr Nick Nezval for assisting with the CAS swim team on Monday and Tuesday.

Are You Wearing the Full Waverley College Uniform?

Some reminders to all students, that only the new Waverley College attire is acceptable. If you are at any sporting venue to spectate and support, you must be in full Waverley College Co-curricular uniform (ie Waverley College sporting attire) OR Waverley College winter academic uniform.

Last week, there were, unfortunately, a number of students that were wearing variations of attire including non-school hoodies, shorts and other items. From this weekend, there will be consequences. If any student is not in the full correct attire, they will be asked to leave the venue.

Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Student wearing the new academic uniform

Winter Academic Uniform

1st AFL

I had the pleasure of watching the 1sts AFL on Friday evening, in what was a very physical and hard-fought contest against Newington. It was great to see so many students there supporting the team, but can I also request that those students ensure they are correctly attired.

Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition Representation and Debating

We also had Christian Kitas representing the College at the prestigious Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition last Friday evening. Our Debating teams have their first rounds of CSDA Debating away to Loreto Kirribilli this coming Friday, and we wish all of those students and staff well. 

Water Polo and NSW Touch Selections – We Salute Ehran and Sunny

I want to make special mention of Ehren Little (Year 10), who was recently selected in the Australian U16 Water Polo side as a 15-year-old. This is an amazing achievement and we will recognise Ehren later this year.

I also want to congratulate Sunny Steyn (Year 7), who competed at the NSW Touch selection championships, where he was the top try scorer and was selected in the NSW merit squad.

Sunny Steyn

Sunny Steyn

Check Your Team for This Saturday’s Games

We have a big weekend this weekend with home games against Knox and Riverview. I want to wish all teams well.

We will make a number of selection changes this week at training, based on last weekend’s performances, and all students need to ensure they are aware of the teams they are playing in this Saturday.

College Tutorials Have Started

We commenced our Year 12 tutorials this week, and students and parents will be emailed the available schedules each week.

Literacy and Numeracy Tutorials also recommenced this week in the College Library. These are open to any student wishing to seek support in these academic areas. Times are 3:30-4:40pm and students just have to show up. The programs are repeated over two days to allow students to still meet their co-curricular requirements.

Students during a senior study group session in the library

Upcoming NSW School Snow Sports Events

We have had some recent inquiries regarding students entering the NSW School Snow Sports events in the July holidays. Gratefully we have a parent, Ms Paula McCabe, who is prepared to organise this for any student at a competitive level in snowsports.

Please also note that it is the parents’ and students’ responsibilities to arrange entry and accommodation. Paula can be emailed:


Good luck to all activities this weekend.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of co-curricular


Adele Cutbush

Ms Adele Cutbush, College Registered Nurse

Parents and Carers,

There have been a number of updates regarding Household and Close Contacts of people with COVID-19 and Rapid Antigen Home testing kits. 

Rapid Antigen Testing Kits

This week, the College will be distributing additional rapid antigen tests (RATs) to your son. In line with the Department of Education and NSW Health, we have moved from prescribed surveillance testing, to what is termed ‘discretionary testing.’

We now require students to administer a rapid antigen test in the following circumstances:

Families are required to notify NSW Health and the College should their son receive a positive RAT or PCR test, and then isolate for seven days. Students should only return to school if they are free from cold and flu symptoms after the seven-day isolation period.

COVID-19 Household Contacts

In line with the updated NSW Health guidelines and the CSNSW COVID-19 Advice Policy, Waverley College is implementing the following:

>>> Click here to view the newly-published NSW Health Guidelines for Household Contacts.

Thanks in advance.

Health Update 

Our community is currently in very good shape, with low numbers of COVID-19 and close contacts being reported.

As at 6/5 COVID-19 Close Contacts
Year 5 1 0
Year 6 1 0
Year 7 0 0
Year 8 1 2
Year 9 1 0
Year 10 0 1
Year 11 1 0
Year 12 0 0
Staff 3 1
Total  8 4


Mr Patrick Brennan – Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Ms Adele Cutbush – College Registered Nurse


A Competitive Start!

Last weekend, Waverley College Rugby played its first trial fixture against The King’s School. The King’s School, who are part of the GPS competition, provided some very competitive matches.

From the 23 matches played, Waverley recorded 15 wins and came home in second place in eight matches. This was a great start to the season, with plenty of improvements to come, as coaches continue to work through the selection process to ensure players are graded appropriately.

I would like to particularly commend the 13s age group, from the mighty 13Fs to the 13As, who commenced the season on a high note, by winning convincingly across all grades. Well done!

CAS/GPS/ISA Trial Round Vs St Ignatius’ College Riverview

This weekend, Waverley College play against St Ignatius’ College, Riverview. Riverview, like Waverley, are a school who love their rugby. The fixture will certainly require our students to step up to another level and aim to play at their very best.

Our 13s, 16s and Opens are fortunate to enjoy another home match at Queens Park (aside from the 13Es and 13Fs), while our 14s and 15s play at the St Ignatius’ playing fields, located within the school grounds.

We wish all players the very best for another successful weekend.

What are These New Rules?

You might have noticed some new rules, which have popped up this season. This has included the ‘Goal Line Dropout’ rather than the ’22m Dropout’, which we have known over the years.

It has also included the new 50:22 rule, which is similar to the 40:20 rules in rugby league, and encourages teams to make attacking kicks and breathe some more life into the game.

Are you interested in reading about these new rules?

>>> Click here to view more information about the new rules.

15s Rugby 2021

Referees – Parent and Friend Interest

While we are enjoying having our rugby back at Queens Park, we have recently discovered a shortage in match referees and assistant referees (touch judges), to assist with our matches. We would certainly welcome any support from parents and friends in the community who may be able to donate some time to assist as officials.

For those who may be unsure about the rules, and how to be a referee, we are very fortunate at Waverley College to have a wonderful referee coach, Mr Richard Chen, who can train any interested people in our community.

For those who may be interested (if you are qualified or not), please email Mr John McCoy

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Queens Park BBQ and Canteen

We would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to our wonderful parents who assisted on the BBQ and canteen duties at Queens Park last weekend.

If you are able to assist at the Queens Park Canteen and BBQ this weekend, we would love your support!

We are expecting another big crowd at Queens Park this weekend. We would certainly appreciate any offers of support – even if you are only able to help on the Canteen for an hour while your son warms up for his match!

Should any parents, carers and friends be free to assist at any stage this weekend (or throughout the season), please register your interests on the 2022 online roster below:

>>> Click here to sign up to register your support at Queens Park BBQ and/or Canteen.

Rugby ISTS Indigenous Round

Venue for Presentation Night

We are currently planning for some of our end-of-season events. This includes the Rugby Presentation Night, which is traditionally a wonderful end-of-season celebratory and social occasion for players and their families.

Do any community members have ideas about possible venues which might be able to cater for larger groups? If you do have any ideas, please feel free to email these to Mr McCoy.

I look forward to see you at Queens Park for our upcoming fixtures against Riverview!



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Waverley are proud to be entering a team into this year’s City2Surf, supporting the local charity ‘Running for Premature Babies.’ This charity provides life-saving neonatal equipment and helps save the lives of sick and premature babies Australia wide. The charity was founded by a Waverley mum after losing all three of her prematurely born triplet sons to their prematurity, 16 years ago.

>>> Click here to view more information about this incredible cause.

A free team running singlet will be given to all families who raise $200 for Running for Premature Babies – you can opt for your fundraising page to be created during the registration process. 

This team is open to students, friends and family of Waverley College. Early bird entries are still available with free postage on running bibs. Entrants will also be given the opportunity to access a training program through Waverley College.   

How Do I Join the Waverley College Team?

>>> Click here to join the Waverley College team and support a terrific cause.

The password to enter the team is: WavCol22


Please direct any questions to Cath Lipman or Jaz Dolso 


Ms Cath Lipman

Religion Teacher


How proud we were of our cadets as they participated in the ANZAC Assembly in front of the whole school on Thursday. With the front of the gym lined with VC Guard, Catafalque Party and Flag Party, and cadets interspersed amongst the school, our Junior School boys were particularly enthralled with the service.

We thank the boys who held vigil with a candle, lit to commemorate the lives of the 65 Waverley Old Boys who lost their lives in World Wars 1 and 2.

It was wonderful to see the school community following the cadets’ lead, and conducting themselves with humility and respect to mark this very special day in the Australian Calendar.

ANZAC Day Assembly 2022

ANZAC Day Assembly 2022

WO2 Angus Birrell (Year 11) Plays ‘The Last Post.’

ANZAC Day Assembly 2022

We were honoured to be invited to St Catherine’s on Tuesday to participate in the St Catherine’s ANZAC Assembly. Ably commanded by the Senior Cadet Under Officer, Zachary Straker, the parade was a fitting addition to this moving event. Congratulations to CUO Alison Zaczek who commanded the Catafalque Party to perfection in front of her school for the first time.

