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Remembrance Day was Live-Streamed on Thursday

To commemorate Remembrance Day this year and the 103rd anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended the First World War in 1918, the College Community paused to remember all those who have died in war. The College joined via livestream for the Ceremony of Commemoration of the Fallen.

Members of the College Cadet Unit provided the Flag Party as well as an armed Guard around the College Cenotaph, which is inscribed with the names of all of our ‘Old Boys’ who paid the supreme sacrifice in the two World Wars. Congratulations to our Cadets — please see further details later in the newsletter. 


I joined this week the Jewish community’s annual ceremony commemorating Kristallnacht, which was held online. Kristallnacht, the the night of broken glass, was a violent rampage against Jewish people and their homes, shops, buildings and synagogues carried out by the Nazi Party along with civilians on the 9 and 10 of November 1938. Historians view Kristallnacht as a prelude to the Final Solution (code name for the murder of all Jews by the Nazis), and the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust.

This year’s commemoration celebrated the life of Eddie Jaku OAM, who died recently. Edward Jaku OAM, was a survivor of several German concentration camps during World War II, who wrote of his wartime experiences after emigrating to Australia. This memoir is called The Happiest Man on Earth and was published when he was 100 years old. Having narrowly survived, he moved to Australia during the 1950s, where he dedicated his life to teaching others about the dangers of intolerance.

His message was: as long as I live, I’ll teach not to hate. Mr Jaku said he was the “happiest man” despite the horrors he witnessed in the concentration camps. “Life is what you want it to be, life is in your hands,” he said.

>>> Click here to view this year’s commemoration and a celebration of Eddie’s life.

COVID-19 update

Catholic Schools NSW has been working closely with NSW Health to lessen the impact of long periods of isolation for students who have been deemed a close contact. Rapid Antigen Testing (RAHT) is being assessed as an additional safety measure in many schools, as an option for families to return their children to school after 7 days of isolation instead of 14. 

There are many considerations and RAHT may not be an option in every case; Catholic Schools NSW in consultation with NSW Health will identify when this option will work in a school community. Rapid antigen testing does not replace the PCR test that is still required when students are identified as close contacts. The objective is to keep as many schools open without compromising community safety.

This week we were notified that a small number of Waverley College students have been deemed close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case. The majority of the students are in Year 7 and one Year 11 student. They attended a small party on the weekend in which the person who was a confirmed COVID-19 case, also attended from another school. 

With this in mind, it is a timely reminder of the importance of remaining hyper-vigilant about some measures that should be taken, in order to reduce the risk of transmission. 

1) Get your son vaccinated

2) Face Masks

Please remember that it is not only a Waverley College policy to be wearing a face mask at all times, but this has also been advised by NSW Health, AIS, CSNSW, and the majority of health professionals as part of a multi-layered approach for schools. 

3) Hand Hygiene

It is vital to make sure you are regularly washing your hands, using hand sanitiser, and also wiping down the surfaces you work on, before and after you use them. Our Health Centre is providing hand sanitiser and surface wipes for each classroom. 

4) Staying at home when you are sick/sending sick students to the Health Centre

If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, such as a cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or runny nose, even if these are mild, you should get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. People with mild symptoms can still spread the virus. To help stop the spread of COVID-19, anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms should get tested.

Year 12

Students commenced the HSC examinations well and there was a tangible sense of “let’s get things done”, determination and calmness within the group. Attendance was excellent and their feedback was that both English papers were fair and straightforward. May that be their experience for the rest of their examinations.

I wish them well after experiencing a most frustrating journey and we are proud of the way they have resolutely set themselves to do their best and complete their Higher School Certificate Examinations.

Mr Brennan and Ms Walsh have written to all parents regarding the postponement of the Graduation ceremony to February next year, which will ensure the most parents, grandparents and students can celebrate this significant achievement. 

Parents’ Association AGM

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank all parents who have been involved in the work carried out by the Parents’ Association throughout 2021. Particular thanks to the tireless work of the Year level representatives, past parents representatives, clothing pool representatives, tuckshop volunteers and the executive for all of their organisation, support and efforts in organising events and communicating across our community.

Special thanks to the 2021 Executive: Ms Jade Stapleton (President), Ms Lisa Sullivan-Smith (Vice President), Ms Lamya Sadi (Vice President), Ms Stephanie Van Dam (Secretary) and Ms Deb Johnston (Treasurer). Despite all the challenges of 2021, the Parents’ Association has still been able to contribute significantly to the overall success of the College.

>>> Click here to view the President’s Report for 2021.

From the recent AGM, I would like to congratulate the following parents on their elections to the Parents’ Association Executive for 2022, and I look forward to working with them in the new year.

Parent Executive 

Parent Representatives

Old Boy Ned Wieland

In 2017, Ned became the youngest male to swim the English Channel and raised significant funds for the charity RU OK? This Sunday, 14 November, Ned will be attempting to break the record of 60 laps of Bondi Beach — good luck Ned! You can view the full Nurrunga article in the ‘Old Boys Upcoming Events and News’ section, to learn how you can support Ned and RU OK? charity.

Advocate for Children and Young People NSW Survey

Your son would have received an email survey from the Advocate for Children and Young People NSW this week. They are seeking feedback from school-age students so that they can share their views with decision makers across Government. Governments and schools have been trying to embrace ‘student voice’ more and more in their planning. I therefore encourage your son to find a couple of minutes to fill this out and share their perspectives. 

Good Decisions in Public

This week I was thrilled to receive two wonderful emails from members of the public who were impressed by our students’ behaviour after school. The first came from a lady who was shopping at Westfield, Bondi Junction last Wednesday afternoon. She came across a group of young people in Waverley College uniform. They were polite and well-behaved, and were joined by a young man of the same age from another school who seemed to have a mild developmental disability.

The lady was moved to tears by the kindness, respect and inclusivity that each of the students showed to this young man. The lady concluded by suggesting that this behaviour spoke highly of the culture at the College.

A second email came regarding a group of students, again in the correct uniform, who helped a lady and her elderly father whose car had broken down. They all pitched in and assisted the driver move the car off the road.

It’s important to remind our students that we are constantly on show in public, particularly in retail precincts and on public transport. One act of kindness or manners can stick in the mind of people for many years to come.

Just as students who make poor decisions when in public are held accountable by the College, it’s important to celebrate the excellent behaviour shown by the majority of our students whilst in public.

Well done to the students who were recognised in these two emails.

Remembrance Day

At 11 o’clock on 11 November 1918, fighting in the First World War – the most destructive war fought to that date – came to a formal close.

The mass armies and unprecedented industrialisation that were salient features of the War, had led to a deadlock in Northern France and Belgium that had required four terrible years of attritional warfare and economic blockade to break.

The result was a horrendous casualty list for all the major combatants that shocked their people. Total casualties for WWI are estimated at 20 million dead and 20 million injured.

The College continues to remember this day with a solemn service led by the Waverley College Cadet Unit on Thursday. Students watched the service online at 11am.

>>> Click here to view more about the Remembrance Day service in the Nurrunga article by MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

Lest We Forget

Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


On Monday, 15 and Tuesday, 16 November, Year 10 will be issued with their new Student MacBook. At the same time, they will also be returning devices or having them released if they are being purchased.

Students were emailed on 1 November, with their appointment times and the room they should attend. If they are returning a laptop, it must be returned with the Apple power adapter to avoid any additional charges.

Students should also ensure they have backed up any important files from the old unit, as once returned, files will not be able to be recovered. Google Drive should be used for this purpose, ahead of the appointment time.

Purchased devices will be released by iAssist Staff and from that point should not be used in school.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


In period 1 on Friday 19 November, a Year 11 Leadership Assembly will be held for all of Year 11 in the Centenary Quad.

This significant event will also be live-streamed to all students. Further details will be communicated to students in the coming days.


Warm regards,

Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Thank you to our Year 12 SRC Captains and Prefects who organised a basketball competition for our Year 8 students on Wednesday. The Year 8s who participated were an enthusiastic group of young men who enjoyed both the competition and music provided. Thanks to all who attended.

Next week, the Year 9 competition will be held on Wednesday in the Gym. We look forward to seeing all of Year 9 there.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 8 Basketball Comp a Success!

Year 8 Basketball Comp a Success!

Thanks Year 12 SRC!

Thanks Year 12 SRC!

Free time on computers and electronic devices can lead inquiring minds to come across material that can be confronting, challenging and upsetting. Such occasions can lend themselves to starting conversations with our young people.

To help with such conversations, reviewing and revising parent-friendly information can help.

The following Cybersafety websites are helpful. There are many more available, but these are all Australian sites (and mostly Government organisations), and relevant to our systems and situations. Most also include parent/carer webinars.



Ms Sue Bognar

Teacher Librarian


Read more: Year 6 Graduation, Presentation Day, Home Learning Club, updated Co-Curricular Saturday Draw (Term 4).

Welcome to Week 6. It has been great getting back into the swing of things. We have a very busy end to the year and we are excited to be able to hold important events. Next week our Year 6 students will be able to continue working with Elephant Education in the classroom which focuses on key concepts taught in the PDHPE program. 

Year 6 Graduation

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our Year 6 Graduation at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church at 11am on Wednesday, 1 December. Due to restrictions in the church, we are only allowed one parent to be in attendance. We will be live-streaming this event so no one will miss out. Details will follow closer to the date. An invitation and an RSVP link will be sent via email on Monday. 

Parents who attend will be allowed to take students home after the event if they wish to, otherwise students will return to the Junior School for the afternoon and be dismissed at 3pm. 

​​Parents attending will need to be double vaccinated, wearing a mask and checking in using the QR code upon entry

Presentation Day

Please save the date for our Presentation Day on Wednesday, 1 December, 9am – 10:15am. You will receive an email from Mr Brennan with more details. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Home Learning Club — Week 7

Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in. 

