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On Friday, 20 May 2022, students in Year 9 will participate in a Geography field trip at South Maroubra Headland. The cohort will conduct fieldwork and undertake activities relating to the ‘Environmental Change and Management’ unit of work.

This excursion requires parent/carer permission. 

>>> Click here to view and complete the excursion permission form.

I kindly ask all parents/carers to complete the Google form permission slip no later than Monday, 16 May.

Please note:

  1. Students who have elected to catch the bus from Waverley College to the venue (via a Google Form document email) will be required to arrive at school no later than 8:30am and wait in the Centenary Quad. The bus will depart promptly at 8:45am. Students will leave South Maroubra Beach at 3pm and take the bus back to Waverley College. The bus will arrive at school by 3:15pm.
  2. Students who have elected to NOT catch the bus from Waverley College to the venue, will need to make their own way and arrive at Byrne Reserve South Maroubra no later than 9am. These students WILL BE DISMISSED from South Maroubra Beach at 3pm.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College via email: or Mr Ben Steel via email:


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE


On Wednesday, 11 May 2022, Year 10 students will be participating in the Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Test during Periods 1-4 in the College Gymnasium. This is a mandatory test and you may remember that all students sat a similar test upon entry to Year 7 and Year 8.  

This test forms a key part of Waverley College effectively and consistently measuring the academic growth of all students. When combined with the NAPLAN data, the College will have four years of data measurement to provide feedback to you, regarding your son. We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the school and to assist with subject selection pathways in Year 11.

After the testing day you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date.

How does my son prepare for these tests?

There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son is progressing during Year 10. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully, and use every minute to maximum effect.

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day?

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away.

Information about the Testing Day

Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Time Schedule:

Venue: Lacey Gymnasium. We will meet promptly at 8:35am in Braidwood in House groups.

On the Day:


Mrs Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Please note, the new football jerseys are now available at the Uniform Shop.

We are working to have the online order capability for parents up ASAP.

Until then, parents and carers can drop in or call the uniform shop, or the boys can come up at recess or lunch.

Term 2 Trading Hours for the Uniform Shop

P: (02) 9369 0709


Location: Level 3, Centenary Building, Senior School Campus (enter via reception and take the lift to the 3rd Floor), 131 Birrell Street Waverley


Mr Edward Davis

Convenor of Football


Are you a member of our Waverley College family who could spare a few hours to volunteer in our College canteen on the Senior School campus?

Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet other community members. We’d love to have you!

We highly value the assistance of our volunteer workers, as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for students.

We warmly welcome all members of our community – mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, carers.

Lunch is provided for all volunteers on the day.

>>> Click here to indicate your availability and sign up!


Ms Nina Kormanyos

Senior Canteen Manager


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


Welcome back to all boys and families for the commencement of Term 2. It is a short and sharp term of eight weeks, where the boys need to hit the ground running and be well planned. At the assembly, I shared with them a short clip about leadership from Simon Sinek to assist them in filling out their SMART goals on page 87 of their school diary. 

I would encourage you to watch this clip and have a conversation with your son about the processes he is going to change, develop or enhance, in order to achieve his goals for this term. I believe Simon explains very well the consistent approach required for improvement across the boys’ cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions. 

>>> Click here to view the 3:56-minute clip about leadership from Simon Sinek.

Health Update 

Our community is currently in very good shape with low numbers of COVID-19 and close contacts being reported. 

As at 29/4 COVID-19 Close Contacts
Year 5 1 0
Year 6 0 0
Year 7 1 0
Year 8 1 1
Year 9 0 1
Year 10 2 0
Year 11 2 0
Year 12 0 0
Staff 1 0
Total 8 2

Our health professionals predict that the Flu season will spike this year, due to many people having vaccine fatigue. Therefore, it is important to keep encouraging your son to maintain good hygiene standards. Carrying his own small container of hand sanitiser on his person, particularly when travelling on public transport and being far away from a wash basin, will reduce the risks of catching influenza which is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause significant illness.

This year, it’s even more important to get the influenza vaccine, as we are more vulnerable.

>>> Click here to view Australian Government Department of Health advice about the flu in 2022.