Photo courtesy Theo Miller

CUO Alison Zaczek commanding the Catafalque Party to perfection in front of St Catherine’s for the first time – photo: courtesy Theo Miller

Photo courtesy Theo Miller

Photo: courtesy Theo Miller

Photo courtesy Theo Miller

Photo: courtesy Theo Miller

Congratulations also to CUO Ian Vuk, whose powerful command voice ensured all were aware of his intention.

The occasion marked the success of the partnership between our two schools, with both Dr Townsend and Mr Leddie joining our Liaison Officer, MAJ(AAC) David Clancy in the Official Party.

Dr Townsend

Dr Townsend at the lectern – photo: courtesy Theo Miller

MAJ(AAC) David Clancy

MAJ(AAC) David Clancy – photo: courtesy Theo Miller

Thank you to Directing Staff 2LT(AAC) Angus McPherson, 2LT(AAC) Eric Cordato and Ella Goldsmith for their assistance, and most especially to 2LT(AAC) Max Petrov for preparing the guard for the day.

Photo courtesy Theo Miller

Photo: courtesy Theo Miller


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


The Year 12 Mothers and Sons Luncheon is fast approaching. It will be held on Sunday 29 May from 11am-2pm at Doltone House in Pyrmont, for the Class of 2022 and their mothers.

Have you bought your ticket? If not, RSVP’s are essential and close Saturday, 14 May!

>>> Click here to view more information and to book your tickets today


Waverley College Parents’ Association


Year 12 Marine Studies students will be undertaking their PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Course with Abyss Dive Centre on Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 May.

Parent/Carer permission is required.

>>> Click here to view full excursion information and to complete the Google form permission slip.

I kindly ask all parents/carers to complete the Google form permission slip no later than Tuesday, 9 May.

Please note, students will make their own way to and from the venue. If necessary, I have a few spare seats in my car. *Please indicate on the above permission slip, how your child will be making their way to and from the dive sites each day.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College via email or phone: 9369 0649.

Marine Studies students learn to Scuba Dive

Marine Studies students learn to Scuba Dive


Ms Gemma Brown

Head of Science


The Music Supporters’ AGM will be held on Wednesday, 18 May at 5pm in the Performing Arts Centre. Please come to the lower level and the meeting will be held in Room P11.

Please come along and find out about the Music Supporters’ Group, upcoming events, and ways to become involved. Christina Leonard as President of The Music Supporters’ Group can be contacted by email:

Please email Christine if you:

New members are welcome. We look forward to seeing many of you at this meeting.

2021 Music Festival a Resounding Success!


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


The Waverley College Piano Competition will be held on Tuesday, 7 and Wednesday, 8 June 2022.

Open to students both enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program within the College and those taking lessons externally, the Competition offers an opportunity for students to show off their very best playing, whilst under the scrutiny of a respected invited adjudicator.

It provides a chance to build confidence and performing skills in front of an audience, including their peers, as well as the incentive to learn and prepare repertoire to the highest level possible. Additionally, it allows the occasion to hear other students in the same area of study and to compare performances and receive helpful notes from an expert adjudicator.

It’s all about taking part and enjoying both the process and chance to share your music with others … and possibly taking away one of the prizes on offer for each Division!  

Winners will be offered the privilege of performing at the Chamber Music Festival, to be held later in the year.


Would You Like More Information and an Application Form?

These are available from Ms Kossenberg, PAC Coordinator – please email 

When Are Applications Due?

Get thinking about what you would like to play, and submit your application form by Monday, 30 May 2022.


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


This is a reminder that the Online NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy will run next week from 10 to 12 May 2022

The NAPLAN timetable can be accessed in the following links:

*It is also recommended that students reboot their laptops on the morning of a test, to minimise issues with the online portal.


At the start of each test, students must line up in base classes in alphabetical order in the Centenary Quad.

Students must bring:

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site below, to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

>>> Click here to view this public demonstration site.


If you have any questions regarding this practice test, please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum, Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum, or Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support.

Additional resources


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Selected Year 11 students are invited to represent the College in an Interfaith Dialogue opportunity on Wednesday, 11 May. Students will interact with peers from other faiths, including Judaism and Islam, at The Great Synagogue, Sydney.

Please complete the permission slip below by Monday, 9 May.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.

Should you have any questions, please email Ms Martina Cooper:


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religion