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm. 

NOTE: There will be NO Home Learning Club in Weeks 8 and 9. 


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email me:


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Updated Co-Curricular Saturday Draw (Term 4)

Thank you all for your patience and understanding while I was away on leave for the last two weeks. It has been exciting to have sport return as the year comes to an end, and I hope your sons have enjoyed themselves.

>>> Click here to view the attached updated Saturday draw for the last two weekends of sport.

There have been significant adjustments to Basketball, so please check carefully. These team and format changes will help elevate areas of concern that occurred during the first weekend of sport.

Basketball will be undertaken in a new half-court format to increase playing time and reduce high numbers of students on the bench. Year 6 will play in a 3v3 format and Year 5 in a 4v4 format. All split year group teams from A-J have been split into teams 1 or 2 and will verse each other.

Please Read the Draw and See Below for More Understanding:

All Basketball students have been informed of these changes during this week’s sports meeting. All coaches are aware of how each team is split into two teams and who is in each team.

I have strongly encouraged Cricket and Touch Football coaches to mix the teams versing each other on Saturdays, to both make it a fair contest and increase overall enjoyment for our students.

Reminders About Important Processes

Can I also please remind all students, parents and carers regarding some of the important processes for the next couple of weeks:

Current Government Guideline Restrictions — No Spectators at Sporting Games

Lastly, may I please remind all parents and carers of the College’s current Government guideline restrictions of no spectators at sporting games. We had parents onsite attending Basketball games and parents congregating at Queens Park to watch Cricket games. The large gate onsite will stay closed, and students may only use the side gate to enter, where there will be a large sign respectfully asking parents to remain outside the school grounds. You can spectate if you are moderately walking around the park and aren’t congregating in groups at Queens Park. These restrictions are for the safety of the Waverley community and need to please be respected.

Thank you for your continued understanding during challenging circumstances, and good luck to all students participating this weekend.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Training Term 4 2021

We continue to work within the parameters of the current context, while still endeavouring to expand our recruits’ Cadet skills. A reminder to all in the Unit that we are required to wear masks when on parade and conducting activities.

Company-based parades are proceeding under Directing Staff supervision and we look forward to the day when rank and St Cath’s are able to join and command their Platoons and Companies.

Remembrance Day 2021

A small service to commemorate Remembrance Day 2021 was broadcast to the College at 11am on Thursday, 11 November. We thank the following cadets for their time in rehearsing and conducting this important Ceremonial Parade:


Catafalque Party

Flag Party and Escort


 Drum Corps

School Flags

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Well done to all students, staff and coaches on their impressive efforts over the weekend and this week for the start of training and trials. We will continue to conduct internal trials this coming weekend to select teams for the final two weeks of the term.

We have published an updated training schedule that will commence from Monday, 15 November and it is essential that all students, parents and carers check this for a number of changes that will give students more opportunities to train and play.

>>> Click here to view the updated training schedule.

Whilst we will be selecting some teams this week, we will have an opportunity to retrial and select new teams at the start of 2022. We will also appoint our Summer activity captains and recognise the 1sts teams during Term 1.

Important Processes

Can I also please remind all students, parents and carers about some of the important processes for the next couple of weeks:

Good luck to all students and teams for their trials and selections this week.

 8A/B Cricket enjoying playing sport again!

8A/B Cricket enjoying playing sport again!

 8A/B Cricket enjoying playing sport again!

Great to see 8A/B Cricket back on the field!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Book Hire Textbook Return Process 2021

Students in Years 7-10 will be returning their texts to the Book Hire office during Weeks 7 and 8, once their Semester 2 tasks are completed.

Year 10 students will need to return books during the dates scheduled below to ensure that the return is COVID-safe. Students should ensure that they have their books in their lockers ready to return on their scheduled date.

*Year 10 will need to return books on Wednesday, 17 and Thursday, 18 November.

Books to return

If a student is absent during the scheduled period, they must make arrangements to return their books as soon as possible.

When is Book Hire Open?

Monday to Thursday

Students who need to return books outside of these times, may use the returns crate which will be located at the entrance to the Library.  

Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Nikki Pearce on 02 9369 0636 or


Ms Nikki Pearce

Book Hire Coordinator


A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. We are slowly rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. This will provide someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Due to current restrictions for parents, we are still working mostly through email contact (see email details below) and over the phone.

Attention: Cricket Parents, Judo Parents and Hospitality Students

We have for sale:

Where Can Donations Be Left?

Once parents are permitted back into the Centenary Building, enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.

Contact Details

For more information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secondhand Clothing Pool by:


Phone: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


Next door to the Uniform Shop, Level 3, Centenary Building, Senior School Campus

(Enter Senior School Reception and take the lift to the 3rd floor)

131 Birrell Street, Waverley


Warm regards,

Kirsten and Camille

Secondhand Clothing Pool

Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the latest Careers Newsletter.


Warm regards,

Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator
