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Last Tuesday, 1 March, our SRC students brought in over 500 pancakes to sell.

Thank you to all those students who purchased these pancakes, and congratulations to everyone raising such significant funds that will go towards our Tonga Appeal and Project Compassion.

Congratulations to all those who served, and helped purchase the ice cream and pancakes to make this initiative such a success.

We raised over $600 on the day.

Preparing for Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day in Wellbeing Centre 2022

Preparing for Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day in Wellbeing Centre

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Buying $5 pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to raise much-needed funds for our neighbours in Tonga


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


Readers of last week’s Nurrunga will recall the core tenets of the AAC and the Waverley College Cadet Unit. While Service enables us to demonstrate Excellence, Integrity and Courage, it is Respect which underpins everything we do and fosters an inclusive, collaborative and positive experience in Cadets.

In the leadup to AFX, it is timely to remind all our members of the importance of Respect when interacting with others. In Cadets, we have groups of students coming together in a context vastly different to their experiences throughout the week – from St Catherine’s, from different Year groups, from different friendship groups, from different understandings of the world – and while this interaction is one of the key youth development opportunities for growth and tolerance, it is also one of the program’s biggest challenges. 


It is a big demand on young people to check their behaviour, to think twice before acting and speaking, and it is not something the instant, modern world facilitates. I would therefore ask all Cadets to remember that my core tenet, and therefore that of the Cadet Unit, is Respect, and to be mindful of keeping interactions professional and respectful at all times.

In the AFX environment, this can be tricky. We are outside our comfort zone, we are undertaking challenging and demanding roles, and we are with each other 24/7 for a whole week. In the pursuit of tenacity, fortitude and resilience, treating others with respect in this space will strengthen our characters, and make us valuable and productive citizens.

Thank you to all parents and carers for attending to the AFX paperwork in such busy lives. In the leadup to camp, all cadets should now be ensuring they have their uniforms and equipment ready to go. A warning to all, that the Q Store will not be open to students in the two weeks before camp, as we prepare the many stores and supplies to keep 380 people in the field without modern conveniences.

Three weeks to go!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


A reminder to Year 12 parents and carers to please complete the Year 12 Senior Retreat permission form and requirements.

If you have not yet completed this form, it is contained in the link below.

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 Senior Retreat permission form.

The retreat departs on Monday, 28 March and all documentation is required by Monday, 14 March.

Many thanks for your help with this.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


>>> Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2024, are closing soon.

Week 8


Week 9


Week 10

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator



We celebrated the beginning of Lent this week, with Ash Wednesday celebrations for each year level. Lent is a time that reminds us to reflect on what is important in our lives and our relationship with God. Previously, the Church has encouraged us to give up something for Lent, however these days, the focus has shifted to doing some good action for someone else each day over the next 40 days to Easter Sunday. Your actions speak volumes of your character. A little act of kindness goes a long way ….We have encouraged students to start with some positive actions within their family and friends. 


Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukrainian families within our community and the people of Ukraine at this time. One would have thought that we would have learnt from our collective experience, of the devastation that war brings to communities and families. However, a new dangerous chapter of our civilised history has been opened up. Let us pray for a speedy resolution to this crisis and these unacceptable actions. 

Tongan Tsunami Appeal 

Thank you to all members of our community who contributed so generously to the Tongan Tsunami appeal. All items have been forwarded on and will be sent directly to Tonga via our partners at ‘Youth in Union.’ We hope that these will play a small part in making life a little bit easier, as the country tries to recover from the extensive damage caused by the recent tsunami. 

Pupil-Free Day – Monday, 7 March 

A reminder that there is a Pupil-Free Day on Monday, 7 March at the College. It is a designated Staff Development Day where staff will be in attendance at the College and undergo training across a range of areas. 

Open Day – Tuesday, 8 March 

With COVID-19 limiting visitors to the College, a large number of potential students and their parents have been unable to attend the College for an Open Day. On Tuesday, 8 March, the College will be open across both our campuses for a large number of visitors who have provided an RSVP to the day. Enrolment applications for 2024 for Year 5 and Year 7 will close on Thursday, 31 March. Application forms are available on our website. 

Upcoming Year 12 Parent / Student Interviews  

Please see details from Mr Chris Soden later in this newsletter, to make a booking. 

COVID-19 Update 

Please see below the College COVID-19 numbers as they stand today. There has been an increase this week in transmission rates, as the Government expected, with its reduction in  precautionary measures. 

COVID-Positive Close Contacts
Year 5 7 1
Year 6 0 1
Year 7 1 6
Year 8 3 3
Year 9 2 3
Year 10 6 1
Year 11 5 2
Year 12 7 2
Staff 6 1
Total 37 20

College Raincoat

The Canadian-made all weather jacket sold in the Uniform Shop, came about from parent and student feedback seeking a warm and rainproof jacket. It is a very good-quality jacket, sold at cost price at $230. We acknowledge that this is a significant expense for parents, but it does achieve its goal of keeping students dry and warm, and it can be layered depending on the season. The College does not make any money on this jacket, and it would retail in an outdoor retail shop for over $430. 

We have had a few requests via the Parents’ Association to include a lightweight raincoat to our uniform, which we are currently investigating. 

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (Tuesday, 8 March), is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. The College will be celebrating this day with its students and staff at next week’s assembly and with a morning tea. 

Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world with less wars. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together, we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

Student Achievement

Congratulations to Year 9 student, Jackson Lorimer, who has raised $3291 for the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse charity, which focuses on cancer research. Jackson joined SurFebruary, which required him to swim or surf every day of February, and seek sponsorship for his efforts. He has surpassed his goal of raising $500 and is one of the top ten fundraisers in the community. 

>>> Click here to view more information about Jackson’s remarkable achievement.

Jackson Lorimer

Kids Giving Back

‘Kids Giving Back’ is a charity whose mission is to create the next Generation of Generosity. Their programs are delivered for children 6-18 years old and their families, and offer opportunities to assist vulnerable people in the community. 

Thank you to the following students who participated in one of their programs during Term 4 of 2021, and over the Christmas holidays.

Students and families are encouraged to participate by volunteering in giving back programs outside of school hours.

Kids Giving Back

Commonwealth Government Address Collection Notice for 2022 

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department), would like to notify you that a request has been made for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

The College is required to provide the Department with the following information about each student at the College:

>>> Click here to view more information.

It is with great delight, following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, that we can confirm that on Wednesday, 9 March, we will hold our Aungier House Mass (as listed in the College calendar). The Mass will commence at 6pm in the Centenary Quadrangle. This is a compulsory event for all students of Aungier House.

Our prefects have been working hard to make this a memorable event, and something that is fully tailored to who we are as a House. Students drive the night, with all hymns, prayers and readings chosen by the students themselves. We will also include special recognition of our current Year 12 students.

As an important part of the evening, we invite and strongly encourage all families to come along and join in a short supper following the conclusion of the Mass. All families are asked to bring a plate of food to share. This can be placed in the College Library prior to the Mass. The night is expected to conclude at roughly 8pm.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for families to meet our Aungier Mentors and also to connect with each other as part of the Aungier House community.

In the lead up to the event, we would also love to have some parent volunteers to help us with the organisation of decorations (for the Mass and supper), general set up before the Mass, and clean up at the conclusion of our supper.

If you would be willing and able to help with this, could you please email me at

Please note, that in the event of wet weather, the Mass will be moved to the Birrell Street Basketball Courts.

I am looking forward to seeing you there!


Mr John McCoy

Head of House – Aungier


Enrolment applications for 2024 will close on Thursday, 31 March 2022.

Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2024, please ensure you complete an application form through our website.

>>> Click here to view the application form.

Please note, if your son is currently enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close: Thursday, 31 March 2022.

>>> Click here to submit an online application. 

Contact College Registrar: Ms Kylie Anderson at


Ms Kylie Anderson



National speaking competition ‘Rostrum Voice of Youth’, provides an outstanding opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message.

Next Wednesday, 9 March at 4:30pm, four students will be competing in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking competition at Ascham School.

These talented students are: Yannick Hott, James Peate, Ewan McDonald and Oscar Danta.

Waverley wishes you the best of luck!

James Peate and Ewan McDonald

Public Speaking Students James Peate and Ewan McDonald


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

6 Gold’s Online Assembly 

Last week, 6 Gold had the technical task of presenting all their learnings to the Junior School via an online assembly. They were extremely creative with their ideas and made it as fun and lively as possible.

Three reporters moved around to different corners of the classroom to showcase the talent in 6 Gold. They visited the Respect, History, English and Spanish corner.

The Junior School learnt about the first Core Value – Respect, and how to live this out at school, the importance of democracy, myths and legends in English, and created some fabulous superhero dance moves.

A stand out in the assembly was hearing from Dylan Duque-Llorente who is unbelievably talented at speaking Spanish.

The three reporters - Max Wu, Luca Filippi and Jack McCallum.

The three reporters – Max Wu, Luca Filippi and Jack McCallum

Junior School

Junior School 2022

Junior School 2022

Junior School 2022

Years 5 and 10 Little Brother / Big Brother Gathering – Friday, 11 March

Years 5 and 10 will be taking part in a Little Brother / Big Brother gathering on Friday, 11 March from period 4 until period 6.

Students will first meet at 12:05pm for a BBQ lunch in the Braidwood area, and will then be transported by bus from Carrington Road to Bondi Beach.

Students will travel in House groups with their buddies, and will then participate in activities whilst at the beach.

There will be a House anti-bullying photograph competition as well.

Year 5 students will then return to the College by bus, along with attending Cadets.

The remainder of the Year 10 students will be dismissed from Bondi Beach at approximately 2:30pm.

Heads of House and Year 5 teachers will be in attendance.

Please complete the permission slip below to enable your son to attend.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.

ALL students should wear their PE uniform and bring a water bottle please. There will be no swimming on the day.

Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation



Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School




This week, the Junior School gathered together in a special Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday, which marked the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent. The marking of the ashes on this day is a public expression of our faith and repentance.

During Lent, we focus on three pillars: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, which help us in this journey to reach a closeness to God, and deeper understanding and relationship with God.

Ash Wednesday Junior School 2022

Ash Wednesday Junior School 2022

Ash Wednesday Junior School 2022

Prayer is a conscious relationship with God. Just as we spend time with friends because we love them, we spend time in prayer because we love God, and we know that God loves us. When we are in tune with God, we cannot help but experience deep wellbeing.

Fasting can be a time to eat less and give up some nice treats, however, could it also be a time for us to be more mindful of our purchases? Can we make ethical choices in what we buy, or even not buy at all?

The third pillar, almsgiving, is donating money or goods to the poor and less fortunate, and performing acts of charity. Caritas launch Project Compassion every year during Lent. Through Project Compassion, Caritas partners with people in the Asia-Pacific to develop their independence, and support the human dignity of every person. Our donation to Project Compassion is an encounter with God through the face of the poor. 

Ash Wednesday Junior School 2022

The first of several fund-raising and awareness-raising initiatives began with the sale of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. We are happy to announce that we managed to raise approximately $850, a great way to begin our fundraising initiatives this year.

Special thanks to Mrs Smith, Mrs Coupe and Ms Bransby for assisting in the organisation and distribution of the pancakes. The boys thoroughly enjoyed indulging in these delicious treats.

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day 2022

Year 5 Student Leaders

I am pleased to announce the Year 5 Class Captains and Class Vice-Captains for Semester 1, 2022. As the students are just getting to know one another, we are giving the following students the opportunity to lead their classes in Semester 1.

I look forward to working with them over the next couple of terms, and hope that they can be good role models to the rest of their peers.


5 Blue – Zack Stewart

5 Gold – James Draper

5 Indigo – Dario Leyton

5 Orange – Boyd Haslam

5 Red – Hooper Dyke-Miller

5 White – Sam Peate


5 Blue – Fletcher Stanton

5 Gold – William Carter

5 Indigo – Pascal South

5 Orange – Jack Burrows

5 Red – Dash McDonough

5 White – Cormac Maher

Mother’s Day Mass – Friday, 6 May 2022, Mary Immaculate Church

The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College students, will be celebrated on Friday, 6 May at 12pm (Week 2, Term 2).

This will be held at Mary Immaculate Church, followed by a light lunch at the Junior School.  

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please send through all photos to


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director – Mission and Identity



Elephant Ed Information Session

The Junior School was fortunate enough to have the team from Elephant Ed present an online information evening for all of our parents last Thursday, 24 February. This program began for all of our Year 6 classes this week, which is a great opportunity for our students to learn about the following topics as a part of our aligned Health unit ‘Exploring Change’:

  1. Puberty
  2. Embracing change
  3. Introducing sex and consent (base line level – control of our bodies)
  4. Identity

Although we have experienced classroom teachers, they’re not all equipped to teach such sensitive health topics in detail, which our students require. This is why Elephant Ed is the most appropriate external company to teach this content to our Year 6 students, ensuring this information is taught effectively and with impact.

We believe that although this isn’t being taught to Year 5 students, it was really important for our Year 5 parents to be at the session, to help them prepare for what will be taught next year. Overall, the session was informative, interactive and engaging for all parents in attendance, and we look forward to seeing how students respond.

BPSSA and IPSHA Swimming Carnival


After such a great two days completing the Junior School swimming carnival, we have entered the next stage of swimming events. Due to the State Nippers event, we had reduced numbers for this year’s warm up event for the IPSHA carnival, the annual BPSSA Swim Carnival hosted by Saint Ignatius College Riverview on Friday, 25 February. 

Although we were undermanned in our squad, we placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in every single event of the carnival. This was a huge achievement for our students, who all competed at an extremely high level.

In total we achieved 24 (first placings), eight (second placings) and five (third placings).

BPSSA 2022

BPSSA 2022


Everything has been leading up to the main event, the IPSHA Swimming Carnival, which took place on Tuesday, 1 March. This is a special event for our Junior School swim squad, who make their way to the Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre to compete against Sydney’s best swimmers in their age group. It is an honour for our students to represent Waverley College Junior School at the highest level.

This year, we’re very fortunate to have a strong group of swimmers in all age divisions. This means that we had some special achievements by the following swimmers who made it into CIS:

U8-10 Relay Team (2 min 38.14 sec)

  1. Charles Carrano
  2. Hugo Bindner
  3. Ben Kostic
  4. Jaden Truscott

U11-13 Relay Team (2 min 14.03 sec)

  1. Roman Szabo
  2. Jacob Roorda
  3. Ngakua Hiroti
  4. Rowan Metzl

A large number of our students placed in their swim heats with amazing achievements, including:





The College is unbelievably proud of our entire competing squad, but we want to congratulate the relay swimmers mentioned above, who will now be moving onto the NSWCIS Swimming Carnival, where they will be swimming against the best swimmers in NSW. This is a special achievement, and something these students will never forget.

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

IPSHA 2022

External Sporting Achievements

Junior Australian Oztag National Championships

Jackson MacAskill and Hugo Cummins in Year 5 recently represented the East Coast Orcas at the Junior Australian Oztag National Championships in Coffs Harbour.

Their U/10s team played seven games over three days, and made it through to the finals.

Both students have been selected to represent Easts at the Junior State cup in June. What a big achievement, and we’re so proud of them.

Jackson MacAskill and Hugo Cummins (Year 5)

Jackson MacAskill and Hugo Cummins (Year 5)

State Nippers

Waverley Junior School had a large number of students representing their local Surf Lifesaving Club and competing at the State Nippers across three days (24-26 February) at Manly Beach. This is a significant event for our students, who have a massive involvement in a variety of SLSCs around Sydney. 

I have received some results from parents so far, but if your son competed and had some great achievements, please send them through so I can share these with all families.

Some of the results include:

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals

Luca Bessera won the silver medal in his division at the Australian Nationals in Melbourne last weekend. What a significant achievement for Luca! We look forward to hearing more about his endeavours with Brazilian jiu jitsu while he’s at the Junior School. Congratulations and well done.

Luca Bessera and his silver medal in his division at the Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne

Luca Bessera and his silver medal in his division at the Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne

Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne

Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne


Mr Jack Wachtel 

Assistant Director – Co-Curricular



News From 6 Red

In 6 Red this week, we have been exploring plants. As a class we have been discussing what plants need to grow, the certain functions they have to survive, and the different shapes, sizes and characteristics that change the way that they survive in different environments.

As a class, we conducted an experiment to find out which leaves had the best water retention. After placing the leaves in plastic bags, we will now observe and note in a scientific table, the amount of condensation that builds up over a one to two week period. Results are to come!

6 Red 2022

6 Red, Term 1 2022

6 Red 2022

6 Red 2022

6 Red


Mr Matthew Johnston

Class Teacher 6 Red



Home Learning Club – Week 7 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed. 

NOTE: NO Home Learning on Monday, 7 March – Pupil-Free Day 


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

If your son is not present at roll call, a phone call will be made to check on his whereabouts. If your plans change, and you decide he is unable to attend, please contact the school via email at or call reception. 

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub, and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday and Wednesday – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby 

If you require any further information, feel free to email us.



Drawing Club 

The Drawing Club has begun! Our avid artists will meet weekly to talk about all things art. Our first session was on Friday, 25 March, and our theme for the session was getting to know what each student enjoys drawing. 

Drawing Club Junior School 2022

Drawing Club Junior School 2022

Debating Tryouts 

A reminder that the Junior School debating tryouts are on Tuesday, 15 March (Week 8) in the Learning Hub. If your son would like to try out for the IPSHA team, he will need to:




Mrs Natasha Zivanovich

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Years 5 and 10 will be taking part in a Little Brother / Big Brother gathering on Friday, 11 March from period 4 until period 6.

Students will first meet at 12:05pm for a BBQ lunch in the Braidwood area, and will then be transported by bus from Carrington Road to Bondi Beach.

Students will travel in House groups with their buddies, and will then participate in activities whilst at the beach.

There will be a House anti-bullying photograph competition as well.

Year 5 students will then return to the College by bus, along with attending Cadets.

The remainder of the Year 10 students will be dismissed from Bondi Beach at approximately 2:30pm.

Heads of House and Year 5 teachers will be in attendance.

Please complete the permission slip below to enable your son to attend.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.

ALL students should wear their PE uniform and bring a water bottle please. There will be no swimming on the day.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Week 7


Week 8