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The R U OK? movement is particularly special for us here at Waverley, and this year the national day of action is Thursday, 9 September. This important message of checking in with someone, and developing the tools to feel comfortable doing so, will be explored in wellbeing groups in the lead up to the day utilising the wonderful resources produced by the R U OK? organisation.

Our assembly next Wednesday will have time dedicated to R U OK? Day, a national day of action that reinforces the importance of staying connected with your friends, family and colleagues through all life’s ups and downs, big or small.

R U OK? Day 2020: Pat Clifton, Wendell Sailor, Luca Moretti, Lachlan Drew-Morris, Maryanne Larkin, Van Larkin, Katrina King, Cath O’Sullivan, Sherri Falkinder, Graham Leddie

R U OK? Day 2020: (L to R) Pat Clifton, Wendell Sailor, Luca Moretti, Lachlan Drew-Morris, Maryanne Larkin, Van Larkin, Katrina King, Cath O’Sullivan, Sherri Falkinder, Graham Leddie

The theme of this year is R U really OK? Sometimes it seems much easier to just say you’re ok than talk about what’s really going on, or it can be difficult to explain how you’re feeling. The R U OK? Toolkit asks students to consider things like:

For some self-care tips and strategies to stay connected, check out the resources available through the following websites — and check in with a mate!

>>> Click here to watch the 2021 R U OK? Day video and view further information.

>>> Click here to view , an online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia.


Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

Head of Conlon House


Congratulations to our Year 12 students for getting through the HSC Trial Assessment period and finalising assessments and course outcomes across their subjects as we approach the end of Term 3.

Over the next few weeks, teachers will be returning scripts with valuable feedback to assist in preparation for the final HSC Examinations and finalising course outcomes which will be the focus of the remainder of classes in Term 3.

Revised HSC Examination Timetable Coming

NESA has indicated that during September they will release a revised HSC Examination Timetable and details regarding the plan for face-to-face opportunities on 25 October for Year 12 students preparing for HSC Examinations. Once this information is released, we will be working on what this will look like for Waverley College students and will update you forthwith.

Tuesday 7 September – Online Sessions With Brent Sanders and Dr Prue Salter

We recognise that students may be struggling to navigate all of these changes and may be potentially experiencing waning motivation, so next Tuesday 7 September they will have the valuable opportunity to attend an online session with Brent Sanders who will examine critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success. 

HSC plus ATAR students will also attend a session on Study Skills by Dr Prue Salter which will provide strategies to work through the challenges of changes to the HSC Examinations and hone motivation.

Students will then be allocated some home study time in the afternoon to work on the advice presented during the morning and focus on any study or outstanding work. This will provide a much needed circuit breaker towards the end of a very challenging term.

The Program for the Day

Periods 1-2 HSC plus Vocational students

Students attend scheduled lessons via Google Meets.

HSC plus ATAR students – Dr Prue Salter Study Skills

Students will join the session by 8:45am.  The link is currently available in their Google Calendar.

Dr Prue Salter will provide valuable tips on HSC Examination preparation and motivation, particularly during such uncertain times. This is the session that Year 12 students report is the most valuable of the Study Skills sessions in the final push toward the HSC Examinations.

Periods 3-4 All Year 12 Students – Brent Sanders ‘Life Choices for Young Men’

Students will join the session at 10:45am.  The link is currently available in their Google Calendar.

Brent Sanders is an ex-Police officer from Winning Edge Strategies who will offer an engaging presentation on ‘Life Choices for Young Men.’ This is not a self-protection seminar but rather a presentation to address what are relevant issues facing young men in our society.

The main focus behind Life Choices for Young Men is to deliver a frank, open and down-to-earth presentation to the boys which examines critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success.

The presentation addresses the following:

  • Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions
  • Life is all about choice
  • The importance of respect and self-discipline 
  • The course also includes an in-depth discussion around sexual assault, indecent assault, consent and respect within relationships.
Periods 5-6 All Year 12 Students

Home study — time to go through study timetables, catch up on work and go through the learnings from the online sessions.


Warm regards,

Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Just a friendly reminder that as previously mentioned, the Year 10 processes for end of lease laptops is also underway. All the information on prices, payments, options can be found on the relevant information sheets.

The information sheets are also published in the Parent Lounge — School Links — End of Lease Macbooks;


>>> Click here to view the Year 10 – 2021 laptop information sheets.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


The laptops currently held by Year 8 students will be end of lease in December, and parents can now nominate to purchase or return units.

We have put together an information sheet explaining the process. The sheet is published in the Parent Lounge — School Links — End of Lease Macbooks;


>>> Click here to view the Year 8 – 2021 laptop information sheet.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation



Read more: Expectations for online learning and haircuts, Father’s Day virtual presentation, Book Week competition winners, KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition, online bookshop.


Welcome to Week 8! Another busy week here in the Junior School. Our students attended a House Assembly yesterday where their House Leaders for 2022 were announced. It is so important for the Junior School students to be familiar with these leaders and continue to develop a strong relationship with their House. 


It’s hard to believe that we have been online learning for 8 weeks now. It is really important that we continue to hold high standards and expectations for our students when learning until the end of the term. Can I please remind you of the following;

  1. Students must be on time for all Google Meets.
  2. Students need to work in a suitable place — preferably a public space.
  3. Students need to wear their PE uniform.
  4. Students’ screen backgrounds need to be either blurred or have no background.
  5. All set work is expected to be completed to the best of your son’s ability. Any issues with this, I ask you to contact your son’s teacher to discuss any issues or if extra support is required.
  6. Should your son be unable to complete their assigned online work due to sickness or approved leave, the same procedures apply:


The College understands that lockdown has prevented our students from accessing hairdressers and barber shops. We expect students to do their best to have haircuts that are appropriate and we understand that hair may be longer than usual. However, haircuts that deliberately push the boundaries of our haircut policy (P25 of the College Diary) are not allowed.

Best Wishes for Father’s Day

I want to wish every father, grandfather and those who are like fathers, a very special Father’s Day this Sunday. 5 Orange came to their morning Meet dressed like their dads this morning. I hope this puts a smile on your face like it did for me! Hope you get spoilt, DADS!

The theme for the 5 Orange roll call was for students to dress up like their dad to reflect on Father's Day

The theme for the 5 Orange roll call was for students to dress up like their dad to reflect on Father’s Day

Jake McEvoy Wearing his Dad's Jockey Shirt

Jake McEvoy Wearing his Dad’s Jockey Shirt

Darcy Kidd Wearing His Father's Court Wig

Darcy Kidd Wearing His Father’s Court Wig


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Happy Father’s Day

This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. This is a day to celebrate all the fathers, grandfathers and all those who are like fathers to our boys in the College.

This year, COVID-19 lockdowns will have a big impact on our ability to celebrate this day as we normally would — family gatherings and those special hugs will be replaced by FaceTime chats or Zoom calls.

We pray for those families in our school community whose Father’s Day is saddened by the loss of loved ones. Please know that you are in our thought and prayers.

To all the boys, make sure you look after your dads this Sunday. To all the dads out there, Happy Fathers’ Day.

We hope you enjoy this special Father’s Day virtual presentation.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Book Week Competition Winners

Book Week Competition Winners

Thank you to all the Junior School students who entered one, two or three Book Week competitions. Despite being in lockdown, students still participated in celebrating Book Week. There were many contenders for the top awards, see the winners below:

Writing Poetry — Outstanding Creative Writing 

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

The Forgotten Planet

Hugh Godby

There is no denying we must face it

For we are a forgotten planet


We were Titans, the Gods of the generation

As the galaxy was leading in a bad direction

It was being ruled by one single crown

A terrible man who always wore a frown

He was selfish and cruel

And took every single jewel

All the riches in the galaxy was on his blood-stained crown

As the manhunt began he fled as he knew he’d be found


Our army was looking for him day and night

Shouting “We will arrest this man and if he refuses we will fight!”

The king was spotted marching down the street

As he locked eyes with our leader he went out with a fight 

And his corpse fell on the concrete in the middle of the night

We ruled the galaxy, right and just, it was all so fare

We honoured the rest with respect and care

One day the planet was abandoned, a new leader took our place

He demolished our planet and left without a trace

Our kingdom has fallen by a leader worse than before

As some hid, others were terminated, knees on the floor

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

The Mortal Coil

Jasper Lumsden 

I wish my old world could dissolve

As this is how it did unfold –

Four heroes did unite, 

While preparing to fight.

One will betray them, 

And cause endless mayhem.

Heroes will abandon, 

leaving one in devastation,

A truce is called, 

For a body to be hauled.


My new world brought much joy

I fathered such a beautiful boy

My son meant the world to me

Now that I can guarantee.

We laughed, we grew, we lived, 

We loved life and had so much to give

The world gave us everything

Whatever we wanted….anything!

But then it was news I did receive

I was diagnosed with a terminal disease.


It was the other world to where I did pass,

My death came along very fast.

If I’d just been given one more day 

To see my son I would say

“I love you, my child, have no fear, 

For my memories are with you and I’m always near,

Don’t worry my son I went to heaven

My child, I will see you again.

Remember all the good times we had

This is no time for you to be sad.”

Ryan Pierce

Ryan Pierce

Ryan Pierce

Old World, New World, Other Worlds

Ryan Pierce

I was once new but now I’m old and rare

So old and rare that people these days stare


My paint is still black and shiny 

but my leather interior is not so fine


Back in my day, my engine would roar 

and I was considered much faster than a horse


The journey was not always smooth

 but brought happiness and joy

 to all who rode in me


Now I’m in a museum 

I miss the open road but 

am happy I can still bring joy to

those who like to come and stare.

Daniel Morrow

Daniel Morrow

Daniel Morrow

Travelling Worlds 

Daniel Morrow

We watch them go to and fro,

The funny people don’t know where to go,

They travel in rockets and ships and flying cars, 

To reach the surface of our red planet, Mars,

The Martian surface has been our home for millions of years,

The humans have tried and tried again but to no success in the end,

But when they come, well be prepared,

To protect what is ours,

It shall not become theirs.

Visual Arts

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

The judges said: “Well considered composition and colours. Idea of an aerial perspective to show a new world is creative. Pencils have been used well in blocking large sections seamlessly.”

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson Book Week 2021

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

The judges said: “Wonderfully Surreal landscape fusing the old and the new, very clear relationship to the theme and the pastels have been very carefully controlled, particularly in the tonal shading in the clouds. Materially, very strong work.”

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

The judges said: “A well balanced drawing including relevant symbols throughout the work relating to the theme. Pencil work is very controlled, particularly in the 1st and 3rd panel. Great use of colour without the work appearing too saturated.”

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

The judges said: “Very clear relationship to Surrealism through the eye being a portal to another space. Drawing is well done, and the different scale used for each of the eyes adds perspective in the work appearing to look towards the new future.”

Would you like to see other entries in our virtual gallery?

>>> Click here to view all of the awe-inspiring art entries in our virtual gallery.

Creative Costume Design

5 Blue

Lachlan O’Brien ~ Billionaire Boy

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Hamish Patient ~ Power Of One 

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

5 Gold

Joshua Raymond ~ Forensic Scientist 

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Charlie Gibbins ~ Dog Man 

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Alexander Kingma ~ Ned Kelly 

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Nicholas Peshos ~ Ninja Kid 

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

5 Red

Kobi Keenan ~ Harry Potter

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Luca Nott ~ The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

5 White

Liam Madden~ The Faraway Tree

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Aiden Reay ~ From an Idea to Google: How Innovation at Google Changed the World

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

5 Orange

Henry O’Donnell ~ The Hero Two Doors Down

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Max Mascioli ~ New, Old & Other Worlds

Max Mascioli

Max Mascioli

Congratulations Max Mascioli in 5 Orange - a Book Week 2021 Creative Costume Design winner

Max Mascioli

6 Blue

Aidan Gray ~ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Charlie Jones ~ Dirt Bike Racer 

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

6 Gold

Blake Taylor ~ Back to the Future

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Carter Kennedy ~ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

6 Indigo

Jack Leavens ~ Skulduggery Pleasant

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Harry Trinca ~ The Handbook Guide To Coronavirus

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

6 Red

Aidan Giusti ~ Fantastic Mr Fox

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Hugh Godby ~ Ares God of War

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

6 White

Oliver Isaac ~ Artemis Fowl

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Rafael Kupershteyn ~ Tom Sawyer

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

6 Orange

Alex Avdalis ~ Heroes of Olympus

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Jack Daley ~ A Series of Unfortunate Events 

Jack Daley

Jack Daley

Jack Daley

Jack Daley


Online Bookshop 3 More Weeks To Go!