The College will be maintaining our regular spot cleaning of all surfaces across both campuses. 

Close contact / Household contact 

Please contact Ms Adele Cutbush, our College Nurse, if your son is deemed a close contact or household contact. Under the recent NSW Health Guidelines, he is permitted to attend school if he does not have any symptoms. He must wear a mask whilst indoors and take a daily RAHT test.


I have included an extract from my address at ANZAC Day assembly – the total number of Australians killed at Gallipoli is 8,709. In all, 61,522 Australians lost their lives in the First World War. As we know, it was not the war to end all wars, and the world was again at war some 20 years later, with the outbreak of World War II, where an even larger human price was paid.

This year, we again see war occurring in Europe with a number of countries including Australia supporting Ukraine with weapons and resources from afar. We pray that this war ends soon and does not escalate into something larger and more catastrophic. Former United Kingdom prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, sums it up well: “In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers.”

Congratulations to our Cadet Unit who proudly represented us at the Coogee and Waverley Council Services on Monday, and at our own service yesterday, along with St Catherine’s School students. I received a number of letters from members of the public who were impressed by their reverence, character and leadership. 


I represented our community this week at the Yom Hashoah Day (Holocaust Remembrance Day). More than six million Jews were murdered or perished in the Holocaust, as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories. Holocaust survivor Olga Horak OAM movingly told her story of survival and provided the audience with greater understanding of the atrocities of the Holocaust. Her message was clear: “Always remember. Please do not ever forget.” 

Olga is one of the founding members of Sydney’s Jewish Museum. Please click the following link to watch this year’s commemoration. The speeches begin at the 20 minute mark.

>>> Click here to view this year’s Yom Hashoah Day commemoration.

Year 12 HSC 

For more details about the Waverley Academic Tutorial Program, please read the newsletter article authored by Mrs Elizabeth Watson, Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning.

The below HSC resource is being offered by the Woollahra, Randwick and Waverley Council Libraries and is of benefit to our boys. The ‘Ride the HSC Wave’ lecture series is open to students of Senior HSC High School Years 11 and 12 from 9-26 May. The series provides workshops, tips, advice and insight into HSC topic areas and is delivered by educational professionals. 

>>> Click here for more information about Woollahra Library’s ‘Ride the HSC Wave’ Lecture Program.


This term St Clare’s College and Waverley College are staging Cosi, a classic Australian play by Louis Nowra in the PAC Theatre from June 7-9. Tickets will sell out fast!

To book tickets to Cosi, please go to the College website to choose your day and seat/s.

>>> Click here to book tickets for Cosi.

Professional Learning : Cognitive Load Theory

Waverley College continues our commitment to provide quality professional learning for our staff to ensure they are kept up-to-date with the latest pedagogical research and are engaging with high impact teaching strategies (HITS).

The Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Learning Statement asserts:

“Effective professional learning fosters self and collective confidence, promotes innovation in pedagogical practice and equips people with the skills to respond to current realities and alternative futures. This builds a learning culture of a shared sense of purpose and responsibility for improving the learning outcomes of young people.” (EREA 2022, p7).

Professional Development

Professional Learning this week focused on Working Memory and Cognitive Load Theory. Our sessions were facilitated by leading expert Amanda Hicks. Amanda has had over 26 years’ experience in education in numerous roles, has completed five university degrees in education, and is currently completing her doctoral studies in Mental Health and Social Work.

Cognitive load theory (CLT) emerged from the work of educational psychologist John Sweller and colleagues in the 1980s and 1990s. Contemporary educational researcher, Dylan Wiliam (2017) supports this research, and has described cognitive load theory as “the single most important thing for teachers to know.”

So what is CLT? In summary, CLT is about optimising the load on students’ working memories to help maximise their learning. This can be achieved when students are given explicit instruction accompanied by lots of practice and feedback. (NSW Government: Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation, 2018).

Hattie summarises explicit instruction as an approach in which: 

“The teacher decides the learning intentions and success criteria, makes them transparent to the students, demonstrates them by modelling, evaluates if they understand what they have been told by checking for understanding, and retelling them what they have been told by tying it all together with closure.” (Hattie 2009, p206).

Professional Learning

Educational researchers have identified a number of strategies that can help teachers to maximise student learning by optimising the load on students’ working memories. Amanda guided our staff through a series of evidenced-based practical strategies:

Strategy 1: Tailor lessons according to students’ existing knowledge and skill.

Strategy 2: Use worked examples to teach students new content or skills.

Strategy 3: Gradually increase independent problem-solving as students become more proficient.

Strategy 4: Cut out inessential information.

Strategy 5: Present all the essential information together.

Strategy 6: Simplify complex information by presenting it both orally and visually.

Strategy 7: Encourage students to visualise concepts and procedures that they have learnt. 

(CESE 2018, p3).

Explicit instruction and CLT pedagogical strategies directly align with the three Learning Principles of the current Waverley College Teaching and Learning Framework: Visible Learning, Lifelong Learning and Dynamic Learning.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Teaching & Learning Framework.

Cognisant that “effective schools keep up to date with developments in research and professional knowledge” (Australian Council for Educational Research 2016, p12), Waverley College commits to critically reflecting on our teaching practices and principles of learning.

I look forward to sharing the next iteration of the Waverley College Teaching and Learning Framework in the coming months. 


Mrs Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Read more: Year 11 Dinner Cruise, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ parent event, TikTok and Teens, Terms 2-3 winter uniform.


Year 11 Dinner Cruise

The Waverley College Year 10 (2021) Dinner Dance provides a formal social opportunity for boys to host a partner at a dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour. This is a part of our Wellbeing Framework promoting respectful relationships.

Date: Thursday, 26 May 2022

Time: 6pm – 10pm (meet at Star City Casino Wharf at 5:30pm)

Venue: Bella Vista Cruise Ship

Embark/Disembark: 6pm Star City Casino Wharf, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont

Dress: Smart formal for all guests – boys to wear suit with jacket, tie and trousers

Cost: $100 per person, which includes four hours of cruising, a three-course meal, unlimited soft drinks/juice package, DJ and security

RSVP: Essential. Bookings open Friday, 6 May. >>> Click here to RSVP.

Further information will be provided to Year 11 students this week.

If you have any further questions, please email Ms Suzi Sucur (Administrator Wellbeing Centre) at

Year 11 Cruise

It’s Time We Talked – Parent Event 

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the 100 parents and carers who attended this event on Tuesday evening. ‘It’s Time We Talked’ is a violence-prevention initiative that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector to understand and address the influence of pornography.

At times confronting, the dangers of early and repeated exposure to pornography by our young people were made clear.

The College is committed to addressing this issue within our Years 5-12 Wellbeing Framework and in the PDHPE syllabus.

TikTok and Teens

While many Waverley College students (and some parents) enjoy using TikTok and the ‘fun’ associated with it, recent investigations and research indicate that it presents a number of dangers, that in many cases the students themselves (and parents and carers) are unaware of, and, even when aware, can find difficult to address.

In recent years, and particularly during the lockdown periods of the pandemic, TikTok use seems to have grown exponentially, and the app seems to have taken on a ‘life of its own’, impacting many students’ wellbeing, mental health and learning.

The College is seeing a rise in targeted online bullying involving our students depicted in TikTok videos. A rise is also being seen in students appearing in TikTok videos wearing school uniform.

How Much do you Know About TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that has become increasingly popular since its rebranding in 2018. It hosts a myriad of content types, with the top category ‘Entertainment’ achieving over 535 billion views. 

TikTok is primarily a video-sharing service that uses an algorithm to create targeted ‘for you’ pages, and it provides a never-ending stream of content. The minimum age requirements are 13 to have an account, and 16 to host a public account (which enables direct messaging between users). However, users don’t have to be logged in to see content and to use the ‘search’ function.

TikTok is now the most downloaded social media app in the world. It is especially popular with children and young adults.

Students on mobile phones

The Cyberbullying Research Centre praises TikTok as a fun and engaging way to stay connected with each other and the things that young people love. Some of the platform’s positive impacts on young people are that it:

TikTok’s popularity continued to rise during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the platform providing an opportunity for connection and entertainment during lockdowns.

Student on mobile phone

Parent Controls – Family Pairing and Digital Wellbeing Settings

There are currently two ways to restrict content shown to children on TikTok:

‘Family Pairing’ allows a parent to attach their child’s account to their own, see the direct messages that their child receives and set usage time limits.

‘Digital Wellbeing’ allows a user to set their own limits on usage on their account.

However, these controls have not prevented dangerous trends and behaviours, predatory actions and privacy issues arising. It is not difficult to imagine a tech-savvy child avoiding these controls, by starting up a different account to the one that is linked to/has limits set by their parents. Some children may not have any parent controls on their use of TikTok.

Tik Tok on phone

Dangers for Students and Their Schools

Using any social media platform can compromise a person’s privacy. If you scroll through TikTok, you won’t have to look far to find Australian school students posting dances, parodies and pranks, providing the perfect opportunity for revealing personal and private details and for unsavoury behaviour. The reasons that these posts can be dangerous for students and their schools include:

In addition, the extent to which TikTok stores and shares user data is described by Business Insider as “extraordinary.”

TikTok’s own Privacy Statement says: “We share your data with our third-party service providers we rely on to help provide you with the Platform. These providers include cloud storage providers and other IT service providers. We also share your information with our business partners, advertisers, analytics and search engine providers…”.

TikTok can also analyse data stored on a device’s clipboard and its browser search history. A Privacy Australia article also outlines additional security concerns in relation to TokTok’s data harvesting and its links to China.

TikTok China

TikTok and Your Child’s Wellbeing

As well as privacy and child protection issues, TikTok has also been linked to physical dangers including increased mental illnesses and worsening attention spans.

In the past, the platform has also been used to encourage children to participate in dangerous Internet ‘challenges’ where a user records themselves doing an activity and prompting others to join in.

A challenge that has become popular in Australia is the ‘Black-out’ or ‘Thumb Blowing Pass-Out’ challenge, in which a person will make themselves hyper-ventilate and then hold their breath until they pass out. Earlier this year, a Queensland ambulance spokesperson said to 7-News: “There were four calls in one hour in southeast Queensland and all of those children needed transport to hospital.” There have been deaths of young children linked to this challenge.

The TikTok algorithm can also compound existing mental health problems. A recent ABC investigation into the TikTok algorithm describes the platform as “obsessive” and recounts how it influenced young people’s eating habits, resulting in obsessive calorie counting and eating disorders. The 2021 ABC article reports Dr Sukunesan from Swinburne University saying: “these TikToks effectively teach people how to have an eating disorder, and the algorithm can lead them to more severe videos, such as ones that promote self-harming.”

Teenage boy with mobile phone

What is Waverley College Doing?

The College tracks TikTok usage and flags events involving names and images associated with the College. We keep abreast of the types of behaviours that are being promoted in trending TikTok videos, and have appropriate response mechanisms in place to promote the safety of students during Wellbeing time and at College assemblies.

Waverley College continues to:

Wellbeing Conlon

The all school Welcome Assembly in Term 1, 2021.

The College continues to follow the advice of the eSafety Commissioner ensuring that we make resources available for parents to ensure that their children are being safe online.

The College also has risk management processes and controls in place to mitigate against student safety issues that may arise. These are regularly reviewed and include controls such as policies with rules and responses for:

Terms 2-3 Winter Uniform

All boys are now required to be in winter uniform until the end of Term 3. This includes a blazer and tie. The College has high expectations of our students, particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. As was the case last year, boys failing to do this will be subject to a Friday detention. The positive message we give to the public through our uniform and appearance is a clear statement of what it means to be a Waverley College student and their pride in themselves and the College.

Some boys took the Easter break as an opportunity to experiment with different hairstyles. The expectation was that boys met the following guidelines on their return to the College. I thank the parents who supported the College.

Blazer and tie

If boys do not comply with a request to address any breaches by their Head of House, they will then have three options:

1) Go immediately to the barber at Charing Cross and have the inappropriate haircut rectified

2) Rectify the inappropriate haircut themselves with clippers supplied by the College

3) Return home until such time as the inappropriate haircut is rectified


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


2022 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website from 2023, for all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2022) students into Year 7 (2023). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Years 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2023 for any applicable sundries, excursion fees and technology levies. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

 Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2022 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


We are pleased to inform you that our CANVAS Learning Management system is now open for Years 7 to 12 parents/carers in lieu of a Term 1 progress report. The benefit of this, is that you will be able to access assessment task results and any feedback for formative tasks in real-time, rather than waiting for a static report snapshot.

If you have not already signed up for access, the instructions and information you need is below.

Further information on the purpose of launching this system, and instructions for access, can be viewed in the short video and overview instructions below.

>>> Click here to view the short video and overview instructions.

Please make sure you save the below weblink to your Internet browser for easy access to the login page:

Do You Need Technical Support?

For technical support, please contact outlining the issue or use the CANVAS Helpdesk, found on the dashboard of your CANVAS page.

It is highly recommended to download the Waverley College app, as all important notices and updates are sent out via the app. The app can be found in both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, just search for Waverley College.


Mrs Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Ms Jenna Turnbull, Innovation Coordinator



This Sunday, 1 May marks Waverley College’s 112th celebration of our annual May Procession. This is a sacred celebration of our College founder Blessed Edmund Rice and our devotion to Mary, Jesus’ mother. 

Our special guest at this year’s May Procession is General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC (Retd), and we look forward to having many of our Old Boys join us for this special celebration.

Unfortunately, due to the forecasted rain this Sunday, we are relocating this year’s May Procession from the Centenary Quad to the Br Lacey Gymnasium. Regrettably, this reduces capacity.

We will be live-streaming the May Procession for the community, and have made the event compulsory for students in Years 7-12. Students in Years 5-6 therefore, are not required to attend, and are encouraged to watch the May Procession from home.

The May Procession will take place from 12 pm to 1:30 pm, and will be on regardless of the weather. Could students in Years 7-12  please arrive in the Centenary Quadrangle by 11:30am and have their names marked off by their Mentor. Full winter uniform, including blazer and tie, must be worn.

>>> Click here to view the livestream of Waverley College’s 112th May Procession.


Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing

Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity & Student Formation



A warm welcome back to all our families as we commence Term 2. It has been lovely hearing all the holiday stories as I wander the corridors, and even more fabulous to hear how happy the boys are to be back at school. 

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Term 2 


May Procession – Updated Arrangements For Junior School

This Sunday, 1 May marks Waverley College’s 112th celebration of our annual May Procession. This is a sacred celebration of our College founder Blessed Edmund Rice and our devotion to Mary, Jesus’ mother. 

Our special guest at this year’s May Procession is General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC (Retd), and we look forward to having many of our Old Boys join us for this special celebration.

Unfortunately, due to the forecasted rain this Sunday, we are relocating this year’s May Procession from the Centenary Quad to the Br Lacey Gymnasium. Regrettably, this reduces capacity.

We will be live-streaming the May Procession for the community, and have made the event compulsory for students in Years 7-12 only.

*Students in Years 5-6 therefore, are not required to attend, and are encouraged to watch the May Procession from home.

The May Procession will take place from 12pm to 1:30pm, and will be on regardless of the weather.

>>> Click here on Sunday, 1 May at 12pm to view the livestream of Waverley College’s 112th May Procession.

111th May Procession on Sunday 2 May 2021

111th May Procession in 2021


Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing

Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity & Student Formation


Haircuts and Uniform

Please read the following reminders about haircuts and uniform:

Please refer to page 24 of the College Diary for our Haircut Policy, and pages 36 -37 for our Uniform Policy.

WriteOn Competition 2022

A reminder for any students who would like to participate in the 2022 WriteOn Competition.

>>> Click here to view information about the 2022 WriteOn Competition.

WriteOn Competition 2022

Mother’s Day Mass – RSVP Today!

Thank you to the many members of our community who RSVP’d to our Mother’s Day Mass which is being held on Friday, 6 May – Midday at Mary Immaculate Church. Following Mass, afternoon tea will be held in the Junior School. We very much look forward to having families back on site for this celebration.

>>> Click here to view your invitation and to RSVP to the Mother’s Day Mass.

Mothers’ Day Gifts

Our wonderful Parents’ Association has put together a bundle of Mothers’ Day gift ideas for your son to purchase. Your son can also view these gifts outside Mrs Coupe’s office. 

ORDER NOW! Closes Sunday, 1 May

>>> Click here to view and purchase our Mother’s Day gift ideas.


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Mother’s Day Mass – Photo Request

A reminder to send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation. These need to be submitted no later than Tuesday, 3 May. 

Please send through all photos to:

Sacrament of Confirmation at Mary Immaculate Church, Waverley

A reminder that the Parent Information Night for those who are seeking to enrol, or who have already enrolled their sons for the Sacrament of Confirmation for 2022, is on Wednesday, 4 May at 6:30pm in the Church.

Please note, this is for students in Year 6 and are part of the Mary Immaculate Church.

If you are yet to enrol your son, and you would like further information, please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas via email:

Project Compassion Easter Raffle

The Junior School students are to be commended for their wonderful generosity in supporting Project Compassion this year. During the season of Lent, the 5 Gold class generously donated Easter eggs to gift three beautiful Easter baskets and seven individual Easter prizes. The support from all the boys in buying tickets was incredible. The Raffle raised over $1,100.00 for Project Compassion, bringing our total Lenten Appeal to over $1,500.

The following students and staff were overjoyed when they heard their names called out as the 2022 Easter Raffle winners:

Prize Winner Class
1st Lincoln Hamilton 6 White
2nd Taj Gadd 5 Red
3rd Jack Stewart 6 Gold
4th Mrs Coupe Staff
5th Jonny Karvelas 5 Gold
6th Marlow Moffitt 5 Gold
7th Luca Nott 6 Gold
8th Lucas Pendleton 6 White
9th Finley Norman-Nott 5 White
10th Leo Henderson 5 Blue
Easter raffle winners 2022

Easter raffle winners 2022

Project Compassion


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Home Learning Club – Week 2

 >>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please contact the school via email: or call reception.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Commencement of Winter Co-Curricular Season

Students have now been informed of their selected team for the Winter Co-Curricular Sport Season. Due to the complications of Term 1 in regards to inclement weather, large numbers of sick or close contacts with COVID-19, and the closure of Queens Park, we weren’t able to announce teams at the end of Term 1. Thank you for your understanding around this. We are all looking forward to the commencement of the Winter Sports Season.

I wish all teams the best of luck for Round 1, and know our students will represent the College in the highest regard. I know each and every student will demonstrate good sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for all coaches and officials who will give their time over the weekend.

Regardless of the team your son has been placed in for the season, there are always opportunities for adjustments to be made. Coaches have my support in rewarding students who have demonstrated positive team values and excelling within their own performances, by moving them up. The same goes for adjustments down due to students lacking necessary team values, and who may also require further confidence in their own abilities, which may be achieved through moving down a team. 

This closely links to the Senior School’s selection policies and is encouraged to improve team dynamics, individual performance and build resilience. 

Please take the time to access all the important documents for the season ahead in the link below.

>>> Click here to view Junior Sport Fixtures, Results and Training Schedules.

Armidale Rugby Carnival

It has been two years since Waverley College Junior School attended the Armidale Rugby Carnival, due to the impact of COVID-19. In NSW, this is a carnival steeped in Junior School history, and Waverley plays a large part in that history, having attended all of them in the past two decades. 

The selected team were beaming with excitement about the opportunity to play at this prestigious event. Surprisingly, having made the lengthy six-hour drive to Armidale, the team was full of energy and ready to play their first match on arrival.

Junior School Armidale Rugby Tour 2022

Game 1

We opened up the competition with a game against St Joseph’s Nudgee College, who definitely came prepared to play. Waverley were eager to take control of the game, but Nudgee were too strong, and won the game 22-7. The team learned a great deal and were ready to improve their attack and defence. 

Game 2

Our next opposition was the Caboolture Snakes. It was an intensely tight game that consisted of continuous lead changes. We didn’t believe we played to the best of our abilities and felt that we were lacking confidence, which led us to a two-point loss against a team we knew we could beat. The final score was 12-10.

Game 3

Taking on the close rivalry of Scots College, with a large number of boys knowing each other, this game was meaningful for a lot of reasons. In this game, the team came alive, as Waverley took on the best team in the division 1 pool. It was a tight game from the start, with Scots taking the lead 5-0. Waverley displayed their best defence in this game and although we didn’t score, the boys kept Scots from scoring again. It was a well-fought contest between the two teams, but Scots were too strong and won 5-0.

Game 4

Approaching the final game for the day, against St Patrick’s Strathfield, the boys were exhausted, but still thirsty for a win. Within minutes of the kick-off, Waverley scored. This gave the team confidence and with that they played the rest of the game with skill and flair. The forwards took the ball up, passed to the backs, and a flurry of tries were scored. It was wonderful to see such a team effort and the final result reflected this. The boys were overjoyed with a win 15-5 to finish the day.

Game 5

The carnival concluded with a final game on Sunday morning against Brothers Sunshine Coast. The boys were feeling confident with yesterday’s win and eager to show their best. They came out firing, playing their best football of the tournament, winning 64-0. The boys were able to leave Armidale with their heads held high, and as a coaching staff, we are extremely excited to see how their upcoming season goes.

Junior School Armidale Rugby Tour 2022

Junior School Armidale Rugby Tour 2022

Junior School Armidale Rugby Tour 2022

As staff, we were truly grateful to have such supportive and helpful parents throughout the weekend. I would like to acknowledge and thank all parents who made the trip, and provided that support throughout. In particular, Jamie McCall who was the parent representative, and did a large amount of organisation to ensure the team and parents were looked after for the weekend.

CIS Touch Football Trials

Waverley was thrilled to have had five students selected at the IPSHA Touch Football trials to represent the Junior School at the CIS Touch Football Trials. The following students included: Hunter Leondis, Cooper Misson, Issac Matheson, Jackson MacAskill and Kalan Fisher.

All students trialled at an extremely high standard, and we were very fortunate to have had Hunter, Cooper and Issac selected in the CIS Representative Team. This is a significant achievement for these boys and we’re beyond proud of their accomplishments.

JS CIS Touch Football

Kalan, Jackson, Cooper, Isaac, Hunter

JS CIS Touch Football

Isaac, Cooper, Hunter – CIS Rep Team


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)



Running Club 2022

This year in the Junior School we are encouraging families to join the College team for the upcoming ‘City2Surf.’ To help support our students and families who decide to take on this challenge, a Junior School Running Club will be formed.

The mission of Running Club is to encourage students and families to develop a love of running through participation in various fun runs, such as the City2Surf. This will be the main focus of the group, to build stamina and endurance for long distance running. We believe that participation in these events will create a sense of community and achievement, knowing that they have covered a variety of  courses and distances. 

At Running Club, students will be encouraged to have fun and hopefully discover a love of running, while building their skills and passion for sport. Students will be encouraged to “run the race at their own pace” and “enjoy the journey along the way.” 

When: Starting Monday lunchtimes beginning Week 3 (9 May 2022)               

Where: Waverley Park

Dress: appropriate running attire (boys may wear PE uniform or their own running attire). Boys will change before and after each session into their scheduled Waverley attire for the day

Parents/Carers: are welcome to attend and parent helpers are welcome to assist coaches when running in the local area

Wet Weather: in the event of wet weather, an announcement will be communicated to the boys at school and on the College app. 

Please note, it is not compulsory to attend the training sessions to participate in the City2Surf.

Do I Need to Give Permission for my Son to Participate in Running Club?


>>> Click here to view and complete the Google form permission slip.

How to Register for the City2Surf and to Join the College Team

>>> Click here to register for the City2Surf and join the College team.

You will need the password: WavCol22

How to Register for the Waverley College Fundraising Page

>>> Click here to register for the Waverley College Fundraising page.


Mr Elliot McKimm

Running Club Coordinator and Year 5 Orange Classroom Teacher
