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>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


Elective Music students in Years 11 and 12 are to attend the ENCORE Concert at the City Recital Hall. The concert features a selection of outstanding performances and compositions by Higher School Certificate Music students from 2021.

Event: Encore Concert

At: City Recital Hall, 2 Angel Place Sydney

When: Monday, 21 February 2022

Time: Matinee 12:30pm

Dress: Full school uniform

Transport: Students along with staff will travel by train to and from the venue.

Please note that the concert should finish at approximately 3:30pm. Students must bring a note with parental permission, should they not wish to return to school and leave directly from the City Recital Hall.

Cost: $71.00 – to be included on school fees.

Food: Students should bring their lunch, or they will require money should they wish to purchase lunch.

Permission: Parents/Carers are to please complete the below excursion permission form.

>>> Click here to view and complete the excursion permission form.

Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


Tonga Assistance – What Can I Do to Help?

Last week I wrote to parents about Waverley’s Tonga Assistance, as part of the humanitarian efforts, Youth in Union, an Australian registered non-for profit organisation, are seeking your support. We are currently raising funds and requesting items for a shipping container to go directly to Tonga, to help those who have lost everything in the tsunami.

We thank you in advance for your generosity. Please leave these wrapped and labelled items at the Senior School Reception before Friday, 25 February. 

YEAR 5 – Toys/books, coloured pencils and crayons

YEAR 6 – School backpacks, healthy snacks

YEAR 7 – Wipes, water bottles (refillable), canned food

YEAR 8 – Sleeping bags, canned food

YEAR 9 – Clothing of all types (boys and girls), water bottles (refillable), towels

YEAR 10 – Shoes and slippers of all sizes, wipes, towels

YEAR 11 – Toothpaste and toothbrushes, sports equipment, towels

YEAR 12 – Sanitary products for girls and women, clothing all types, men and women, towels

Peter’s Fight Against Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer

A number of parents attended a fundraiser for Year 9 parent, Mr Peter Meyer, at North Bondi Surf Lifesaving Club last Friday evening. Peter is an Old Boy of the College (Class of 1992), and has been diagnosed with stage 4 Adenocarcinoma lung cancer, which has metastasised in the liver, bowel and tailbone. The oncologist has confirmed it is not curable, but Peter is going to try his best to fight it for as long as he can. Peter is a husband to Dianne and father to three kids: Maddi (16yrs), Billy Year 9 (14yrs), and Ashton (4yrs). Peter’s sister has started a go fund me page to relieve some financial pressure off the family. Please support Peter and his family at this incredibly tough time. 

Master Plan Update 

This week Simon Potter (Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation) along with myself, presented our Master Plan to the Edmund Rice Education Australia Council. Our own Waverley College Advisory Council have endorsed the plan along with staff, parents and other key stakeholders. The Master Plan outlines the building plans of the College for the next 40 years with 18 separate stages.  

Stage 1 includes: 

The early feedback from the EREA Council was that they were impressed with the vision for the College, with its emphasis on teaching, learning and wellbeing spaces, and with a focus on sustainable practices and design. 

Principal, Graham Leddie; President of the EREA Council, Philomena Billington; Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Simon Potter

Principal, Graham Leddie; President of the EREA Council, Philomena Billington; Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Simon Potter

Ethics Olympiad International Finals

Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the The Middle School Ethics Olympiad International Finals on Thursday, 24 February. Wishing the following Year 10 students the best of luck for next Thursday: Campbell Porteus, Declan McAuliffe, James Medland, James Birbas and Oliver Malzard.

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley

There was certainly a buzz of excitement in the air, when Australian Open 2022 Doubles Champion Nick Kyrgios added Waverley College to his tennis circuit on Tuesday. He teamed up with our top-seeded Junior player Noah Dalton, to challenge Senior Tennis Captains Kai Jones and Jack Preller, to a friendly set. The dynamic sporting celebrity addressed all of our current tennis players and answered thoughtful questions from Junior students. 

