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The weather continues to wreak havoc on our fixtures and training this term, and unfortunately, looks set to continue for the next week. I very much appreciate the wider community’s patience and understanding, and we are all hoping for conditions to ease by the end of next week.

Congratulations Xavier Miconi

Well done to Xavier Miconi who was selected this week to represent CAS Tennis against ISA next Tuesday.

Planned Presentation Evenings – Save the Date

These will be the first proper presentation evenings we have been able to hold for over two years.

2022 CAS Swimming and Diving Championships at SOPAC

Thursday, 17 March is the 2022 CAS Swimming and Diving Championships at SOPAC. We invite any students who wish to attend as spectators next week, and have a limit of 150. Any parent of a swimmer or diver is welcome to attend. We have limited capacity on the numbers that we can take, due to repair works at the venue.

Students attending as spectators will be required to wear full summer uniform and be transported to and from the venue by bus. These students will also be supplied with food for the event.

Spectator buses will depart at 3pm and return by 9pm to the College. For this carnival, we are only offering transport back to the College, and not to any other suburbs. There will still be some specific COVIDSafe protocols implemented for this event.

Great Success Stories From State Age Surf Life Saving Titles

Last weekend saw a large number of Waverley students from Years 5-10 competing for various surf clubs at the State Age Surf Life Saving titles. There were many great student success stories before the carnival was suspended due to health concerns from contaminated water.

For any student who is now competing in older age groups over the next two weekends, who has not yet requested leave, please do so as soon as possible. This allows us to make the appropriate adjustments and approve these requests.

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022

When Does Summer Sport End and the Winter Season Begin?

Saturday, 12 March is the final round of summer sport. The following week, other than swimming, is a sport-free weekend for all students, due to our winter coaches’ induction. We will then commence the winter season for most activities from Monday, 21 March, with two weeks of internal training and trials.

As and 1sts Football Teams

Our As and 1sts Football teams will all play a CAS Blitz on Saturday, 26 March, with the 8As at Queens Park.

Fingers crossed for some sunshine soon!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Save the Date!

Parents and Players are invited to the Waverley College Cricket Presentation Evening.

What Will Happen on the Night?

When: Saturday, 19 March 2022, 6pm-8.30pm

Where: Br Lacey Gymnasium, 131 Birrell St, Waverley

Cost: $10 per person + 50c booking fee (includes sausage sizzle). Drinks available for purchase at the bar.

Dress: Students are to wear their full summer school uniform including tie and blazer. School shorts are permitted. Casual attire for parents.

Where Can I Book and Learn More About Prizes?

>>> Click here to view booking and prize information.

CAS Representatives – Congratulations Hirav, Jonathon and Toby

Congratulations to Hirav Gandhi of Year 11 for being selected in the CAS 1st XI to play against the ISA 1st XI at St Aloysius’ College Oval last Sunday. Although the rain impacted play on Sunday, the College is still very proud of Hirav and his selection.

Further congratulations and best wishes go to both Jonathon and Toby McDonald who have been selected in the CAS U/15 team that will play against arch-rivals, GPS, at St Joseph’s College this Sunday, 6 March. Well done to both McDonald boys. They have consistently been amongst Waverley’s top performers, and genuinely love their cricket.


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket


Date: Thursday, 10 March 2022

Venue: T & M Hayes (Queens Park) Pavilion

Time: 6pm

Any parents and friends interested in getting behind the Waverley College Rugby Program in 2022 are welcome to attend, as we discuss the plans for the exciting season ahead. All are welcome!

Sadly, 2022 will mark the period in which Mr Denis Hickey will be stepping down as Supporters’ Club President, after his many wonderful (and very successful) years leading the way.

This year, we are looking for any interested parents who would be interested in taking on leadership positions on the committee into the future years. It is certainly an enjoyable group with which to be attached.

Parents unable to attend this meeting in person, but who are interested in joining the meeting online (via zoom), are welcome to register their interests by emailing the Convenor of Rugby, Mr John McCoy

We look forward to seeing you there! 



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


If your son is well-spoken, intelligent, and knowledgeable on current affairs, then he will benefit from choosing Debating as a co-curricular activity during the Winter season. 

Debating can be joined alongside sport, as the competitions take place on Friday nights. Students train two sessions per week week, and these are flexible in order to accommodate students’ other commitments. Debating can also be a standalone Winter co-curricular option.

Each year, the Debating students in Year 12 achieve some of our highest ATAR results, including some of the members of the 2021 Honour Roll. These students compete in Debating their entire time at the College, proving the academic benefits of the activity.

Year 7 at the Catholic Schools' Debating Association Competition

Year 7 at the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association Competition in 2021

Year 8 at the Catholic Schools' Debating Association Competition

Year 8 students displaying rhetorical skill and confidence at the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association Competition in 2021

Waverley College competes in two Debating competitions during the Winter season:

We are currently looking for 10 Year 7 students who would be eager to represent the College in Debating. 

If your son is interested in participating in Debating, please contact the convenor, Ms Emma Halpin at and she will provide your son with more information.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Public Speaking and Debating


Presentation Night – Save the Date

When: Friday, 18 March 2022

Where: College Gym and Braidwood

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Award winners will be contacted directly in Week 7. Tickets are $20 (plus booking fee), and include a seated buffet dinner, a non-alcoholic drink, and dessert.

Along with the end-of-season awards, the night will feature two-point and three-point shooting competitions, with prizes for the winners.

Awards will be presented to Senior School students only, however, all players and their families are welcome to attend, including Junior School families.

How Do I Make A Booking For Basketball Presentation Night?

>>> Click here to make a booking.

>>> Click here to view more information on the Presentation Night flyer.

Basketball Match News From Our Two Intrepid Student Reporters


The 1sts experienced a back and forth game against Trinity on Friday night, with the Trinity players and Old Boys boisterous all game. After blocking out the crowd noise, the 1sts took a narrow lead early in the game, and held onto to a 2-4 point lead for the majority of the first half, until Trinity made a run at the end of the half, which resulted in Waverley being down by 5 at half time.

Waverley came out strong in the 2nd half, full of energy and bringing the intensity, however Trinity’s intensity and energy also rose due to Waverley’s clear intent. Trinity were able to hold onto this lead for most of 3rd and 4th quarter, until a few quick 3s and fastbreak layups for Trinity and missed shots from Waverley, saw them close the game out and win by 15.

The final score was 83-68, with Marko Rangan contributing 20 points, Tom Gleeson 15 and Sergej Jakovljevic 8.

2nd V

2nd V Before the Game


The 2nds had a tough-fought game as well on Friday night, that started with multiple 3s being made by Solomon Tuqiri and James Jones. After back and forth 1st and 2nd halves, Trinity took the lead late, and after plenty of missed free throws by Waverley, the 2nds were unable to close the game out late.

The final score was 36-30, with Solomon Tuqiri, Ashar Te Rata and Dakota Fanning standing out on the night.

Juniors – 7As, 8As, 9As, 10As

Two of the Junior As teams got on the board with a win this past weekend over Trinity.

The 7As got up 45-34, led by Hayden McAusland, Dominic Dametto and Duke Thomas.

The 8As also mounted a victory, 38-26, with standout players including Jonte Garvey, Xavier Koster and Nico Palacio.

The 9As had a 13 point loss, 33-46, and despite this, great games were played by Hugo Perks, Renato Rovacchi and Ricky Meyrick.

The 10As were also unable to get the job done, going down 31-44, with solid games from Caelum Brook, Jock Edwards and Aren Yaghoubian.

Other Victorious Teams

Other teams that were victorious included: 8th V (39-30), 10B (45-21), 10C (37-30), 10D (35-23), 10E (33-28), 10F (43-21), 9B (45-26), 9C (34-33), 8C (23-20), 8G (32-12), 7B (30-16), 7D (34-12), 7E (44-16), and 7G (35-22), with the 7Cs (31-all) and 7Hs (28-all) experiencing exciting draws in their games.

Good luck to all teams as they take on Barker this weekend.


By Student Reporters

Tom Gleeson (Captain of Basketball)

Hugo Roles (Captain of 1st V)


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball


Service, Courage, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. These are the core tenets of Australian Army Cadets, and it is through Service, through giving of ourselves for the good of others, that the other tenets are demonstrated.

There are many occasions in Cadets where we have the opportunity to serve, both within the Unit and without; ANZAC community services, Legacy fundraising and Remembrance Day, are visible and recognisable examples. But it is in helping behind the scenes, undertaking the physical and menial tasks without seeking accolade, that mark the esteem our cadets have for the Cadet Unit and the Cadet program.

Working Bee to Prepare AFX Stores

On Sunday, we held another working bee to prepare the many AFX stores required to take 380 people into the field for eight days without running water, without electricity, without access to Uber Eats.

I thank the following cadets for giving of their precious spare time in carrying out these tasks: Zachary Straker, Sachiel Bass, Charles Alexander, Darcy Ferguson, Owen Punch, Brandon Reid, Paul Muir, Liam McEvoy, Anika Bradford, Zara Wiseman and Oliver Malzard. 

Laser Tag and Mobile Climbing Wall for D and B Companies

Last week, despite the inclement conditions of late, we managed to bring Laser Tag and the Mobile Climbing Wall into Waverley for D Company and B Company to enjoy.

No Cadets Today For Recruits

Our recruits will have a week’s respite from Cadets today (4 March), and our staff and Senior rank will use this time to discuss plans and logistics for AFX.

Collection of DPCU and Camping Gear from Q Store – Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday Lunchtime

By the end of this week, all recruits will have had the opportunity to collect their second set of DPCU and remaining camp gear from Q Store. If your son does not have their full complement of gear ready for camp, next week will be their last opportunity.

Please remind your son to come to Q Store at lunchtime on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to collect their supplies. Otherwise, they will need to source their gear externally.

4 weeks to go!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Congratulations and thank you to all our Waverley community for their outstanding efforts and generosity with the Tongan Appeal. As you can see from the photos, there were so many wonderful donations, that we were able to fill over 40 boxes!

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

These boxes are currently on their way to Tonga, and will no doubt go a long way towards helping many families and villages at this difficult time.

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

A special thank you to all who donated, and to the students and teachers who helped pack the boxes and supported this initiative. The generosity of our Waverley family is truly appreciated.

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


All Bands and Ensembles have commenced. Ensemble Rehearsals are held in the Performing Arts Centre. Students in all Year levels are now able to attend every rehearsal. New students are welcome to join.

Do You Need More Information?

For more information about Music Ensembles please check out the information on the College website or speak to one of the Music staff.

>>> Click here to view information about Music Ensembles on our College website.

Parents who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons must complete a private music registration form by clicking on the link below.

>>> Click here to view information about commencing instrumental lessons.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 Semester 1 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 Rock Band Group Timetable.

If for any reason a student is unable to attend their rehearsal, please contact the relevant ensemble director or myself by email to advise their absence. 


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

PAC (Performing Arts Centre) Administrator



As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 11 Elevate Session – Ace Your Exams – is held during Period 1 on Wednesday, 9 March, 2022.

This is a compulsory session for HSC plus ATAR Students who will attend the session in their timetabled English classes. HSC plus Vocational Students are also welcome to attend.  

They should liaise with their English Studies teacher prior to the session, so they can be allocated a session to attend on the day.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover: 

Further details can be found in the link below.

>>> Click here to view further details about Elevate Education.

Free Parent/Carer Webinars

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

How to Register for Free Parent/Carer Webinars

>>> Click here to view registration information for free Elevate webinars.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Parents and Carers can make bookings for the Year 12 Teacher Parent Student Interviews to be held on Tuesday, 15 March, 3:30pm-7pm.


Bookings need to be made through the TASS Parent Lounge, and bookings will close on Monday, 14 March at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.


The interviews will be held via Zoom. Iassist will email instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes on Monday, 14 March.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that parents:

Book Via The Parent Lounge 

>>> Click here to view the Parent Lounge.

User ID = your son’s student ID

Password = if you cannot remember your password, you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password.’

Technical Issues? Need to confirm your son’s ID?

For any technical issues, or if you need to confirm your son’s ID, please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Join us on our mission to shave the world from blood cancer!

I’d like to introduce you to our team, Lacey House at Waverley College, in this year’s World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation.

We’re a bunch of heroes who are going to shave, to raise vital funds to support Aussie families facing blood cancer.

We need you in our shave squad.

Every day over 50 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. Although research is improving survival, sadly, an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every 28 minutes. We want to change this.

You’ll be doing something AMAZING to help families facing blood cancer with the special care they need to make it through every scary, uncertain moment that follows a diagnosis.

It will also help brilliant research scientists continue their search for better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer more effectively.

World's Greatest Shave 2021

Remember the World’s Greatest Shave in 2021?

Ready? Let’s do this!

The top five fundraisers will have their heads shaved at the whole College Assembly on Thursday, 17 March!

>>> Click here to visit our team page to join our team.

Looking forward to welcoming you into an elite group of extraordinary superheroes on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer.


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House – Lacey


Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a winter activity for students from Years 5-12.

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to ‘Printmaking: Narratives.’

Each student will be introduced to a range of printmaking techniques and processes, and will build their knowledge and confidence in the planning, carving, and printing of artworks.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $100.00

Materials: all materials will be supplied 

Session times: select ONE from the following:

>>> Click here to view the Google Form Expression of Interest.


Ms Stephanie Falk

Visual Arts Teacher
