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Places are now available in Term 4 for students looking to commence instrumental lessons. Lessons are available on a range of instruments. Learning a musical instrument has so many benefits. Did you know that it engages practically every area of the brain at once? It can help grow discipline, language and maths skills, memory, concentration and coordination. It’s also fun!

Parents who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons must complete a private music lesson registration form. Any questions regarding lessons please contact Ms Kossenberg. Instruments are available for hire. Term 4 lessons commenced in Week 1 online.

>>> Click here to view and complete the online private music lesson registration form.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


All concert band rehearsals resumed this week! New band members are always welcome. If you are a student who learns an instrument outside of school, or if you are new to the College, joining an ensemble will enhance your performance experience.

Would you like to join one of these bands? If so, please contact Mr Dan Williams.

Mr Dan Williams

Head of Bands


We hope you enjoyed the school holiday break. As we work together in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic in NSW, I thank you for your support as remote learning continues into Term 4.

Regrettably, this continues to be an uncertain time with ever-changing circumstances. Please be assured that we will contact you via the Nurrunga newsletter as soon as there is updated information about our return to school plans.

This week, the NSW Government announced that students will be returning to school one week earlier than anticipated. This will be a phased return to the physical classroom.

Key Dates for Return to Face-to-Face Teaching and Learning at Waverley College

It goes without saying that the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is our key priority, and Waverley College continues to follow NSW Health advice including vigorous support for vaccinations.

Throughout Term 4, face-to-face teaching and learning for students in Years 5-11 will inevitably be subject to change with the greater opening up of our community. We will have to pivot and respond appropriately to the circumstances that present themselves. A priority will be given to our Year 12 students who are undertaking their HSC examinations. 

We recognise your exceptional patience and ask for your continued goodwill as we navigate the next nine weeks of schooling. Please let the College know if your family requires support as we return in phases to learning in the face-to-face environment.

I attended an online meeting with the NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant this week along with other Independent School principals. Her message was clear about making school communities as safe as possible, and that the most effective way of achieving this was by having a high community vaccination rate. College staff are approaching 100% double dose vaccination, and no staff member or contractor will be on campus unless they have achieved this status when students return to school. This is supported by the Public Health Order. 

I encourage you to get your son vaccinated if you have not already organised this, as this will make our school community safer. ​​The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District has recently opened a Pfizer vaccination hub near Centennial Park. The hub is open to all people over 12 years of age and bookings can be made via the link below.

>>> Click here to view the vaccination booking link.

Help us stop the spread of COVID-19 by getting vaccinated, today. 

Please bear in mind that these are links provided to Waverley College from our Local Health Districts. They are not affiliated with Waverley College in any way. We are trying to assist you by providing this information about where you can get vaccinated. 

Term 4 Key Dates

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 — Years 7-12 Changes

Junior School

Please note that the Junior School timetable will not be changing in Term 4. Adjustments are only being made to the Years 7-12 timetable.

Senior School

We recognise and validate the struggle many students have experienced in keeping up with their online learning workload whilst trying to stay on top of assessments and exam preparation. To alleviate this pressure, we are adjusting our assessments for Term 4 to better support the online learning environment by introducing a valuable ‘Consolidation Day’ every Wednesday until we return to face-to-face learning. We expect that this will help to provide reinforcement, continuity and an opportunity for the students to stay on top of their workload.

Each Wednesday will begin with Wellbeing at 8:45am (moved from Monday) where the Wellbeing Mentors will have the opportunity to check in with their students.

The day will then continue with condensed 20-minute periods. This will provide time for students to check in with their teacher, ask any questions and/or receive any necessary feedback in regards to assessment preparation, including writing study notes or working through specific assignments. 

These classes will conclude at 11:20am. After this time we are expecting that students will consolidate their work requirements, whether this be class work, assessments or exam preparation.

Below is the updated Online Learning Timetable for Term 4 for Years 7-12:

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 Years 7-12

Read more: weekly Careers newsletter, exciting work and apprenticeship opportunities — closing soon!

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

If you require any assistance with anything, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Knowles.

Exciting Work and Apprenticeship Opportunities

Waverley Council Recruiting Summer Casual Workers at Bondi and Bronte Beaches!

Waverley Council is currently recruiting for casual junior team members to work at Bondi and Bronte Beaches over the busy summer period to carry out general cleaning duties on beaches, public walkways and parks.

Council has a strong commitment to the local community and is hoping to recruit senior students from secondary schools within the LGA to fill their summer crew positions.

Do you think these positions may be of interest to your son? If so, please view the job advertisement and position description below which outline the essential criteria and skills required for these roles.

>>> Click here to view the job advertisement.

>>> Click here to view the position description.

Application Deadline: apply via Waverley Council website by Sunday, 10 October, addressing the essential criteria and providing a resume.

Further information: Ms Vicki Parry | 0404 053 791 | Tuesday to Thursday, during business hours.


Landscape Solutions Virtual Apprentice Information Session

Are you a student who would like to get an apprenticeship in the landscaping industry? In 2021, Landscape Solutions is offering their Apprentice Information Session differently via a new virtual event. It is now open for registration.

They offer three apprenticeships:

Registration Information

Wednesday, 20 October 2021 | 4pm-6pm

>>> Click here to view the registration form.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


State Transit resumed operating school buses to a reduced frequency from Tuesday, 5 October.

This reduced frequency schedule includes the operation of bus routes to, from and passing Waverley College, to ensure students requiring access to the College can join these buses.

>>> Click here to view the trip planner to see all bus services in operation.

ALL school specials will resume operation from Monday, 18 October.

Would Your Son Like to Apply for an ACER Academic Scholarship?

Academic scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students who demonstrate academic excellence in the ACER examination. They can cover up to 100% of tuition fees.

Academic scholars are expected to maintain high standards of academic performance and are traditionally placed on the Principal’s Award List every term. 

Is your son eligible?

The scholarship is open to students who will commence at the College in Year 7 in 2023.

How to apply

You need to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection test through the ACER website.

>>> Click here to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection Test.

How are Applicants Assessed?

Academic scholarships are awarded based on:

*Academic Excellence

*Success at Interview

Further information on our Academic Scholarship is available through our website.

>>> Click here to view more information about our Academic Scholarship on our website.

Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information.


Ms Kylie Anderson




Term 4 Week 2

Monday, 11 October — Sunday, 17 October


Term 4 Week 3

Monday, 18 October — Sunday, 24 October


Term 4 Week 4

Monday, 25 October – Sunday, 31 October

Thank you to all the parents who took advantage of the Recruit Uniform and Equipment Issue over the holidays. It certainly helped to get some of this stock out to the students in preparation for our return.

I would encourage any Year 8 parents yet to complete the Google Form with their son’s measurements, to do so by Friday 8 October, so we can package up their gear with minimal handling of uniform.

 >>> Click here to complete the Google form with your son’s measurements.

Uniform and gear will be issued over the next two weekends: 

provided we follow these COVID-safe guidelines:

>>> Click here to book a timeslot.

This system worked really well in the holidays. Your sons now have such a short time left in the Unit before AFX. It would be great for them to have their uniform and equipment to be able to take every advantage of this unique experience.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Thank you to all our Peripatetic Music Staff who have worked online throughout the Term. Many have gone above and beyond in preparing students who are undertaking their HSC Practical Music Exams.

Our special thanks goes to: Josephine Allan, Paul Peipman, Barry Kenny, Danny Carmichael, Jesse Johnston, Lauren Dawes, Paul Derricott, David Abbott, Adrian Bendt, Jamie Cameron, Alexander Lee, Margaret Machamer, Franco Raggatt, Cindy Sims, Nick Yavtsev and Timothy Walsh.

Wishing the Year 12 Music students all the very best as they commence their HSC exams.

Music Lesson Places Available in Term 4!

Places are now available in Term 4 for students looking to commence instrumental lessons. Learning a musical instrument has so many benefits. Did you know that it engages practically every area of the brain at once? It can help grow discipline, language and maths skills, memory, concentration and coordination. It’s also fun!

Parents who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons must complete a private music registration form. Any questions regarding lessons please contact Mrs Kossenberg. A range of instruments are available for hire at this time. Term 4 lessons will resume in Week 1 online.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Online Private Music Registration Form.


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


School Holidays

Saturday, 18 September — Tuesday, 5 October


Term 4 Week 1

Monday, 4 October — Sunday, 10 October


Term 4 Week 2

Monday, 11 October — Sunday, 17 October


Term 4 Week 3

Monday, 18 October — Sunday, 24 October


Term 4 Week 4

Monday, 25 October – Sunday, 31 October


Term 4 Week 5

Monday, 1 November – Sunday, 7 November


Term 4 Week 6

Monday, 8 November – Sunday, 14 November


December 2021 and January 2022

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

I wanted to take this opportunity to write and thank you for the tremendous amount of support you have shown towards one another during this long period of lockdown. It has tested all of us and brought to the fore the strength of the Waverley community. In challenging circumstances we can often discover surprising things about ourselves and also take advantage of new opportunities for growth.

I thank everyone for the dedication that you have given to our Online Learning Model at Waverley College throughout Term 3. We appreciate the wonderful work of our staff who have continued to teach every period online, to ensure structure, connection and explicit teaching opportunities for student engagement.

We have really appreciated the feedback in Term 3 that you have shared with Wellbeing mentors and via other communication channels. Please rest assured that we take all feedback seriously and have reflected thoughtfully on the current Online Learning Model, particularly regarding how we can further support the mental health and wellbeing of our students as online learning continues into Term 4.

Adjustments to the Term 4 Timetable

Junior School

Please note that the Junior School timetable will not be changing in Term 4. Adjustments are only being made to the Years 7-12 timetable.

Senior School

We recognise and validate the struggle many students have experienced in keeping up with their online learning workload whilst trying to stay on top of assessments and exam preparation. To alleviate this pressure, we are adjusting our assessments for Term 4 to better support the online learning environment by introducing a valuable ‘Consolidation Day’ every Wednesday until we return to face-to-face learning. We expect that this will help to provide reinforcement, continuity and an opportunity for the students to stay on top of their workload.

Each Wednesday will begin with Wellbeing at 8:45am (moved from Monday) where the Wellbeing Mentors will have the opportunity to check in with their students.

The day will then continue with condensed 20-minute periods. This will provide time for students to check in with their teacher, ask any questions and/or receive any necessary feedback in regards to assessment preparation, including writing study notes or working through specific assignments. 

These classes will conclude at 11:20am. After this time we are expecting that students will consolidate their work requirements, whether this be class work, assessments or exam preparation.

Below is the updated Online Learning Timetable for Years 7-12:

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 Years 7-12

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 Years 7-12

Congratulations Year 12 Early Entry Applicants

I would like to congratulate those who have received an early offer to a university this week. The past two years of schooling have been exceptionally challenging, and it is fantastic to see that some Year 12 students have taken advantage of these valuable Early Entry university opportunities. Please continue to read Ms Knowles’ weekly Careers newsletter to stay informed about upcoming application deadlines, particularly those in September and October which include:



Year 12 Music 

Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who completed their HSC Practical Music examination today at school — thankfully! 

Harrison Palmer, Saem Goffe, James Simpson, Joseph Agius, Conor Carr, Tobias Williamson, Diego Berdaa, Jack Fitzgerald, Luca Wilson, Dante Bryan, Darcy Bourke, Liam Gregorio, Rory Hughes.

Well done to the music team for ensuring this was possible. 

Employment Opportunity

The College has been made aware of the following employment opportunity: Testers required for Rapid Antigen Testing in EQ Carpark, Moore Park. Applicants need to be 17+ and will have had to have had at least one vaccination – this is for insurance and safety for the testers and public alike.

In order to apply for these positions, applicants need to complete a course. The cost of the course is $240.

>>> Click here to view information about the course.

Achieving two nationally-certified accreditations in COVID-19 marshalling and infection control, plus pathology sampling (apart from blood), are going to be extremely useful in the upcoming years, particularly as we learn to adapt and live with COVID-19.

The course is self-directed online learning in 17 modules. It can be completed in 24-30 hours and then four hours hands-on advanced life support, plus two hours site induction in use/delivery of rapid antigen tests and use of NSW Health compliant software.

Testers will be quickly earning a generous hourly rate.

Once you enrol in the course, send your name, email address and phone number to:

Dr Cumpston will contact you and offer support during the training and then provide employment. 

Staff updates

We farewell Ms Cassie Foster this term as she commences her Parental Leave. The College wishes Cassie and her family well. We welcome her back in Term 3 of 2022.

Happy Holidays 

I wish all Waverley families in our community a very safe and happy holiday break. I hope you enjoy this time of rest and rejuvenation and remember the many things we have to be grateful for and to look forward to. Keep looking out for each other and checking in on one another. This difficult time will pass. Stay mindful of good sleep, getting outside in the sunshine, and eating thoughtfully, because these things will help you thrive. I thank you for continuing to place your trust in Waverley College and will see you all online with fresh energy and ideas in Term 4.

Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to Cadets of the Week, CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL and CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL, who have been demonstrating excellent leadership and initiative in their respective platoons, responding to challenging circumstances with maturity and innovation, and setting high standards as they lead by example.

CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL

CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL

CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL

CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL

CyberTaipan Competition

On Sunday, a team of dedicated cadets represented the Cadet Unit by participating in the annual CSIRO CyberTaipan Competition. This is a national cyber defence competition designed to inspire students to further their education in STEM subjects.

Teams of students nationwide are provided with a set of virtual images that represent different operating systems. Over a six-hour period, they receive points for finding and fixing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Of the 132 teams competing on Sunday, our cadets came 37th and had great fun while they were doing it. We congratulate:

for their enthusiasm and commitment to this event. Thank you to LT(AAC) Muir and DS Hodge for their guidance and mentorship in leading the team.


The CyberTaipan Competition inspires students to further their education in STEM subjects

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

Thank you to all Year 8 parents who have now completed the Cadet Uniform Measurement Form. Uniform and equipment will be bagged up and issued to your sons upon the Year 8 return to school in November.

Lunge for Legacy

A huge thank you to everyone in the Unit for raising $2,690 towards the Lunge for Legacy Activity. These funds will assist the 500 families who are suffering from the loss of their Veteran to suicide. Lunge for Legacy is still open until the end of September. Keep logging your lunges to reach your Company’s targets, while serving the community in this meaningful way. Thus far, we have collectively done 17,000 lunges!

RHQ in the middle of their lunges on Friday

RHQ in the middle of their lunges on Friday


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
