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Read more: The Feast of St Mary of the Cross, Indigenous Literacy Day, paralympian interactive webinar, KIDS NEWS short story competition, Father’s Day photos, Harry Laing author presentation, online bookshop, Friday Fun Activity Book Week character costume, Science Week, virtual gallery, ICAS update.

Book Week 2021

Welcome to Week 7! Another very busy week for our students. This week marks Book Week for 2021. Normally this is a fun-filled and exciting week for our students at school. We have done our best to celebrate it online.

Our Fun Friday Activity this week was for our students to dress up and/or film themselves as their chosen characters. The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Our students did an amazing job creating their costumes and we can’t wait to announce the winners next week.

Science Week 2021

Last week, we celebrated Science Week and our Fun Friday Activity was based around this. Our winners created original, fun, and exciting science experiments.

Our winners for Week 6 are:

Year 5 Religious Education The Feast of St Mary of the Cross

Last week, Year 5 students celebrated the Feast of Australia’s first saint, St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop — 8 August). During their Online Learning, students investigated the extraordinary life of this compassionate, devout and determined young woman.

In their presentations, they outlined what Mary achieved in her lifetime and why she remains such an inspiration, not only to Australians, but to men and women worldwide. Some of the students included their beautiful artwork to capture the heart and spirit of Mary.

Jayden Newrick (5 Gold)

Jayden Newrick (5 Gold)

Charlie Gibbins (5 Gold)

Charlie Gibbins (5 Gold)

Isaac Tait, Reese Araujo, Flynn Killen, Freddie Leiper (5 Gold)

Isaac Tait, Reese Araujo, Flynn Killen, Freddie Leiper (5 Gold)


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Virtual Experiences 

Providing varied experiences for students in the classroom is a massive priority throughout this lockdown period. I have compiled a list of different virtual lessons/activities/competitions that are (mostly) free to join and encompass a wide range of interests from photography to arts to English. Have a look through the range of activities and get involved today!

What’s on(line) 

Aussie Student Inventions that Changed the World Competition

Dates: Now – Entries close 17 September

>>> Click here to view information about the competition.


Australian Photography Awards ($10 entry)

Dates: Now – Entries Close 18 October

>>> Click here to view information about the competition.


Australian Museum Tour

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here for information about the virtual tour.


The British Museum Tour

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here for information about the virtual tour.


Education Perfect Micro-Poetry Slam

Dates: 30 August – 17 September 

>>> Click here for information about the micro-poetry slam.


NASA Space Station (Free App required)

Dates: Ongoing 

>>> Click here to view information about the Space Center Houston app.


Seaworld Orlando

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here to view information about the Seaworld Orlando virtual tour.


San Diego Zoo

Dates: Live 24-hour cams

>>> Click here to view live cams at the San Diego Zoo.


Wombat Books Illustration Challenge

Dates: Now – Entries Closes 30 November 

>>> Click here to view information about the illustration challenge.


If you have any questions about the activities on this list, please feel free to contact me! Additionally, if you know of any other experiences that could be added, please get in touch, and I will add them to the list next week.

Mr Thomas Mitton

Acting Director of Curriculum — Junior School



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our students, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please email all photos to:

*Please note the deadline for these photos is 5pm on Wednesday 1 September.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Indigenous Literacy Day – Celebrating Wednesday 1 September

Indigenous Literacy Day is taking place on Wednesday 1 September. I have registered the College for a special virtual event for Year 5 classes and teachers to watch during the day.

This event is for children aged 4-11 years and will be hosted by Indigenous Literacy Foundation ambassador, Gregg Dreise, a proud descendant from the Goomeri and Yuwalayaay people in south western Queensland and north west of New South Wales. Gregg is a performer, author, musician and artist.

There will also be a special guest appearance by Indigenous Literacy Foundation ambassador and singer, Jessica Mauboy.

The 25-minute event includes two delightful animations illustrating Kriol language. It is proudly presented by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in collaboration with the Sydney Opera House.

Happy Indigenous Literacy Day!

>>> Click here to read more about Indigenous Literacy Day in the extended Nurrunga article by Mr Bill Roberts.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services


Celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day this September!

Celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day this September!


Harry Laing Virtual Author Presentation

Junior school students enjoyed a highly entertaining and engaging presentation from Harry Laing this morning as part of our Book Week celebrations.

Harry is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. 

We were privileged to have Harry Laing share numerous writing tips with students

We were privileged to have Harry Laing share numerous writing tips with students

Harry shared many writing tips with the students and they also participated in writing their own poems. His newest poetry book is RapperBee coming out in October. Students were lucky to hear Harry recite these poems in such a humorous manner! 

Harry Laing recited humorous poems from his forthcoming poetry book 'RapperBee'

Harry Laing recited humorous poems from his forthcoming poetry book ‘RapperBee’


Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

*Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

The Pop Up Bookshop is Now Online

The Pop Up Bookshop is Now Online

Waverley Students Making Their Own Book Choices

Waverley Students Making Their Own Book Choices


Friday Fun Activity Book Week Character Costume

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 7 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

*All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!


Virtual Gallery

The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds leaving it open to interpretation. Students created a piece of artwork using any medium of their choice. 

*Prize winners will be announced in Week 8!

>>> Click here to view the art entries in our virtual gallery.


Enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition

Kidsnews Short Story Comp 2021

The KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition is back for 2021.

The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.

A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.

There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.

Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form below. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form. Please click on the links below for further information about entry and parent consent.

>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to enter and sign the parent consent form.

*Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.



In response to the daily COVID-19 developments, ICAS has an additional four-week sitting window in Term 4 from 5 October – 29 October 2021 to give schools and families peace of mind during these uncertain times.

However, there have been no further updates if schools don’t resume face-to-face during the new sitting window. I am constantly in contact with Julla Timan, our Assessment Consultant, and will keep you updated. 


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Paralympian Interactive Webinar

Waverley College Junior School have registered in the ‘Be Your Greatest Webinars’ which allow students to virtually meet members of our Australia Paralympic Team during the Games and while the athletes are quarantining.  

During a live, interactive session with Australian Paralympic athletes, students will be able to learn about the Paralympic Games and engage in a question and answer session with the athletes about their sporting careers, training and challenges living with a disability. 

This webinar is free, and there are only 30 spots available to students from the Junior School. Two students from each class will be eligible to nominate themselves for a spot.

*To secure a spot, students must inform their class teacher of their interest, and the first two students from each class will be selected to be involved.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


We are currently looking for Senior School students who would be eager to represent the College in Public Speaking. 

If your son is well-spoken, intelligent and knowledgeable on current affairs, then he will benefit from choosing Public Speaking as a co-curricular activity during the Summer season.

Throughout the season, students are taught skills of voice improvement, argumentation, and the importance of body language. Not only are these skills crucial in understanding the power of rhetoric, but they are also readily transferable to analytical writing.

Public Speaking can be joined alongside sport as the competitions take place on Friday nights. Students train two sessions a week and these are flexible in order to accommodate students’ other commitments. Public Speaking can also be a stand-alone Summer co-curricular option.

If your son is interested in participating in Public Speaking, please contact me for more information.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Read more: 2021 University Open Days and Tours, Weekly Careers Newsletter.

Weekly Careers Newsletter

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

>>> Click here to view the Weekly Careers Newsletter.

2021 University Open Days and Tours

In the link below I am resending the summary sheet with details of the 2021 University Open Days. USYD (University of Sydney) and UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) are this coming Saturday 28 August.

It is important that you attend (virtually) the University Open Days. They are an excellent opportunity for you to have any of your questions answered.

>>> Click here to view the 2021 University Open Days and Tours.

If you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home please do not hesitate to contact me.



Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


The University of Sydney Open Day is this Saturday 28 August

The University of Sydney Open Day is this Saturday 28 August

The University of Technology Open Day is this Saturday 28 August

The University of Technology Open Day is this Saturday 28 August


Term 3 Week 8

30 August – 5 September


Term 3 Week 9

6 September – 12 September


Term 3 Week 10

13 September – 19 September


Looking Ahead – October and November

Have you ever looked at the ‘Conversations’ section of our website? Here you can discover conversations with alumni, shared memories and thoughts from past Waverlians, as well as read news.

The latest fascinating post is about Class of 2015 graduates Adam Hegedus and Alexi Piovano, the Old Boys behind Educating The Future (ETF), a not-for-profit that facilitates powerful change through education in Timor-Leste.

You can find ‘Conversations’ under the tab ‘News’


>>> click here to read Conversations.

We hope you are moved and inspired by these Conversations pieces.

Many thanks for attending our Year 11 meeting at lunch time today. Below is a document that provides an overview of the timetable and protocols for the upcoming Year 11 Yearly Assessment Period starting on Tuesday 7 September.

Please note that there will be no scheduled lessons during the assessment period.

>>> Click here to view an overview of the Year 11 Yearly Assessment Period.


Warm regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum



Term 3 Week 7

23 August – 29 August


Term 3 Week 8

30 August – 5 September


Term 3 Week 9

6 September – 12 September

Trial HSC Examinations

Please continue to keep our Year 12 cohort in your thoughts and prayers during their HSC trial assessment period. Week One has gone well and I thank staff, parents and students for working together to ensure this has gone smoothly. We wish them the very best of luck. 

We have also spoken to our Year 11 cohort and parents today, to outline their upcoming Year 11 examination assessments. 

Winter Co-Curricular Awards 2021

Congratulations to the following students who received awards for Winter Co-curricular achievement at Thursday’s online assembly. We recognise their accomplishments in a wide range of activities. They are an inspiration to all of us to nurture our skills, talents and passions and always strive for excellence. 

Award Winners

>>> Click here to view our extensive list of Winter Co-curricular Award recipients in the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular.

Wear it Purple Day

We have two significant days that we will be celebrating in our upcoming calendar, Wear it Purple Day next week and RUOK? Day in a couple of weeks’ time. As an EREA school, one of our four Touchstones is Inclusive Community, which means we respect difference and the dignity of each individual. We want our school to be a safe and inclusive learning community for all students. Please see Mr Brennan and Ms Prior’s article within this Nurrunga or via the link below.

>>> Click here to view the Wear it Purple Day article by Mr Brennan and Ms Prior.


Adam Hegedus and Alexi Piovano (Class of 2015), are the Old Boys behind Educating The Future (ETF), a not-for-profit that facilitates powerful change through education in Timor-Leste. Pending COVID-19 restrictions, they will soon embark on a fundraising venture along the Great Ocean Walk in Victoria to raise $30,000 to build another classroom in Timor-Leste.

>>> Click here to learn more in the Conversations article by Ms Venettia Miller.

Vaccinations for Your 16-18 Year-Old Son

From Wednesday 18 August, people aged 16-39 who are residents of the following local government areas (LGAs) and suburbs can access priority appointments for vaccinations.

I encourage families to consider vaccination for their son if you reside in these LGAs and he is aged 16-18 years old.

NSW Health has confirmed that the vaccination priority roll out for residents 16-39 years old who live in one of the areas of concern are eligible to book for a Pfizer vaccination.

*Eligible LGAs include: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta and Strathfield, as well some suburbs of Penrith.

Priority COVID-19 vaccination booking for 16-39 year-olds can be accessed via the NSW Department of Health link below:

>>> Click here to view the NSW Department of Health Priority COVID-19 vaccination booking for 16-39 year-olds.

Dedicated School Bus Services on Hold from 19 August

We received notification from Waverley Bus Depot that from Thursday 19 August, Waverley depot will be unable to provide any dedicated bus services due to COVID-19 staff impacts. This will only affect the small number of students of essential workers who are currently attending the College.

We will inform you when our dedicated school services will resume. It is also a reminder to us all that COVID-19 is circulating in our local community and that students should not be catching up in parks and beaches at this time in numbers, and should be following the NSW government and Health’s advice of staying at home, unless absolutely necessary. 

It’s Okay not to be Okay

This ABC radio broadcast, on the impact of the current situation on mental health, might be of interest to many of you at this time. It comes from Waverley College Old Boy (College Dux 1976), and NSW Chief Psychiatrist, Professor Ian Hickie. Ian is also a Senior Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney and Translational Research Collective, and Co-Director, Health and Policy, Brain and Mind Centre. 

>>> Click here to listen to the 9-minute ABC episode.

Professor Hickie and author and broadcaster James O’Loghlin also host the weekly Minding Your Mind podcast exploring all aspects of mental health and what you can do to find solutions.

>>> Click here to listen to the Minding Your Mind podcast.

Read more: What is Wear it Purple Day?, why we celebrate Wear it Purple Day at Waverley, how we are celebrating the week of Wear It Purple Day, helpful resources and activities.

During Week 7, Years 7-11 will celebrate its annual Wear It Purple Day. Despite a number of face-to-face activities being planned including an advocate morning tea and the wearing of purple ribbons and wristbands, due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the College has had to move to an online format during an extended wellbeing time on Monday 23 August.

What is Wear it Purple Day?

Wear It Purple Day is marked nationally on the last Friday of August each year. In 2021 it falls on Friday 27 August and the theme this year is: ‘start the conversation, keep it going.’ This day is about celebrating and supporting LGBTQIA+ youth, and building a culture that ensures every student knows they have the right to be proud of who they are.

At Waverley, we are committed to creating a safe, caring school environment in which students are nurtured as they learn, while recognising the diversity within the school community. This is supported by our College Leadership Team, and has strong foundations in our inclusive touchstone as part of an EREA (Edmund Rice Education Australia) school.

EREA provides us with a clear roadmap to support our students on their journey with its Safe and Inclusive Communities document. By addressing the concerns and issues of LGBTQIA+ students, we do so within the context of student health, safety and human rights.

Why we celebrate Wear it Purple Day at Waverley

Annually in Australia, too many young people take their own lives as they navigate their own sexuality. Bullying and homophobia still permeate society into our schools. Our own wellbeing survey has identified the need to combat casual homophobia particularly around name calling. Our core belief is that of inclusion – bullying, harassment and discrimination totally contravenes that and has no place in our school.

At Waverley, we have an agreed position that there will be no tolerance of homophobic and transphobic bullying, and students who choose to use homophobic language and actions are identified and challenged, as part of restorative justice practices. We respect difference, and the dignity of each individual. 

How we are Celebrating the Week of Wear it Purple Day

This year we have had a group of students who proudly identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or are an active ally for their peers. They have been instrumental in creating wellbeing resources and initiatives for our students to engage with during the week of Wear it Purple Day:

On Monday we will be lucky to welcome Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli as a (virtual) guest. She follows a growing line of guest speakers promoting the rights of the LGBTQI+ community at the College including David Pocock, Peta Friend and earlier this year, Ian Roberts.

Ms Pollotta-Chiarolli has national and international recognition as a writer, researcher, and consultant in the issues of cultural diversity, gender diversity, sexual diversity, with a specific focus on adolescence and young people.

We have had Zoom sessions with her and our student leaders to discuss some of the topical issues around the LGBTQIA+ community, and developed a video based on some of the questions. Some of these topics cover things like how to challenge homophobic language if you hear it.

Ms Pollotta-Chiarolli will respond to questions put to her by a number of students. Following her presentation, students will engage in activities and discussions in their Mentor groups. 


Throughout the week, the Senior School Library will promote books which address the important issue of challenging homophobic language and homophobia.

>>> Click here to learn about and access these books in the article by Mr Bill Roberts, Head of Library Services.


Wear it Purple and Minus18 have created some fantastic resources to start conversations. Below is a video of parents of LGBTQIA+ youth, in which they discuss their experience, and share their tips for supporting young people within this community.

>>> Click here to view the video of parents of LGBTQIA+ youth.


Other articles can be found below:

>>> Click here to learn more about Challenging Homophobic Language.

>>> Click here to learn more about a Guide to Words and Definitions.

In addition to quizzes, sharing information, Kahoot! and Zoom backgrounds, all students are encouraged to wear purple on Friday 27 August to show their support. If you don’t own anything purple, there will be Zoom backgrounds you can choose from, to help celebrate this day. 

So get involved and celebrate the theme for Wear it Purple Day 2021: ‘start the conversation, keep it going.’ This is what we intend to do. Each year we continue to build momentum, and are proud to be leaders in this space. 


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)



Ms Tessa Prior 

School Psychologist


Read more: how to access over 100 LGBTQI+ fiction and non-fiction books plus book reviews and recommendations.

To address the College’s Inclusive Community touchstone, we provide all students a chance to see themselves represented and who they are validated.

We have a select list of over 100 LGBTQI+ fiction and various non-fiction books and stories for all students to feel included, and for all to develop empathy and kindness towards others.

These can be found via the library catalogue OLIVER.

>>> Click here to access the library catalogue OLIVER.

LGBTQI+ Fiction Review

The Greatest Hit by Will Kostakisa review from Mr Bill Roberts, Head of Library Services

A girl is frightened and misses her chance to declare her love for her girlfriend, and regrets this, and makes it up by declaring her true love via a song, at the end changing the word from ‘him’ to ‘her’ in the song.

Set in COVID times, a heartwarming story about being true to yourself. Written by the wildly talented and popular Australian Young Adult author Will Kostakis.

The Greatest Hit - a novel by Will Kostakis

The Greatest Hit – a novel by Will Kostakis

LGBTQI+ Fiction Feature

Kate in Waiting by Becky Albertalli – a review from Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support

Kate and her best friend, Anderson, have a long-term trusting relationship. There is nothing that they keep from each other. Their common interests range from a love of drama to a fascination and horror of sporty kids and their parties. Rarely do Kate and Anderson think nor do anything that they don’t share. However, their friendship is put under pressure when Kate and Anderson find themselves studying different subjects and become suspicious about each other’s love interests, threatening their friendship. It turns out that that there are some things that are best not to have in common.

Kate in Waiting, a novel by Becky Albertalli

Kate in Waiting, a novel by Becky Albertalli

Recommended Literature

Someday by David Levithan – recommended by Ms Sue Bognar, Senior School Teacher-Librarian

Someday, a novel by David Levithan

Someday, a novel by David Levithan

Finding Nevo: How I Confused Everyone by Nevo Zisin – recommended by Ms Sue Bognar, Senior School Teacher-Librarian

‘If you ever wanted to have some idea of the many aspects of gender identity, read this book based on a true story of a teenager in Melbourne. Very ‘real’ and sincere’.

Finding Nevo: How I Confused Everyone, an autobiography by Nevo Zisin

Finding Nevo: How I Confused Everyone, an autobiography by Nevo Zisin


Happy Wear it Purple Day!


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


Read more: Virtual Book Week activities online pop-up bookshop, author presentation, character costume, art gallery; virtual Father’s Day presentation.

Welcome to Week 6. Another incredible week of our students putting in effort, dedication and showing persistence towards their studies. I continue to enjoy my weekly Google Meets with each class and being able to connect with all students. I enjoy hearing the funny stories, birthdays, cooking adventures and the outdoor activities the boys are keeping themselves busy with. I am so proud of our students and the resilience they are showing in so many different ways. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The LEGO car egg design and footpath chalk artworks were amazing. Each student produced such creative and imaginative designs. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. The following students were the winners for last week:

By Reese Araujo

By Reese Araujo

By Jasper Lumsden

By Jasper Lumsden

By Jack Stuart

By Jack Stuart


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

(Acting) Director of Junior School



Virtual Book Week Activities

Book Week 2021 is being celebrated next week. The theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.’ As parents, this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create.

Book Week 2021

Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

* Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

Encourage reading, by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Encourage reading, by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Our Pop Up Bookshop Has Gone Online

Our Pop Up Bookshop Has Gone Online

Virtual Author Presentation Wednesday 25 August

Harry Laing is our guest author. Harry Laing is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. The presentation aims at promoting reading and creative writing. Your son has received a calendar invite for this event.

Harry Laing

Harry Laing

Friday Fun Activity Book Week Character Costume

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 7 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Virtual Gallery Celebrating Book Week

The theme this year is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’, leaving it open to interpretation. Students created a piece of artwork using any medium of their choice.

>>> Click here to view the awe-inspiring art entries in our virtual gallery.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our boys, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please send all photos to


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation


Read more: Parent Guide to Pastoral Care Notifications in Parent Lounge, where to find Parent Lounge, login guidance.

With the implementation of the new Parent Lounge, each week iAssist will be publishing a guide to a specific feature to help parents navigate around the interface.

The guides will be released through Nurrunga and then listed in the Parent Lounge under the School Links — Parent Lounge Guides section.

Pastoral Care Notifications

This week it’s Pastoral Care notifications.

>>> Click here to view Parent Guide to Pastoral Care Notifications in the Parent Lounge.

Next week we will release a guide on updating Parent Details.

Where Do I Find the Parent Lounge?

A reminder that you can >>> click here to view the Parent Lounge.

Guidance on how to Login

If you need guidance on how to login, please contact the team at


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation
