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Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Looking Ahead

Literacy and Numeracy tutorials recommence in the week beginning Monday, 2 May.

Schedule – College Library 3:30-4:30pm


Mr Michael Couani

Head of English


The Year 12 Academic Tutorial program will commence in Week 2. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students register for the tutorial and attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. Should numbers fall below five, we may not be able to run that particular session.

Please find below the Tutorial schedule for Week 2 and the registration sheet.

>>> Click here to register for Week 2 Year 12 Academic Tutorials.

Tutorial Schedule for Week 2

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 2 May 2022 Mathematics Standard 7:30am – 8:30am E35 Cameron Cross or Sharon Chandler
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Adam Wallington
Drama 3:30pm – 5pm P12 Alison Jinga

Post-1945 preparation for task

3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cath Stewart and Martina Cooper
Tuesday, 3 May 2022 Mathematics Standard 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Phoebe Guirguis
Wednesday, 4 May 2022 Biology 7:30am – 8:30am E02 Richard Chen
Chemistry 7:45am – 8:30am E04 Emily Pace
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Adam Wallington
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5pm GHR Room Patrick Darvill
Thursday, 5 May 2022 Design & Technology 7:15am – 8:30am T04 James Spargo
Friday, 6 May 2022 Music 2 7:30am – 8:30am P14 Chris Balkizas


I look forward to seeing a large uptake.


Mrs Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


The Waverley College Parents’ Association, together with the Principal, Mr Graham Leddie, invites you to attend the Waverley College Cocktail Party.

Friday, 3 June 2022

7pm – 11pm

Location: Br Lacey Gymnasium, 131 Birrell Street, Waverley.

This event is a great opportunity for new and current parents to meet each other, the Parents’ Association and the College Leadership Team.

Your $10 ticket includes canapes. A range of beer, wine and champagne will be available for purchase at the bar (EFTPOS only).

Dress Code: Smart Casual

>>> Click here to book your tickets today!

>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 

Read more: Co-curricular expectations, CAS Codes of Conduct, COVID-19 Protocols, 1st XI Football Crowned St Andrew’s Cup Premiers 2022, Winter Co-curricular Captains and 1sts Teams.


Round 1 of Winter Activities

Expectations, CAS Codes of Conduct and COVID-19 Protocols

Welcome back to all students, parents and carers to Term 2, and the commencement of our full winter activities program. We have our first full round of co-curricular fixtures this weekend.

It is essential that all students are fully attired in the correct playing gear and that they arrive at each fixture a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start of each match.

Due to the disruptions with the weather, and the short first week of Term 2, we will continue to make selections and changes after this weekend. All students are also required to reserve the fixture following their own where appropriate.

A Senior Student getting ready for a tennis match on the multipurpose courts

Any student who requires leave for a weekend fixture, must ensure that a request is submitted as early as possible before a weekend. Any absence due to injury or illness will require a medical certificate.

A reminder to all students also that the new hoodies available in the uniform shop can only be worn to training and sporting fixtures and must not be worn at any time whilst at school. The College PE jacket and hoodie are at no stage to be worn with academic attire.

All players, parents and spectators are also bound by the CAS Codes of Conduct for respect of officials and the opposition, and must follow staff instructions at each venue. We are also still working under strict COVID-19 protocols. Any persons who are displaying any flu like symptoms must not attend, and all hygiene measures are still in place.

Thank you

A big thank you to all of the students, staff and coaches involved in a wide range of activities over the holidays. We had Volleyball, AFL, Football and Rugby training and fixtures, and many students and staff gave up a lot of hours in their holidays in preparation for Term 2.

1st XI Football Crowned St Andrew’s Cup Premiers 2022

I especially want to mention the efforts of the 1st XI Football who were crowned the St Andrew’s Cup premiers for 2022. The St Andrew’s Cup had 15 schools playing multiple tough fixtures over two days, and Waverley were successful in defeating a strong Moriah 3-1 in the final.

Waverley 1st XI St Andrew’s Cup premiers 2022

Waverley 1st XI St Andrew’s Cup premiers 2022

Winter Co-curricular Captains and 1sts Teams

We also presented our Winter co-curricular captains and 1sts teams this week on Thursday, and well done to the following students on their appointments as captains:

Captain – Joel Burgess; 1sts Captain – Maddox Grebert

Captain – Alejandro Zanapalis; 1sts Captain – Emilio Vinci

Captain – Solomon Tuqiri; 1sts Co-captains – Thomas Martin and AJ Preketes

Captain – Jarrod Garwood; 1sts Captain – Jack Preller

Captains – Dominic McGrath and Leo Morgan

Captain – Christian Kitas

Captain – Anderson Franulovich

Captain – Hirav Gandhi

Captain – Kai Chavez

Captain – Brandon Reid


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Waverley College took out the 2022 St Andrew’s Cup Trophy after defeating Moriah College 3-1 at Valentine Sports Park in Glenwood, after two days of football action at NSW’s home of football.

Our 1st XI Football with the coaching staff of Patrick Darvill, Donato D’Agrosa and Jack Hardwicke-Owen proved too strong for their opponents, scoring two opportunistic goals in the second half to end the game in convincing fashion.

This year’s tournament saw 15 participating schools that included the likes of Waverley College, St Ignatius’ College Riverview, Cranbrook School, Sydney Grammar School, Redlands School, Marist Catholic College, Moriah College, International Grammar School, St Andrew’s Cathedral School, Sydney Boys High School, Barker College, Newington College, Knox Grammar School, Oakhill College and St Spyridon College, who all battled well in the coveted pre-season Cup competition.

Waverley 1st XI St Andrew’s Cup Premiers 2022

Waverley 1st XI St Andrew’s Cup Premiers 2022

I spoke with the current 1st XI Captain, Emilio Vinci, to hear his thoughts on the Cup’s significance to the squad, and any advice he had for Waverley’s football teams this season.

The St Andrews cup is a good pre-season tournament before our CAS season starts, and it allows us to see what is working and what is not working within our team, so we can train on our weaknesses. All of the boys put in solid efforts and it ended up leading us to victory against Moriah 3-1 in the cup final. This is a good indicator and achievement to start our season on a high note, and it gives us tactical information on how other teams within the CAS competition play. 

I’m sure with winning this trophy it has created a big confidence boost to all of us boys that we will take with us throughout the season, however we can’t let the confidence overtake our gameplay. But it does motivate us players to want to win more and more, as we desire to take home the CAS trophy and try our best to take out the CIS trophy back to back.  

For the younger boys, it is important to always put in hard work throughout training, as I’m sure all of you have heard your coaches say, “the way you train is the way you play.” Because one day you might be putting on the first XI jersey and playing with your mates beside you. Keep working hard, as hard work pays off and always remember to enjoy yourself on the pitch. GO WAVES! 

(Emilio Vinci, 2022)

Emilio Vinci

Emilio Vinci (in 2021)

As Convenor of Football I felt very privileged to witness such a hard-earned victory for the College boys, after what was a very limited pre-season for all of our footballers. In light of this, all football teams are likely to see changes in their squads throughout the season. 

General expectations continue regarding correct playing attire, arriving 30 minutes prior to their game, and a medical certificate or approved leave if they are absent.

Players can find their teams for this Saturday’s fixtures as published on the Waverley app or at the top of the article by Mr Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular.


Mr Edward Davis

Convenor of Football


Holiday Commitments – Thank You!

I would like to thank all the efforts of our hard-working and extremely dedicated coaching staff, who gave up their time over the holiday break to run multiple training sessions. Thanks must go, also, to those students who attended and put in the hard yards over the break. No doubt this would have helped work off a few of those ‘Easter eggs’ consumed, but more importantly, improved individual skill levels heading into the season ahead.

Trials Vs The King’s School

This weekend we are looking forward to our fixture against The King’s School. Located at North Parramatta, The King’s School is the oldest independent school in Australia (founded in 1831). King’s have produced some Wallaby greats including Stirling Mortlock, and there will no doubt be some terrific contests on Saturday across all age groups.

Our 13s, 16s and Opens age groups will enjoy their first matches at Queens Park. Our 14s and 15s age groups will travel to Parramatta. Players should ensure they leave plenty of time to get to the grounds on the weekend.

Team Arrangements

Unfortunately, we have not started the season as we would have hoped, with the impact of rains interrupting the commencement of the season. We are also mindful of students who were at Cadet Camp at the end of Term 1, and those who have been impacted by COVID-19. That said, the upcoming weekends of rugby will certainly be used as trial matches for coaches to have a good look at player performances.

This week, coaching staff have tried their very best to select trial teams in most age groups, which will certainly change over the coming weeks. Trial team lists have been posted on the Waverley College app. If a player does not appear to be listed, he is encouraged to email Mr McCoy who will let him know which team he will trial in, for this week. In some instances, we are asking extended squads to turn up for two matches, which will allow coaches to run players on and off (no substitution limit) during this trial period.

We thank players and parents for their patience while we continue to work through our selection process. Our main aim is, of course, to have teams ready to go for the CAS competitions which commence in June.

Help Needed Please – Assistance with BBQ/Canteen this Saturday

Are you able to assist at the Queens Park Canteen and BBQ this weekend? We would love your support!

We have a big opening round of rugby and are expecting a big crowd to attend. We would certainly appreciate any offers of support – even if you are able to help on the Canteen for an hour while your son warms up for his match.

If any parents, carers and friends are free to assist at any stage this weekend (or throughout the season), please register your interests on the 2022 Online Roster.

>>> Click here to view the Online Roster and register your offer of support.

Thank you for your support in advance! 

Rugby ISTS Indigenous Round

Venue for Presentation Night

As the COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease, we are looking forward to celebrating some events which we once enjoyed prior to the pandemic. This includes the Rugby Presentation Night at the end of the season.

Would any members of our community have ideas about possible venues which might be able to cater for larger groups? Please feel free to pass any ideas on to Mr McCoy via email:

I look forward to seeing you on the sidelines as rugby season kicks off this weekend.

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


What an amazing week was had at Majura MTA for the 2022 Annual Field Exercise. 300 cadets headed to Canberra full of anticipation, spending the week with their companies in various locations, expertly prepared by the Advance Party.

A week of weapons training, leadership reaction courses, obstacle courses, high ropes, dam exercises, fieldcraft, hiking, night exercises, urban operations, bush movies, camp fires, stars and rainbows – all with the military backdrop of exciting sounds and tactical manoeuvres. Our recruits really embraced the experience and came home stronger, wiser and certainly proud of their achievements. So many personal challenges overcome. So much appreciation for warm beds, running water and electricity!

We were fortunate to welcome many visitors on camp, including the Chief of Army, LTGEN Rick Burr, and the Commander of the AAC, BRIG Ben Slaughter, who dropped in to see how a Cadet Unit develops youth on camp.

Casper Hodgon and the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Rick Burr, AO, DSC, MVO

Casper Hodgon and the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Rick Burr, AO, DSC, MVO

The success of AFX is a result of the service that everyone willingly gives for the good of the Unit as a whole. We thank everyone for their contribution but especially:

The LOGSO and OPSO, CUO Sachiel Bass and CUO Sophia Voigt, who managed the logistics and operations with equanimity, maturity and competence, enabling a smoothly run camp; the ADJT, CUO Daniel McSweeny, who had to step in as acting SUO at the very last minute; CUO Mack Trustrum and Pioneer platoon: these cadets put together an engaging and informative day of fieldcraft activities; building shelters, lighting fires and making traps which ignited a passion in many of our recruits; WO2 Tom Martin and X Platoon: their ‘bush gym’, their slow-cooked lamb shoulder, their stealth and infiltration, added to the excitement and anticipation across the week; CUO Ian Vuk and Medics Platoon: the RAP is always a busy place on camp, but the steady stream of patients was cared for and expertly treated by CUO Vuk and his team around the clock, putting into practice the hours of First Aid training in the lead up to camp; the senior rank of the Command Post, who kept communications going with companies in remote locations 24 hours a day, all week; our Company Commanders and Company Sergeants Major, who lead their companies with passion and energy and dwindling voice boxes, as they brought together their personnel into the fold of company spirit, support and loyalty; A Company and C Company, who learnt the hard way how to put up a hutchie so that it actually does what it is designed to do – keep you sheltered and dry!; the amazing Cadet Staff and support staff, who gave of their time, away from family, to care for our cadets, to be on call 24/7, to be without mod cons, and to build fantastic relationships with their platoons and companies.

AFX 2022

AFX 2022

AFX 2022

AFX 2022

AFX 2022

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie Visits AFX 2022

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie Visits AFX 2022

Oakley Lamb

Oakley Lamb

AFX 2022

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie at AFX 2022

Thanks for visiting, Mr Leddie!

ANZAC Services

An important component of any Cadet Unit is the service we can provide to the community on ANZAC Day. It is a responsibility our young people take very seriously and they always represent our Unit with the gravitas and maturity such occasions demand. We are proud of, and thank, the following cadets for their service to local events:


The highest award a cadet can achieve as a member of the NSW Australian Army Cadets, is the Adventure Training Award. The week-long competition assesses skills in navigation, fieldcraft, ratel, first aid and the ability to lead, command and work as a team in challenging circumstances. It has been many years since Waverley College cadets have qualified for this competition, which took place this year, the very next day after AFX at Majura. For SGT Paul Muir and SGT Hugh McDonald to, not only compete, but succeed in achieving this award following a physical and demanding AFX, is an extraordinary achievement and one that will be recognised at Passing Out Parade and in front of the school in Term 3. Congratulations Paul and Hugh.

SGT Paul Muir and SGT Hugh McDonald

SGT Paul Muir and SGT Hugh McDonald

Cadets Term 2

On the back of AFX, we are thrilled that so many recruits wish to continue their Cadet journey for another year, that they could see past the interferences COVID-19 imposed on their Cadet experience, and give it a go. The vast majority are keen for promotion and we look forward to welcoming them on Promotions Camp from Monday, 27 June – Saturday, 2 July at Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. This unique leadership training prepares leaders for the future, not just for Cadets but beyond the school environment, and builds a strong camaraderie in the cohort. Keep an eye on your emails for more details shortly. 

Term 2 is a term of pomp and ceremony as we prepare for Passing Out Parade and Dining In Night to farewell our graduating Year 12 cadets. COVID-19 has put a real dent in our drill, dress and bearing, and now is the time to bring this in line with Unit expectations. Interspersed with Cadet and external activities, this short term will set the standard for the new Cadet Year starting in Term 3.

Important Dates

Parents, please take note of the following dates:


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


This term sees our budding actors from St Clare’s and Waverley Colleges, tread the boards of the Br R.J.Wallace Performing Arts Centre stage in our exciting school production of Louis Nowra’s, Cosi.

Opening night is only six weeks away, on Tuesday, 7 June, so rehearsals are well and truly underway. Our students have been learning their lines, learning how their characters speak and move, as well as how they interact with each other. 


Our wonderful set designer and set builder, Peter Mussared, is in the theatre this week building the set. At the beginning of the process, at a very early production meeting, Peter Lamb the director, discussed his vision for the play, i.e. that he wanted to present this classic Australian play in the era in which it was intended: the 1970s. So the set, costumes, hairstyles, etc are fun, as they do accurately reflect a time capsule from the 1970s! Our cast are excited to get onto the set in the next couple of weeks, to fully work within the world of the play.  

Peter Mussared building the COSI set

Talented Peter Mussared building the COSI set

Peter Mussared building the COSI set

Our lucky VET Entertainment students are able to observe this process, and they will be working on the show in technical areas such as: stage management, audio, staging and lighting. This is an internal work placement for the boys, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, where they have not been able to get out to Entertainment Industry work sites, it is such a necessary and relevant experience for them. 

I’d like to thank Ms Jaz Dolso for her ongoing work with the ensemble, who are learning a Split Enz song called ‘That Was My Mistake.’

Cast List

Lewis – Sam Stewart

Nick – Michael Richmond

Justin – Tom Stewart

Lucy – Madison Crosby

Roy – Dexter Craddock

Henry – Matt Woods

Doug – Jules Cibej

Cherry – Jessica Campbell

Julie – Madison Crosby

Rupert – Bert Cottell

Zac – Luke Crossen

Ensemble – Gabe Rutter, James Peate, Lachlan Isaac, Elliot Witten, Fox Stapleton

Where Can I Purchase Tickets?

Tickets are now on sale. To purchase tickets to this wonderful play, please go to the Events section of the website or follow the link below.

>>> Click here to purchase tickets to Cosi.

I look forward to seeing you soon and enjoying a wonderful night at the theatre.


Ms Alison Jinga

Head of Drama and VET Entertainment, Producer of Cosi


Students in Years 5-12 are encouraged to enter the Waverley Youth Art Prize, 2022.

All artworks are exhibited so that future artists get to experience the joy of exhibiting and see an audience appreciate their work.

The theme for this year is ‘Science, Space and Future Stories.’

Waverley Youth Art Prize 2022

The theme encourages entrants to consider the world around us, the possibility of worlds beyond ours, how we understand our existence, and what might be next in store for us.

If you’re in the Senior School and you’re interested in submitting a work for the prize, you’re welcome to collect a drawing pack from the Visual Arts staffroom to get you started.

If you’re in the Junior School and you’re interested in submitting a work for the prize, you’re welcome to collect a drawing pack from the Learning Hub to get you started.

Key Dates

>>> Click here to view the Waverley Youth Art Prize Submission Form.

>>> Click here to view more information about the Waverley Youth Art Prize, 2022.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a winter activity for students from Years 5-12. It will commence Term 2, Week 2, 2022.

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to ‘Printmaking: Narratives.’

Each student will be introduced to a range of printmaking techniques and processes, and will build their knowledge and confidence in the planning, carving, and printing of artworks.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $120.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied
Session times: select ONE from the following:



Ms Stephanie Falk

Visual Arts Teacher


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator
