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Read more: school photos, Walk the World virtual walkathon, 6 Orange lockdown art activity, Home Learning Club, Learning Hub borrowing for the school holidays.

Welcome to Week 5. We have had a great week here at the Junior School. It has been wonderful watching students get back involved with sport again. Especially for this age level, sport is so important for connection, health (physical and mental), learning skills such as teamwork, and simply having fun. We have placed students in teams with their cohorts in line with the health orders and we hope they make the most out of the above opportunities even in this short time. 

I have seen a huge improvement in the presentation of our students’ uniforms and haircuts and I appreciate your assistance in this area. 


Photos will occur on Wednesday, 10 November. If your son has PE on this day, can I please ask that he come in his school uniform and bring his PE clothes/footwear in his bag. Due to restrictions, we are limited as to what this will look like, but we will do our best.  

Walk the World — Virtual Walkathon

Walk the World Walkathon is a modified event this year, in place of our normal Walkathon. Can I please ask you to get your son involved if he isn’t involved already. The charities involved are the same charities we normally give funds to each year, and they really do rely on us. There are some amazing prizes to be won and it is for a great cause.

>>> Click here to view more information about Walk the World Virtual Walkathon.

6 Orange — Lockdown/Online Learning Art Activity  

6 Orange were tasked with creating a piece of artwork across any medium of their choice, to represent their personal emotions/feelings/thoughts/experiences throughout lockdown/online learning. They created some very powerful and original pieces of work. 

By Oliver Lorimer

By Oliver Lorimer

By Alex Avdalis

By Alex Avdalis

By Henry Goldrich

By Henry Goldrich

By Ethan Khatib

By Ethan Khatib


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Home Learning Club — Weeks 6 and 7

Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in. 

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. 

The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm. 


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact me at:

Borrowing for the School Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching and it is vital we encourage the students to read as much as possible during them. The current Year 5 students will be permitted to borrow books for the holidays.

Junior School Learning Hub 2021


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


With Sydney lockdown restrictions easing, the Year 6 parents have organised a get together to ensure parents and carers can reconnect and celebrate the looming end of College year:

Date: Wednesday, 24 November

Time: 5pm onwards

Venue: Coogee Pavilion Rooftop (Glasshouse and Northern Balcony).

This event can accommodate a maximum of 100 people, so RSVP is essential.

Please RSVP to confirm attendance by emailing Claire McGaffney at

We hope you can all come along to catch up and celebrate the end of the year!

Good luck Year 12 

On behalf of the College Community, we wish our 2021 Year 12 cohort all the very best with their HSC examinations that start next Tuesday. The students have certainly had a very tough two years of Senior School in having to work around the implications of the pandemic. They have however worked very hard and maintained their focus throughout this challenging time. I am sure all of their hard work will pay off and we hope they can achieve their best. 

Orientation Day 

The College has run two Orientation Mornings online over the last week for our new Year 5 students and for all students entering Year 7. These are important touch points to assist in their preparation for their start at Waverley and joining our community. Over 250 new students will join the College in January with around 156 of them in Year 5.

New students and families bring heightened energy and anticipation. This annual surge of young students and their families continues to enrich the College. Part of their challenge is to find their place and connection over the years ahead. Our Big Brother program will assist them to find their feet quickly. I thank our senior staff members, Heads of House and Prefects for hosting these mornings. 

Co-curricular Recommences — All Notices Communicated via Nurrunga or Waverley App Only

A modified co-curricular program recommenced this week. Parents and students must please ensure they read all notices from now on in Nurrunga or via the Waverley College app for all other notifications. With some wet weather forecast over the next week, the app will be the only form of immediate notifications regarding any cancellations or adjustments. College fixtures and training schedules are viewable below:

>>> Click here to view more information in the article by Director of Co-curricular, Mr Stephen O’Donnell.

Parents’ Association AGM – Get involved!

Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 6pm to 8:30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Waverley College Parents’ Association (WCPA) will include the election of office bearers for 2022. All parents and carers are invited to attend the AGM held online via Zoom. 

All Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant and elections will be conducted for the following positions:

Any interested parent is encouraged to nominate for any of the above positions. Nominations will be accepted on the night, or interested persons may email Ms Tarryn Thompson at:

The WCPA Term 4 meeting will follow the AGM. This is an opportunity for parents to have a say and hear from myself and other staff.

>>> Click here to download the WCPA meeting agenda.

>>> Click here to view the Zoom meeting ID and passcode in the article by Parents’ Association President, Jade Stapleton.

UTS | Parents’ 1-1 Consultations — Online

UTS are offering parents a consultation opportunity to get any of your questions answered. Find out about their admissions process, course and career information and support services.

This session is a live chat for parents of future undergraduate students interested in studying at UTS. Current students will be online and ready to answer any of your questions, including those related to:

>>> Click here to view further information.

* We need your support! Get involved in the Walk the World Walkathon — register today.

>>> Click here to register for the Walk the World Walkathon to get active, win prizes and raise funds for charity.


Term 4 Week 6

Monday, 8 November — Sunday, 14 November


Term 4 Week 7

Monday, 15 November — Sunday, 21 November


Term 4 Week 8

Monday, 22 November — Sunday, 28 November

Rank Parade 2021

Given the current climate, we will recognise our new rank for 2021/2022 with a COVID-safe Ceremonial Parade this afternoon. Rank have already been presented with their slides, but we are thrilled to finally be able to celebrate their achievements on the Parade Ground.

Congratulations to the following Duces of Promotions Courses for 2021:

The SUO, CUO Zach Straker will finally have the chance to take command of the Cadet Unit at this parade and be presented with his ceremonial sword. Congratulations to RHQ and our Company Commanders as they commence their leadership in the face-to-face environment:


 Company Commanders

Cadet Uniform

The majority of our recruits now have their cadet uniform and have ironed out any equipment and size issues. There is a handful of packaged items still awaiting collection. Any cadet yet to be fitted is welcome to come to Q Store at lunchtimes.

I must say, the standard was impressive last week, given it was our recruits’ first chance to wear their uniform.

To reiterate the Routine Orders, recruits wear Dress Order 4B which is Summer Field Dress:

CyberTaipan Competition

Last weekend, our CyberTaipan Team performed brilliantly in the second round of the nationwide CSIRO CyberTaipan Competition. SGT Paul Muir, CPL Julia Mallam, CPL Isobel Killcross and CPL Liam McEvoy worked well together across a six-hour window, responding to scenario-based cyber threats, to come in the top 50 teams across Australia. Well done, team! Thank you to our coaches, LT(AAC) Mackenzie Muir and DS Eden Hodge for their expertise in mentoring our cyber experts.

Bivouac 2021

It is was with disappointment that we made the decision to cancel Bivouac 2021 this week. RHQ was working well on plans and logistics, but our community is not yet in a safe space for the Unit to come together across both schools for such an activity at this time. 

Bivouac is intended as an introductory camp for our recruits to put into practice some of their fieldcraft lessons, before extending their skills at AFX at the end of Term 1, 2022. Please be assured that your rank will be ready to assist you across Term 1 and on AFX, so you are ready for Majura MTA!

Training Term 4, 2021

Over the next three weeks, we will endeavour to give you a flavour of some of the activities normally on offer in Cadets. Bear in mind, though, that we are unable to bring external providers on site as yet, and most activities have been pushed back into Term 1 next year. Something to look forward to!

A major priority is for the Unit to be swim-tested in Cadet Uniform before we go on camp and so, over the course of November, each Company will take turns at the pool on Friday afternoons. Keep an eye on the Routine Orders to see when you are needed.

There are just 11 short weeks before AFX and we will try and pack in as much as we are able to for your Cadet experience.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Throughout Term 4 online learning, a select few members of our Junior and Senior debating teams participated in the 2021 USyd Debating Schools Tournament. These students had the opportunity to compete against schools all across NSW and receive feedback from some of the state’s foremost debating adjudicators.

While all teams are to be commended for their efforts, special congratulations goes to our Junior team, consisting of Ewan McDonald, James Peate and Yannick Hott, who won the majority of their debates and only narrowly missed out on the finals.

We look forward to participating in this competition in 2022!

Ewan, James and Yannick preparing for their debate against Sydney Girls’ High School

Ewan, James and Yannick preparing for their exciting debate against Sydney Girls’ High School


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Notices are in Nurrunga and Notifications are on the Waverley College app

A strong start by many students this week with the re-commencement of a modified co-curricular program for the next four weeks. Parents and students were emailed the training program and internal trial fixtures for this weekend.

However, parents and students must please ensure they read all notices from now on in the Nurrunga or have the Waverley College app for all other notifications. With some wet weather forecast over the next week, the app will be the only form of immediate notifications regarding any cancellations or adjustments.

College Fixtures and Training Schedules

>>> Click here to view the College fixtures and training schedules.

With a quickly changing environment regarding COVID-19 protocols, we will look at adjusting some of the restrictions and training schedules for the last two weeks of this term. We still require any student who is turning 16 or older, before the end of term, to be fully vaccinated to participate in inter-school sport. Please ensure that these records are emailed to the College Nurse Ms Adele Cutbush:

QR Codes and Proof of Vaccination Requirements

Students who are participating in trial fixtures on Saturday, 20 November against Cranbrook, and Saturday, 27 November against Trinity, are required to QR code in at all school sporting venues. Any student 16 years or older will need to show proof of vaccination or medical exemption.  

Swim Squad Requirements

All water polo players who are currently training as part of the Swim Squad are reminded that they need goggles and swimming costumes for all sessions. Students and parents are also reminded that the training schedules and fixtures are labelled by students’ 2022 Year Group as the Summer season continues into Term 1 next year.

Leave Request Requirements

Please also note that any leave requests for weekends away or other commitments need to be in writing to myself for approval.

Modified Cadet Program Begins

We are also commencing a modified Cadet program on site from this week, however, we have unfortunately had to make the decision to cancel the proposed bivouac in the December holidays.

COVID-safe Protocols Continue

No parents will be permitted to attend any fixtures or training sessions at any school sporting venue due to COVID-Safe protocols. Any student who is not feeling well is also asked not to attend and must seek a COVID test and receive a negative result prior to returning to school or any activities.

All students are strongly encouraged to keep using all of the supplied hand sanitiser and must wear face masks when not engaging in physical activity. No sharing of drink bottles or use of change rooms, unless swimming, will be permitted for school sporting activities. Access to toilets will still be available.

Obviously if there are any changes to these protocols we will notify the wider College community as soon as possible.

What About Excursions and Camps?

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing impact and Level 3 plus restrictions in place around students’ returning to school, activities not permitted or on hold include excursions and camps. Consequently, the College has had to cancel the Year 8 and Year 10 camps for 2021 that were due to commence in November. The College highly values the outdoor education experience for all students and we are hopeful that these activities will be able to proceed in 2022.

The cost of these camps that had been charged to College fees will be credited back to your school fee account, thereby reducing the fees for Term 1 2022. Please contact the college Accounts Department for any queries:

Good luck for all students with their training and trials over the next few weeks.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


The Drama Department is pleased to announce that next year we will be mounting Louis Nowra’s iconic Australian play Cosi in the Performing Arts Centre Theatre from June 7-9, 2022. Mr Peter Lamb will be directing the show.  

As we have not been able to mount a theatrical production for the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to give students who are currently in Years 8-11 an opportunity to tread the boards.  

We will be running auditions at lunchtimes during Week 7 this term. Due to COVID-safe protocols, students will have to register their interest to audition by booking their audition.

>>> Click here to register your interest by booking your audition.

Students will be sent an audition pack from Mrs Kossenberg once they have registered for the audition.

Lunchtime Audition Days in Week 7

We will audition students in their current year groups on the following days at lunchtime. Students will need to arrive at the PAC Foyer at the beginning of lunch on the day their year group is invited to audition.

Rehearsals will commence at the beginning of Term 1, 2022 and continue until showtime in June! Rehearsal days/dates will be announced to the successful cast in due course.


Ms Alison Jinga

Head of Drama and VET Entertainment


Dear Parents and Carers of Year 7 and Year 10 students, 

NSW Health has been working with education authorities so that school vaccination can be offered as school-based learning returns.

In 2021, NSW Health is offering the following vaccines:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2 doses at least 6 months apart


Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (dTpa) 1 dose.

Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) 1 dose.

While the school vaccination program has been disrupted due to remote learning in some areas, vaccination clinics are being rescheduled as students return to school.

COVID-19 Safety Measures

NSW Health has implemented additional measures based on expert clinical advice to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission in school clinics, including:

What Parents/Carers Should Do

There is no need for parents/carers who have given consent for their child to receive vaccinations at school to take any action, except to:

>>> Click here to view information about COVID-19 symptoms and how COVID-19 spreads.

When Students Will be Vaccinated

Vaccinations will be offered to consented students as soon as possible as clinics are rescheduled at our College, noting that catch-up vaccination can be offered at our College at any time in 2021 or 2022 if necessary. Waverley College held its school-based vaccination program on 1 November, 2021.

You will be advised if your child cannot be vaccinated at College and recommended to arrange vaccination with your GP or another immunisation provider.

More information

>>> Click here for more information about school vaccination during COVID-19.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse




As the Year 10 Service Week and Camp in Weeks 7 and 8 were unable to continue this year, the College has revised the scheduled activities in line with current COVID restrictions. The revised schedule is outlined below.  

We have organised a variety of presenters and activities that we hope will help develop your leadership skills and that you will find both enjoyable and challenging. Should COVID restrictions change in a way that necessitates a change in activities, we will send through a revised schedule.

Please check carefully the activities, requirements and dress for each of the days to maximise these opportunities.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at

Date Activity Dress Extras
Thurs 18/11 David Kobler presentation – GYM PE Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess
Friday 19/11 Normal school day School Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess
Mon 22/11 Last day of classes for Year 10

Return of textbooks to book hire

School Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess
Tues 23/11 Manly/Spit walk and Picnic day

Meet in Centenary Quad by 8:30am

Buses provided 

PE Uniform Need to bring Opal card as dismissed from Circular Quay

Bring your own lunch and recess or money to purchase + water bottle

Wed 24/11 9am -12pm Pinnacle Team building and leadership activities

Meet at the Tennis Courts

Periods 5/6 Stage 6 Transition Study Skills.

You will be in the E20s and E30s.

Rooms will be sent to you at the beginning of Week 8.

PE Uniform Bring your recess

BBQ Lunch provided

P.5-6 Bring your laptop and a pen.  

Thurs 25/11 Periods 1-2 Presentation by Phil Britten Bali Bombing Survivor

Meet in GYM

Periods 3-6 House sporting activities at Queens Park

PE Uniform Bring your recess

Lunch provided

Bring your water bottle

Students will be dismissed from Queens Park

Friday 26/11 Periods 1-2 Presentation by Brent Sanders

Meet in the GYM

Periods 3-6 Year 10 Retreat Day at Centennial Park

PE Uniform BBQ Lunch provided

Bring your water bottle

Students will be dismissed from the park.


*Please NOTE: Year 10 students DO NOT need to attend school in Week 9 until Presentation day on Wednesday, 1 December.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Paul Dillon Returns to Waverley College

Ten years ago, our Head of PDHPE, Mr Patrick Darvill and I first saw Paul present on drug and alcohol trends in our community. Since then, we have attempted to get Paul back to the College. This finally occurred last Thursday. Waverley College was in fact Paul’s first school presentation! This fact was not lost on Paul who was genuinely happy to be back talking to students in Years 10 and 11 as well as parents and staff.

Paul has been working in the area of drug education for more than 30 years. In 2009, his best-selling book for parents was published titled ‘Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs’ which has since been released internationally.

>>> Click here to view information about Paul Dillon’s publication Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs.

Paul Dillon presenting to Waverley College

Paul regularly appears in the media and is regarded as a key social commentator, with interviews on television programs such as Sunrise, TODAY and The Project. Paul also writes a blog where he discusses topical issues of the day, as well as addressing some of the questions and queries he is regularly asked by those attending his presentations.

>>> Click here to view Paul Dillon’s blog.

Paul’s presentations cover a variety of drug and alcohol-related issues including the decline in alcohol consumption and the rise in vape use. Interestingly, he sees online gambling an area of increasing concern for adolescent boys. This issue has previously been identified at the College and discussed at House meetings, College assembles, Mentor groups as well as in PDHPE lessons.

Our Wellbeing Framework relies heavily on the parent partnership. I thank the parents who took time out from their busy schedules to hear Paul’s entertaining and informative presentation.

Pop-Up Vaccination Facility for Students

To provide our community with the best possible protection we encourage all students over the age of 12 to follow the advice from NSW Health by getting a free COVID-19 vaccination. This will not only protect them but everyone else, as it appears likely that a single COVID-19 transmission at College will still trigger a chain of casual and close contacts. The implications of this are considerable, and anything we can do to reduce the likelihood is worthwhile.

Protecting the health and wellbeing of our community is our number one priority and the College is giving  students the opportunity to receive their COVID-19 vaccination at school. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email your son’s name to – the College will be in touch if there is enough interest.

In the meantime, The Health Centre continues to accept copies of your sons’ vaccination status. Please send clear copies, preferably in PDF format to


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


What are the Changes and When Will they Start?

From Sunday, 5 December 2021, Transport for NSW will make changes to the South East bus network.

These changes will affect some bus routes that operate into the Inner West, southern and the Lower North Shore areas.

Changes to routes of interest to the Waverley College community are detailed below:

Previous routes Current routes as of Sunday, 5 December 2021
314, 316, 317, 348, 353, 360, 379, 400 313, 350, 360, 379, 390X

  • Route 390X will operate every 6-8 minutes during school peak times for students travelling from Randwick, Kingsford and Maroubra

School services

609e, 625e, 646e, 647e, 663e, 664e, 688e, 690e, 691e, 692e, 693e, 694e, 695e, 696e 698e, 717e, 665e


Following services will no longer commence from school

  • Route 400 join 693e at 15:30

–          Join 390X at 1527 to Maroubra Jct which continues to Little Bay via Anzac Pde

–          Join 356 at 15:25 to Eastgardens

–          693e trip departing Waverley College at 15:30 will be extended to Westfield Eastgardens via existing route to Anzac Pde then R Maroubra Rd, L Bunnerong Rd, R Westfield Dr, L into Westfield Eastgardens (terminate TSN 2035109)

*This service will also operate via Juniors Kingsford to facilitate transfers to other services.

 >>> Click here to view detailed information about the changes.

Use the Transport for NSW Trip Planner 

Changes to services for Waverley students use may not be captured in full detail, so we encourage students to plan their trip on Trip Planner before travelling. It will be updated with the new changes by Sunday, 21 November.

>>> Click here to view Trip Planner.

*So that dedicated school services appear as a travel option for students, click ‘refine’ and select the school bus option.

Opal Cards Remain Mandatory

All students must continue to tap on and off with their Opal card on all trips please.

How Can I Provide Feedback?

>>> Click here to provide bus feedback.