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge. 

Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading

Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading


Kidsnews Short Story Comp 2021

The KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition is back for 2021.

CLICK ON THE LINKS below to find out more:

>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to view the consent form for the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.

Students write 500 – 1000 words on a theme of their choice. 

A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.

There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.

Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form in the link above. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form and also can be found in the link above.

Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Read more: exercises on Waverley App, Years 5-11 Cricket, athletics training program, weekly yoga, stretch and release, hip and knee rehab classes, Brenton Barker swims English Channel.

Waverley App Contains Exercises to Maintain and Improve Fitness

During extended lockdown, with many students and families struggling, it is vitally important we continue to maintain our wellbeing through physical activities, good diet and effective sleeping patterns.

Whilst the delay to the start of Term 4 will have an impact on normal co-curricular activities, the College will continue to provide opportunities for all community members to participate in a range of activities, as well as recommended exercises to maintain and improve fitness and skills. Many of these activities are posted on the Waverley App.

Years 5-11 Cricket – Sydney Sixers Training App

This week, all students who participate in Cricket in Years 5-11 were emailed a log in to the Sydney Sixers Training App which the College has purchased on their behalf. These drills and performance platforms cater to Cricketers of all levels, and have weekly recommendations from professional cricketers and coaches that can be done at home, as well as when we return to training and matches.

If any Waverley College Cricketer has yet to log in to this, please check your email. If there are any concerns or issues please email Mr Sean Picone at

Athletics Training Program

Find it on Daily Notices and Waverley App

Mr Jeremy Roff and our Track and Field coaches have also updated their Athletics training program and this has been posted in the Daily Notices and on the Waverley App. Mr Roff is also currently working on some specific recommended general exercises and these will be published shortly.

Weekly Classes x 3

Mr Mark Mitchell and his team from Advanz Therapies will continue to publish their three weekly classes, and these can be viewed at any time after the live sessions. This week’s classes are listed below and for any student or parent who has had knee or hip injuries in the past, the Wednesday session is highly recommended:

>>> Click here to view the Stretch and Release class.

>>> Click here to view the Hip and Knee Rehab Program.

>>> Click here to view Yoga Flow.

Old Boy Brenton Barker Swims the English Channel

I also want to highlight and congratulate College Old Boy Mr Brenton Barker who graduated from Waverley in the early 2000s. At the start of August, Brenton swam the English Channel to raise funds for seven-year-old Archer Pittorino who is suffering from Leukemia.

Brenton completed the 34km swim on 1 August in near freezing conditions. Brenton did attempt this swim in 2010 but was unsuccessful due to some significant tidal and weather events. The perseverance and ability to complete this historic swim for such a worthy cause is certainly a wonderful story.

Brenton raised over $50,000 and you can still contribute to the Go Fund Me page as part of his feat.

>>> Click here if you would like to contribute to Brenton’s Go Fund Me page.

Hopefully Brenton’s amazing performance provides inspiration for all of our students and families to persevere through challenging times.

Thank you also to Mr Michael Renford for providing the updates and information, as Waverley College Old Boys have a long history of completing the swim including Michael himself, and Ned Weiland who also became the youngest ever to complete the Channel swim in 2017.

Waverley College Old Boy Brenton Barker

Waverley College Old Boy Brenton Barker

Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Read more: Still life Painting With Oils, community art competition.

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a summer activity for students from Years 5 – 12. Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking.

This summer students will be introduced to Still Life: Painting With Oils. Each student will be taught fundamentals of technically painting different surfaces, objects and textures to build their knowledge and confidence in the oil painting medium.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Resolved paintings will be entered into a community competition giving students an opportunity to be exhibiting artists.

Session Times

Select from:

>>> Click here to register your interest for Visual Arts Club by completing this Google form by Tuesday 14 September.

Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Oates if you have further questions.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Space Escape, Cadet uniform issue for recruits, Lunge for Legacy.

Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to our equal Cadets of the Week – CPL Campbell Porteus of 7PL and CPL Aodhan Williams of 9PL.

Just one term into their new rank positions as Corporals, these young men have demonstrated excellent leadership and compassion as Section Commanders.

CPL Williams has been consistently impressive, week after week, in teaching and engaging with his recruits with energy.

CPL Porteus worked particularly well, looking after his section on Friday, in difficult circumstances. His Company Commander was very impressed with his command of the situation.

Well done, gentlemen!

So many nominations!

We have so many nominations for Cadet of the Week every week (which is a great problem to have!). With one more week of Cadets to go this term, not everyone will get a mention here, but I thank all our rank and recruits who have engaged with their platoons with diligence and spark. All Company Commanders have noticed a significant improvement in rapport and engagement across the term. Let’s keep those connections going as we head into Term 4.

Space Escape

This week, C Company and 5 Platoon will enjoy a break from the CDC as they compete against each other, and the clock, in the virtual Space Escape Room. The rest of the Unit will continue their lessons in the field skills required for AFX 2022, and the RSM will start teaching static drill to develop skills in self-discipline, self-monitoring and team building.

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

As we head into Term 4 in the online environment for the first five weeks, we will take this opportunity to issue Cadet Uniform and Camp Supplies to our new recruits in a COVID-friendly manner. Please check out the ‘Action Items’ section of this Newsletter for further details.

Lunge for Legacy

A reminder to the College community that it is not too late to support your son’s Company in our service to Lunge for Legacy. A Company is leading the charge with monies raised and Support Company with lunges completed:

>>> Click here for A Company.

>>> Click here for B Company.

>>> Click here for C Company.

>>> Click here for D Company.

>>> Click here for SPT Company.

>>> Click here for RHQ.

Lunge for Legacy 2021


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


COVID-19 lockdown has impacted our newest recruits in so many ways, and we are so thrilled that they have engaged with the program as well as they have in Term 3. This has been further complicated by their lack of uniform and equipment.

In order to address this, and to minimise handling of uniform through the usual fitting process, could I please ask parents to open the below Google Form and enter the requested measurements for their son?

>>> Click here to enter the requested measurements for your son on the Google form.

Cadet gear will then be bagged up for individual issue and collection in November when we are back on Campus.

Thank you for your cooperation.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU




Term 3 Week 9

6 September – 12 September


Term 3 Week 10

13 September – 19 September


Looking Ahead – October and November

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

*Please note that UNSW Open Day is this Saturday 4 September. Details are in the Careers Newsletter above.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

UNSW - University of New South Wales campus

The UNSW (University of New South Wales) Open Day is this Saturday 4 September

Opportunities for Years 10-12 to Upskill Virtually at CathWest Innovation College

During the school holidays, opportunities are available to upskill for employment outcomes, develop competencies in your area of passion and skills to complement your school studies.

From Monday 27 September to Wednesday 29 September, these short courses are available:

>>> Click here for expressions of interest and more information.


If you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Is your son an informed and passionate advocate for climate action and looking for something meaningful to do in the school holidays?

Our Edmund Rice colleagues at PRAYTeK, (a child and earth rights organisation based in New Delhi, India), invite Waverley College students and school students from around the world, to take part in an Earth Summit.

The Earth Summit is a three-day international conference where young people can come together to talk about their concerns on environmental problems and try to create solutions for both local and global climate issues.

Suggested climate change themes include energy; adaptation and damage; gender and climate change; sustainable development; and science and innovation. However, the Earth Summit welcomes suggested topics from all participating members.

When is the Earth Summit?

  • Thursday 30 September — Saturday 2 October 2021 (during the school holidays).

What Skills Will Students Develop by Taking Part?

Will Student Participation Lead to Wider Outcomes?

How Do I Register or Make an Enquiry?


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation