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

COVID-19 Update

The College COVID numbers remained steady over this week, and I commend everyone for their efforts, please keep it up. Year 8 and Year 11 parents should be particularly vigilant in monitoring for any COVID-19 symptoms. The Government’s last RAHT tests should be utilised on Monday and Wednesday next week. We are yet to receive an update on whether any further tests will be administered by the Government. I will update you in next week’s Nurrunga. 

  COVID Positive Close contacts
Year 5 3 2
Year 6 0 2
Year 7 2 1
Year 8 10 4
Year 9  6 6
Year 10 2 3
Year 11 12 3
Year 12 1 5
Staff 0 0
  36 24


Read more: diary dates, Parent Information Night, Family Zone – Year 5 parents, Nick Kyrgios visits Waverley, round 1 sport overview, Junior School House Swimming Carnival, Branch Surf Lifesaving Carnival, Art Club, Home Learning Club, Waverley Reading Challenge, meet 6 White.


Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Parent Information Night

Thank you to all those families who joined us for Parent Information Night last Monday. If you were unable to attend this evening, please reach out to your son’s teacher who will update you on what you missed.

Family Zone – Year 5 Parents

IT Department

As you are aware, we have just completed the deployment of MacBooks for Year 5. As part of the iLearn package, we have partnered with Family Zone to provide CyberSafety software that you can use to manage your son’s online activity, whilst away from school. We still manage this when they are at school.

The Family Zone application is pre-installed on the school device, and we will “onboard” parent email addresses with Family Zone in the next few weeks. You will then receive an email prompting you to register, to enable you to use the software.

If you do not wish to receive the registration email, and you would rather not take up this offer, please email by Friday, 25 February 2022, stating that you wish to opt out of the Family Zone program.


Further information around Family Zone and some tips and tricks regarding CyberSafety, can be found below at the Waverley College Family Zone hub.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Family Zone hub.

Support for Parents

You can also view the Family Zone flyer, which has a support contact number, should you have any questions or issues setting up your account once you have registered.

>>> Click here to view the Family Zone Support for Parents flyer.

This is a service provided for free by Waverley College as part of our iLearn program.

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley!

It was as if a pop star had arrived at Waverley, when Junior and Senior School tennis players greeted our Tuesday afternoon visitor, Nick Kyrgios. The Australian Open 2022 Doubles Champion was welcomed with cheers, chants and screams, as he made his way onto the Senior School tennis courts towards our seated, awe-struck crowd.

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

At six foot five, Nick’s star quality shone, as he took the microphone to share insights about his career journey, the importance of hard work and sacrifices made. Nick said that he’d always tried to be himself and be authentic, and encouraged students to stay confident in themselves.

Answering prepared questions from our Junior School tennis stars, he revealed Roger Federer to be his favourite opponent and a “dream come true” to play him and achieve a victory. He surprised the crowd when admitting that his favourite tournament was not the Australian Open, but in fact, Wimbledon. He’d also broken a couple of thousand tennis racquets!

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

He then teamed up with our top-seeded Junior player Noah Dalton to challenge Senior Tennis Captains Kai Jones and Jack Preller to a friendly set, sending a ball into the crowd every so often to keep the punters on their toes!

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

Thanks, Nick. It was awesome to meet you.

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

Elephant Ed

This is a reminder that you are invited to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty & Embracing Change, for our Junior School Students. 

When: 6pm – 7pm on Thursday, 24 February, 2022

Topic: Puberty & Embracing Change

You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please use the link below to register.

>>> Click here to view and complete Elephant Ed registration information.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Round 1 Sport Overview

It was great to see all of our Junior School students begin the season with such a strong display of sportsmanship and teamwork. These qualities were evident in every team that played their home games at Queens Park and Waverley Junior Basketball Court. I heard inspiring reports from parents and coaches about several away fixtures, with teams starting the season in positive spirits.

Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director Co‑Curricular Years 5-8

It was a shame that some of our away Cricket games weren’t able to go ahead due to inclement weather, but I look forward to these players getting their opportunity this coming weekend.

Please always refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round. Families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website via the link below.

>>> Click here to view all Junior School Co-Curricular information on the Waverley College website

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

The Junior School have found themselves in a unique situation, having the opportunity to complete the Swimming Carnival across two days, due to the severe weather conditions experienced during last Friday’s carnival. 

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

Continuing the House spirit and enthusiasm from all students, we were able to finish all remaining events today at the Senior Swimming Pool. We have experienced some amazing achievements this year from our swimmers, and we were excited to have a new swim record that hadn’t been broken since 2004!

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

We send a huge congratulations to Roman Szabo who set a new Junior School record for the U11 (Year 5) 50-metre freestyle, with a time of 30.17 seconds. This was previously set by Lachlan Reid in 2004, with a time of 31.17 seconds.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

I would also like to congratulate the Age Champions for this year’s Swimming Carnival:

Under 10:
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 10: Charles Carrano
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship Equal 2nd Place: Hugo Bindner
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship Equal 2nd Place: Benjamin Kostic
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship 4th Place: Jaden Truscott
Under 11:
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 11: Roman Szabo
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 2nd Place: Jacob Roorda
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 3rd Place: Louis Coleman
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 4th Place: Tobias Panlilio
Under 12:
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 12: Aiden McNee
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 2nd Place: Rowan Metzl
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 3rd Place: Ngakau Hiroti
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 4th Place: Lukas Pendleton

Lastly, we can finally announce and congratulate the winning House for this year’s Junior School Swimming Carnival – Lacey House!!!

Branch Surf Lifesaving Carnival

As mentioned last week, a large number of Waverley College Junior Students recently competed at the Branch Surf Life Saving Titles. Branch being the major carnival prior to State Life Saving Titles.

Congratulations to the following students for their involvement and achievements in the two day event who were not mentioned last week:


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular



Art Club

Visual Arts Club commenced this term as a Summer extracurricular, and students in the Junior School have their works underway. Developing skills in colour mixing, tonal application and composition, students have all begun the process of creating a sustained still life painting.

Each week, students will resolve certain areas of their canvas, with each of the finished works to be entered in the Mosman Youth Art Prize, later this year. 

Visual Arts Club Progress Samples

Visual Arts Club Progress Samples


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts



Home Learning Club – Week 5

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6, the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed.   


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

If your son is not present at roll call, a phone call will be made to check on his whereabouts. If your plans change and you decide he is unable to attend, please contact the school via email or call reception. 

Students are required to stay for the full session, unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday and Wednesday – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby 

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us. 



Waverley Reading Challenge 2022

The ‘Waverley Reading Challenge’ is underway. This Challenge implements important strategies to assist your son to engage in reading in a positive manner. 

Students are challenged to read different genres, read nonfiction, listen to audiobooks, give recommendations to their friends, and develop a love of reading. 

Giving boys choices, also plays an important role in them developing a love of reading, as does making sure they have access to the books they would like to read, providing a welcoming, flexible and comfortable space, and lastly, time to read.

Junior School students reading in the Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is continually working to support young readers in the Junior School. This challenge sits under the umbrella of a formative assessment. The main goal for the students is to develop a love of reading. 

I recommend you ask your son about the Challenge and what they are currently reading!

>>> Click here to view the Waverley Reading Challenge.

Junior School Learning Hub 2021


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Classroom Updates – Meet 6 White!

Throughout the year, your son’s class will showcase their work through Nurrunga. This week we are fortunate enough to hear from Mr Stanton and 6 White.

Hello, to all in the Waverley College Community. As the class teacher of Year 6 White, I am happy to inform you that we are a hard working class, who are well behaved, and enjoy our varied school tasks and activities.

6 White 2022

Our normal days include moving around for lessons, participating in Music / Drama lessons, calmly working with each other in a school setting, writing on desktops with whiteboard markers to take notes, and solve mathematical puzzles in mastering arithmetic.

6 White 2022

Year 6 is their second year at Waverley College, and we now have voted for 26 brand-new school leaders. It is a shame some talented captains have missed out in 2022. Their chance will come again in winter sports and in Year 7.

6 White 2022

The work is a little harder and more complex than last year, but nothing they cannot cope with. The teachers are also a little more demanding in regards to quality and content of work presentation, to prepare them for the Senior School.

6 White 2022


“6 White is an amazing class. It is really easy to learn in class.” Jake Tobin

“Year 6 White has been fun but a little challenging.” James Rozea 

“I really like 6 White because they are always moving and doing work. It is fun and Mr Stanton is very compatible.” Quinn Brodie


Mr Anthony Stanton

Class Teacher, 6 White


Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who completed the HSC Advanced Mathematics course in 2021, and achieved 90%+ in their HSC result. They were honoured on the Sydney Morning Herald Distinguished Achievers List for 2021.

Conor Cahill, Jared Garwood, Matis Jos-Rolland, Leonardo Morgan, Tobias Unsworth, Carl Waterson and Mackenzie Flitcroft.

The College is very proud of the effort and commitment of the entire Accelerated Mathematics Class of 2021, and we look forward to seeing their continued success and achievements across 2022.


Mrs Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning


Read more: Cricket, Basketball, Swimming, Diving, Somerset Camp, State Oz-Tag, State Touch Football, Surf Life Saving titles, summer sports photos, CAS Code of Conduct, COVID-19 protocols, correct uniform reminder, winter activities, House Carnival save the date!

>>> Click here to view the Fixtures.


Our first full round of CAS summer sport for quite some time was successful, and it was great to see all players and coaches representing the College well.

Cricket and Basketball

Some of the highlights included some impressive results in all Cricket with the 1sts, 9A and B, 8A and B, and all three Year 7 teams victorious. In addition, we had some great wins in Basketball across all grades.

Basketball Term 1 2022

1st XI

1st XI

Swimming and Diving

Our Swimming and Diving squads also competed at the CAS Invitational at Homebush on Friday night. Many members of the swim squad performed well, as did our divers, with Milan Mann placing 3rd in the intermediate competition.

CAS Swimming Term 1 2022

CAS Swimming Feb 2022

CAS Diving Feb 2022

Somerset Camp

This week we also had our Year 7s spend three days at Somerset Camp on the Colo River, and from all reports, these students had a great time.

Year 7 Camp Somerset –Quinn

Year 7 Camp Somerset – Quinn

State Oz-Tag and Touch Football

Well done to those students that competed in the State Oz-Tag competition last weekend, and I also want to wish those students competing at the State Touch Football tournament this weekend, the very best.

Surf Life Saving State Titles

I am aware that we have a number of talented surf lifesavers competing at the State titles at Manly next weekend, and if an exemption has not yet been requested, can I please urge families to ensure that this is done urgently. Please note that students are entitled to two exemptions throughout the year.

Surf Life Saving

Summer Sports Photos from Monday 21 – Friday, 25 February 

Next week we will be taking Summer Sports photos on the Tennis courts before and after school. We will match the photo schedule as best as we can to the training schedule, however, all students will be required to wear their playing attire for these photos.

Our Water Polo players will need to wear their PE attire. All photos will be taken on the Tennis Courts. Our swimming and diving squads will have their team photo taken on the day of the CAS Championships.

>>> Click here to view the photo schedule.

CAS Code of Conduct, COVID-19 Protocols and Correct Uniform Reminder

This week we are away to Cranbrook, and a reminder to all students, coaches and parents, that the CAS Codes of Conduct are developed to ensure good sportsmanship at all times.

COVID-19 protocols will continue to apply this term, that include only one parent per player at any indoor venue, with masks to be worn at all times. QR coding and vaccination status for adults will also be requested at all venues. Any person showing any symptoms, is a close contact or has been asked to isolate must not attend. 

All students should now be fully attired in the correct summer playing attire for all fixtures. This uniform is available in the College Uniform Shop. You can find information about the Uniform Shop at the end of every edition of Nurrunga in the ‘Important Links’ section.

Winter Activities

This week was also the last opportunity for students to request a change to their winter activities. No more requests will be accepted from next week. Students who have not requested a change, will just have last season’s winter activities roll over to this year.

House Swimming Carnival – Save the Date!

On Friday, 4 March we have our House Swimming Carnival at Botany Aquatic Centre, with further information published from next week.

Good luck to all teams this week!

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Well done to all Waverley Cricket teams, who took part in the first round of the CAS competition against St Aloysius.’ Waverley recorded success in the 1st XI, 9A, 9B, 8A, 8B and the Year 7 teams. Furthermore, an added congratulations to all Year 7 teams is warranted, as they represented the Senior School for the first time. The energy and skill that has been apparent over the past few weeks, brings excitement for the years ahead. 

1st XI and Words of Wisdom from Mr John Boyd

The 1st XI showed grit to hold off a determined chase by St Aloysius’ in what was a nailbiter of a match. The day began with a baggy blue cap presentation led by Mr O’Donnell, Mr Kroll, and former Waverley student, coach and teacher, Mr John Boyd.

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Cricket Presentation with Mr John Boyd

Thank you to Mr Boyd for imparting his words of wisdom to the team, and inspiring them all to be leaders on and off the field. Mr Boyd featured in multiple Archer Shield wins during his time as a student at the College, and as a former coach of the 1st XI. Moreover, he spoke of his time playing cricket for Waverley, and challenged the team to be competitive, but to place enjoyment of the game at the forefront of team goals.

Game Report

Waverley batted first with Eddie Regan and Hirav Gandhi setting the pace early on. However, both were dismissed before they were able to truly open up. Maxim Brooks was also out early with a deceptive full toss hitting the pads. Will Dodd and Jack Rigg then came to the crease, and worked to put pressure back on Aloysius’ with aggressive running between the wickets. Will Dodd reached 43 before he was caught, and Jack Rigg was unfortunately run out due to some miscommunication. Daniel McSweeny (caught for 17), William Hickey (caught for 24), and Carter Steyn (not out for 10), then rounded Waverley up into a double century total of 8/202. 

1st XI

1st XI

1st XI

1st XI

1st XI

1st XI

Nonetheless, St Aloysius’ came into bat with a keenness to put the pressure back on Waverley, by maintaining a steady run rate. The two openers began to make life a little difficult for Waverley, as the outfield began to dry up and boundaries became more of an option. However, it was Connor Andrews who got the breakthrough for Waverley, and the wickets then slowly became more achievable as the Aloysius’ batsmen fell behind Waverley’s run rate. Hirav was impressive, taking two wickets for 23 runs off five overs, and Will Dodd again stood up to take three wickets off only four overs. Aloysius’ simply ran out of overs and reached a total of 175. 

2nd XI, Year 10A and Year 9A

Unfortunately, the 2nd XI and the Year 10A were washed out due to the heavy rain across North Sydney. However, well done to Hunter Elridge of Year 10 who took 3/10 off six overs whilst also carrying his bat to score 51 of 108 balls. Jonathon McDonald of the Year 9A team also helped his team seek out a hard fought win with a score of 42. 

Angus Sullivan and Jack George of 10A wait for the rain to pass at St Aloysius’ College

Angus Sullivan and Jack George of 10A wait for the rain to pass at St Aloysius’ College

Fantastic Signs for the Future Success of this Season

Growing numbers across all teams, and the ongoing commitment to training that is ever present, is a fantastic sign for the future success of this season. Thank you to all coaches, players and parents for their support and preparation in the lead up to the start of the CAS season.

I am looking forward to seeing the development of all teams displayed over the coming weeks. This Saturday, the College will play against a well-drilled Cranbrook School for CAS points. The Year 7C team will play another T/20 game against Newington, at home. I wish all teams the very best. 


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket


As we start this year’s shortened Basketball season against our first round opponents, St Aloysius’, we would like to share some achievements that occurred over the holiday period.

Holiday Period Achievements

All teams had two rounds of trials before the end of Term 4 against Cranbrook and Trinity. The 1sts and 2nds teams were able to win all four of their games, due to the great performances of Aodan Byrne, Cooper Stynes and Solomon Tuquiri from the 2nds, and Marko Rangan, Sergej Jakovljevic and Tom Gleeson from the 1sts.

Intensive Training Camp with High Performance Squad

1sts and 2nds also completed in a two-day intensive training camp with the High Performance squad, which was then followed by a one-day tournament at Alexandria Basketball Stadium. This was a great three days for both teams, as they gained more game experience before Round 1 commenced, which helped to overcome the lack of games in Term 4 due to COVID-19.

Camp, Trinity Challenge and Newington Classic

In late January, 1sts, 2nds and High Performance players participated in another two-day camp, which was then followed by a two-day tournament. 1sts played in the Trinity Challenge, and the 2nds played in the Newington Classic. Both teams were unlucky with their results, but with players missing and still getting used to each other, they were hoping to turn things around in Round 1 of the CAS.


A big congratulations goes to 1st’s player Marko Rangan on being selected in the U18 NSW Metro team. They will compete later this year in the National Championships.

Another congratulations goes to our Head Coach, Mr Johnston and his wife, on having their first child.

Basketball Net

Round 1


Round 1 against St Aloysius’ at Waverley started in a great way, with the 2nds having a tight win. It was within five points almost the whole game, until Solomon Tuqiri and Charlie Smith hit back-to-back corner three-pointers to extend Waverley’s lead to 10. After great team defence and intensity, they were able to close out the game in great fashion for their first win of the season. 


With the intensity and energy still high from the 2nds game, the 1sts were looking to beat St Aloysius’, three years in a row. The first half was very back and forth with St Aloysius’ holding a four-point lead the whole way until half time, where they managed to go on a run and be up by 11. After trying to claw back the lead for the entirety of the 3rd quarter, Waverley went on a quick 10-0 run, thanks to Daniel Palacio and Hugo Roles, and brought it back to within seven points. However, St Aloysius’ were too good, and picked their intensity right up, and finished the game strong. Great games were played by Sergej Jakovljevic and Daniel Palacio. 

Waverley College Basketball

7As, 8As, 9As, 10As

The rest of the As teams were unlucky as well, with all being defeated. The 7As went down 16-43 with great first games for the College from Phil Falaniko, Otto Murcutt and Duke Thomas. The 8As had a closer game, only losing by 12 points with Angus Peshos, Tane Barclay and Xavier Koster all having standout games. The 9As were within single digits, and were just beaten by eight points, 24-32, with Renato Rovacch, Ben Pignatelli and Giles Strachan having fantastic games. The 10As lost in a mighty effort, as they were only narrowed out by six points, despite Aren Yaghoubian, Hudson Hatchett and Ricardo Zanapalis all contributing in a big way. 

7th V, 8th V, 10G, 9B, 9D, 9E, 9G, 9H, 8C, 8D, 8G, 7B, 7E, 7G

In other games, the following teams enjoyed first-up wins against St Aloysius’: 7th V (27-19), 8th V (50-34), 10G (26-14), 9B (37-27), 9D (19-8), 9E (31-20), 9G (42-6), 9H (26-9), 8C (25-24), 8D (22-12), 8G (22-13), 7B (28-13), 7E (23-16) and 7G (36-32).

The Weekend Ahead

As we look ahead to this weekend against our Eastern Suburbs Rivals, we hope to better our performances from last week, starting on Friday night when Cranbrook host the 1sts and 2nds.

If anyone is interested in undertaking an externally accredited Beginners Basketball Referee course, please see Mr Gibbs in the TAS staffroom for more details, and to register your interest. 


Student reporters

Hugo Roles (Captain of 1st V)

Thomas Gleeson (Captain of Basketball)


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball


Last week was a hive of activity at Cadets.

A Company headed to Hugh Bamford Reserve for an afternoon of Archery, B Company enjoyed Laser Tag in the Quad, C Company learnt some important safety actions for AFX before learning how to put up an 11 x 11 military tent, and D Company tested their physical prowess on the Climbing Wall.

Interspersed with the action were lessons on ration packs, how to pack a pack for hiking, health and hygiene in the field, how to put up a hutchie, and skills in sight and sound ready for tactical manoeuvres on camp. Each Company will take turns at all these events in the coming weeks.

CPL Seroa showing D Company

CPL Seroa Showing D Company How It’s Done

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

Preparing for AFX

Support Company is busy bringing their skills up to par for AFX as well. Our Medics are being professionally trained by an external First Aid provider, so they can support their recruits with minor injuries on camp. Pioneers are practising the exciting activities they have planned for the recruits on camp. Signallers are practising Ratel and Media are capturing the lot on camera.

We thank our hardworking team in Q Store, led by the QM and the LOGSO, for putting together the stores requests from week to week, and preparing supplies and equipment for camp.

AFX is X Platoon’s time to shine, and we look forward to seeing the culmination of their training at Majura MTA in April.

Only 6 weeks to go until camp!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: mask reminder, Year 12 (2021) Graduation and Valedictory Dinner, GALA for FARA.


Mask Reminder

As per the NSW Public Health Order, all staff and students are required to wear a mask whilst indoors at the College. This includes to and from school on public transport. 

The responsibility for providing students with a mask lies with parents. Unfortunately, due to the College Nurse being inundated with requests from students who fail to bring a mask to school, masks are no longer available from the Health Centre, but instead, can be purchased for $1 from the canteen.

This has already seen a significant drop in masks needing to be distributed by the College, from an average of 100 per day, to now less than 10. 

Year 12 (2021) Graduation and Valedictory Dinner

Last Thursday evening, it was wonderful to finally celebrate the Year 12 Graduation and Valedictory Dinner at the Australian Turf Club at Randwick, with over 500 guests.

The event was streamed for students who have already taken the next steps in their life’s journey, a number of them joining us from around Australia and overseas. 

Highlights of the night included the liturgy presented by Ms Sue Walsh, and memorable speeches by the College Principal, Mr Graham Leddie, and 2021 College Captain, Peter Stamatelatos. The night concluded with the presentation of the high ATAR awards, Major Award Winners, then announcing the Dux of 2021, Leon Palacio.

Special thanks to Ms Suzi Sucur for her great work organising the event, Heads of House for their support, and Mr Bishoy Wasef and Mr Angus McPherson for filming and streaming the event.


Friedreich Ataxia Research Association (FARA), is a not-for-profit organisation that supports research into treatments and a cure for Friedreich Ataxia. Friedreich Ataxia is a genetic, progressive, neurodegenerative movement disorder, with a typical age of onset between 10 and 15 years.

In March, FARA are holding a fundraising GALA dinner at Doltone House, Hyde Park. It promises to be a fantastic night of culinary delights, special guests, and the chance to dance the night away with fabulous entertainment, all while supporting Friedreich Ataxia Research.

When? Friday, 11 March, 2022, 7pm-midnight

Where? Doltone House, Hyde Park, Level 3, 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney

How to Book?  >>> Click here to book a ticket for the FARA fundraising gala dinner.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal: Staff and Student Wellbeing


As per the College Calendar, this is a friendly reminder that there is a compulsory information evening for parents and students of Year 10, next Thursday, 24 February from 6pm – 7pm.  

The session will run online and the link to view is below.

>>> Click here to view the link to the Parent and Student Information Evening.

The session marks the beginning of the transition into senior studies and post-school pathways for Year 10 students.  

What Will the Session Cover?

During Ms Porter’s session, she will make reference to the Subject Requirements Information Booklet which can be accessed via the link below.

>>> Click here to view the Subject Requirements Information Booklet.

Please note that this information booklet will be updated in Term 2 with some minor changes, depending on any decisions regarding HSC courses on offer in 2023-2024.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


The Waverley College app can be downloaded from your app store. Please use the following instructions to download and set up the app:

>>> Click here to download the instructions.

Week 5


Coming Up

