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Read more: CAS Debating, Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly, summer sport changes, Old Boy Ryan Abbott.

I encourage all students from Years 5-12 to keep participating in the recommended activities during this period that include Track and Field drills, recommended activities from Summer sports such as Cricket and Basketball, as well as the great wellbeing classes through the team at Advanz Health, that can be watched at any time.

The importance of maintaining physical activity during these challenging times is critical to physical, emotional and mental health. Many of the recommended activities for students are published on the Waverley App or are in the Daily Notices.

CAS Debating – Final Round next Friday

I want to thank and congratulate our Debating teams and staff who have continued to implement the CAS season online. Whilst this poses a number of challenges, we have still been able to produce some admirable performances against some strong opposition. We will have our final round next Friday 20 August against Cranbrook, and I want to wish all of those teams the very best for this week and next week.

Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly

Next week we will run our online Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly for all activities for Years 5-12. We will publish the award winners in next week’s Nurrunga, and those students will be able to collect their awards once we have been able to assure production. It is most likely that we will notify students of their availability in Term 4. 

Summer Sport Changes Requests

This week we also concluded all of the requests for summer sport changes, and are now closing these applications. Students will be notified via email of the results of their requests. Pleasingly, we had a great uptake for Sailing, and we will notify those students regarding the implementation of this Olympic sport.

Congratulations to Basketball Star Ryan Abbott

We were notified this week of the wonderful news that 2020 1st V Basketball captain Ryan Abbott was successful in finally obtaining a scholarship to NCAA Fresno Pacific College in California. We wish Ryan all the very best with his opportunities over in the USA, and hopefully we will get to see Ryan representing at the highest levels in years to come.

Ryan Abbott, 2019-20 Australian Schoolboys Basketball Player

Ryan Abbott, 2019-20 Australian Schoolboys Basketball Player


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Read more: Years 7-12 online meeting via Google Meet and registration information.


All Students From Years 7-12 are Welcome to Trial! Registration Essential

All students who would like to represent 1sts and 2nds Basketball for the upcoming season 2021-22, need to attend the online meeting for information regarding the pre-season and season moving forward.

Meeting Details – Tuesday 17 August 2:30-3:30pm Online Via Google Meet

1. >>> Click here to register your name and email on the Google Sheet.

2. Look out for the meeting invitation in your email.

If you have any questions, you may direct these to Mr Matthew Johnston at


Mr Matthew Johnston

Teacher Year 6 Red, Basketball Head Coach


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Recruit Platoon Competition, online Escape Room.

Cadet of the Week – an Equal Tie

Congratulations to our Cadet of the Week – an equal tie between REC Gina Kimpton in 2PL and REC Yannick Hott of 5PL. These recruits were passionately engaged in their lessons and activities on Friday. Not easy at the end of a long week online, so well done to both of you!

Recruit Platoon Competition

7 Platoon is still marginally ahead in the Recruit Platoon competition, although 10 Platoon gave them a good run for their money last week. Our recruits learnt how to keep healthy and hygienic in the field without running water, and I was impressed with how many could quickly access their equipment in the online scavenger hunt.

Learning how to keep clean and healthy with limited resources is a skill for anyone keen on camping, or with ambitions to backpack on a Gap Year, or to trek the Larapinta or the Camino. In a group setting, staying healthy keeps up the morale of both the individual and the group, and means you are fit and able to support your team. We encourage our cadets to constantly look at the bigger picture.

Online Escape Room

Support Company had a great time on Friday enjoying the Online Escape Room, and our recruits will take turns with this activity over the coming weeks.

Online Escape Room

Online Escape Room


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: Virtual Book Week activities and competitions, amazing 5 Orange artworks, Fun Friday winner, Father’s Day photos, Cyber Safety webinar.


Welcome to Week 5. We have had a very busy week in the Junior School. This week the Junior School students alongside the Senior School participated in a Cyber Safety webinar presented by ySafe. Our presenter Ryan Leonard shared important strategies on ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’ When looking at the statistics of ‘Types of Cyberbullying’ it is clear why we believe educating our students on cyber safety is paramount in the current climate. 

ySafe 2021

ySafe Cyberbullying Statistics

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Amazing Artworks from 5 Orange

Over the last few weeks, 5 Orange has been very busy creating amazing artworks. I hope they put a smile on your face like they have for me. We have some very imaginative and creative students in 5 Orange! I also loved the screenshot of the Friday morning Google Meet where the students dressed up. Enjoy the amazing artworks from Jasper Lumsden, Henry Jones and Jake McEvoy.  

5 Orange artwork - Hot Air Balloon

5 Orange artwork – Hot Air Balloon

By Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

By Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

Plastic Pollution by Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

Plastic Pollution by Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

By Jake McEvoy, 5 Orange

By Jake McEvoy, 5 Orange

By Henry Jones, 5 Gold

By Henry Jones, 5 Gold

Year 5 Orange Morning Outline and Roll Call During Lockdown 2021!

5 Orange Morning Routine and Roll Call During Lockdown 2021

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The STEM Castle challenge was a hit last week, and what was created blew me away! Each student produced unbelievably creative and imaginative castles. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. There were eight winners and here is Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange, the winner for last week. 

Congratulations Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange

Congratulations Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our boys, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please send all photos to  


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Virtual Book Week Activities Monday 23 – Friday 27 August

Book Week 2021 is fast approaching in Week 7, and we have a few activities and events for students to take part in from now. The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. As parents, this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create. 

Virtual Book Week 2021

Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge. 

Pop Up Bookshop

Encourage reading by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Virtual Author Presentation Wednesday 25 August

Harry Laing is our guest author. Harry Laing is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. The presentation aims at promoting reading and creative writing. Your son will receive a calendar invite for this event in Week 6. 

Year 6: 8:45am – 9:30am 

Year 5: 9:40am – 10:25am  

Harry Laing

Harry Laing

Writing and Visual Arts Competitions

Two Competitions have been running since the start of the term. Creative Writing ‘Poetry’ and Visual Arts. The closing date for both these entries is Monday 16 August. 

Judging will begin in Week 6. A huge thank you to the following Senior School teachers who are the guest judges. Mr Robert Tall (Literacy Coordinator and Secondary Teacher) will judge the writing, and Ms Jenna Turnbull (Visual Arts Teacher) and Ms Natalie Oates (Head of Visual Arts) are judging the visual arts. 

Poetry Competition 2021

Visual Arts comp

Friday Fun Activity Book Week Costume

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 6 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Read more: watch the Roger Steel trailer, filmmaking ideas for lockdown, valuable film competitions.


Wavefest 2021 has been postponed but this hasn’t stopped our incredible filmmakers from continuing to film and complete their short films. The aim is to have Wavefest at a later date in the year, or in an online format yet to be decided.

When you have completed your films, please email them to Ms Buchan at 

Wavefest Entry: Roger Steel – Watch the Trailer!

This Spring, strap on your seatbelts (because that’s the law) and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

This week we are sharing a trailer from one of the Wavefest entries titled Roger Steel. It stars Owen Neamond and Paddy McCausland (Year 6), who wrote, directed, acted and produced the film. An incredible feat, during such a tumultuous time. Well done to both students. 

“We had the greatest time making this movie and we can now confirm that Roger Steel 2 is in production. Roger That!!”

Stuck for Something to do During Lockdown? 

You may also like to enter your films in Wavefest, or make more films to enter in other competitions.

>>> Click here to view information about the 2021 Youth Photographic Award and Short Film Prize.

>>> Click here to view information about the FlickerUp Youth Film Festival – part of Flicker Fest 2022.

>>> Click here to view information about the cool Australia MobileMuster – a protect the planet 1-minute film competition.

>>> Click here to learn more about filmmaking by joining Nextwave.


Ms Belinda Buchan

PDHPE Teacher, Convenor of Volleyball, Student Mentor Coordinator


Read more: digest a thoughtful piece authored by student Christian Kitas in Year 11.


On Wednesday 28 July, the New South Wales Advocate for Young People, Zoë Robinson, along with Multiculturalism NSW, hosted an online forum for young people to hear NSW Government officials answer questions about COVID-19 from young people.

The forum included The Hon. Alister Henskens MP, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, The Hon. Natalie Ward MLC, Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans, Assistant Commissioner Gelina Talbot, Capability, Performance and Youth Command, NSW Police, Dr Jan Fizzell, Senior Health Advisor, NSW Health and Ms Deb Summerhayes, Executive Director, School Performance, Department of Education.

The forum was a major success and was extremely informative. All speakers responded to each of the questions in great detail and showed a tremendous amount of respect for each question asked. Questions included: Racism during COVID-19 and the blaming of suburbs for the current lockdown, vaccine mandates for school students, and whether AstraZeneca is safe for young people.

When answering questions, each speaker repeated the optimistic message that ‘We will get through this’, and this message of hope conveyed the mindset that everyone should adopt during this tough period of time; one of hope and optimism. This message was especially needed at this forum as the questions indicated that many students had a negative and pessimistic outlook toward the future in lockdown. However, the message reassured each attendee that we will get through this together. 

One of the biggest benefits of attending this forum was the ability to hear the perspectives of other students and how lockdown was affecting them, their school community, and the wider community. It was especially interesting to hear questions from students whose schools were located in the local government areas which had the highest COVID-19 infection rates. Those questions were some of the most interesting to listen to, especially those regarding the vaccine and whether students will be able to attend school if they are unvaccinated. All questions asked were quite sophisticated and very worthy of being answered by the speakers who responded.

This forum inspired hope amongst students in a plethora of ways, and for myself, personally, I also left the forum with a newfound sense of hope. I became much more optimistic in my general feelings toward both this lockdown and COVID-19. I was also optimistic for the future generation due to the calibre of questions asked by the students, and I appreciated the articulate, detailed responses from the speakers.

To conclude, it was a remarkable event to attend, and I would like to thank the speakers and the NSW Advocate for Young People for organising this wonderful forum.  


Christian Kitas

Year 11 Student Representative


Read more: view the Years 7-11 Waverley College Bronze Medallion Program Information Pack.


I’d like to take this opportunity to raise awareness of a summer sport choice unknown to many. Waverley College is one of a very few schools in Sydney that offer a Surf Life Saving program as a school sport. In 2021, the College is opening up the opportunity to all students in Years 7 -11, allowing students in Years 7 and 8 to participate.

Information About the Program

New members without a SRC / Bronze Medallion

Existing Bronze Medallion Holders from Bondi or other SLS clubs either:

and / or

>>> Please click here to view the Waverley College Bronze Medallion Program Information Pack 2021-2022.

If your son is interested, please ask him to email Mr Stephen Wilmot (Assistant Head of Co-curricular) as soon as possible at


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE and Surf Life Saving Convenor


Read more: learn how to join a Waverley team to help a vital charity whilst getting fit!

The Running for Premature Babies charity was founded by a Waverley parent, and Australian of the Year, Sophie Smith, after losing her prematurely born triplets in 2006. The charity provides life-saving neonatal equipment and research to give premature babies a better chance of survival.

>>> Click here to watch Sophie’s recent interview on The Morning Show with charity ambassador Purple Wiggle Lachy Gillespie:

The charity is holding their annual ‘Premmie Marathon Challenge’ this November and we encourage students, staff, parents, family members and Old Boys in our school community to get involved! 

The challenge is to run (or walk) a 42km marathon or a 100km ultramarathon over the month of November. The ‘twist’ is that you can elect to complete your chosen distance either over a day, a week or over the whole month, making it very achievable to everyone!  You can run anytime, anywhere – laps of your house, on a treadmill, at the local park or around your suburb.

Log the kms you run (or walk) to achieve your marathon goal within your set time frame. You can track your progress online through your personal fundraising page.

Why not have fun, get active during the COVID-19 lockdown, and achieve a fitness goal? It’s free to register and anyone who raises over $50 will receive a special finisher’s medal.

You will be helping to give critically ill and premature babies a better chance of survival. 

How Do I Join a Waverley Team?

>>> Click here to join the Waverley 42km marathon team.


>>> Click here to join the Waverley 100km ultramarathon team.

Simply click the purple JOIN US button sitting next to the social media buttons on the main banner at the top of the page.

>>> Click here to learn more about the challenge and hear Sophie Smith speak movingly about her vital work that has helped thousands of families. 


Ms Gemma Brown (Assistant Head of Science) and Ms Sophie Smith (Founder and Managing Director of Running for Premature Babies Charity)


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

I encourage you to read the Careers newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

>>> Click here to view the summary sheet with details of the 2021 University Open Days and Tours Update.

>>> Click here to view University Early Entry information.

*Please note:

Should you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home, please do not hesitate to contact me and we can arrange a Google Meet.

Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



Term 3 Week 5

9 August – 15 August


Term 3 Week 6

16 August – 22 August


Term 3 Week 7

23 August – 29 August

Welcome to Week 4. Another impressive week of online learning from our students. I know this is a challenging time for everyone but our students have really put in the effort and commitment this week.

Cyber Safety

On Tuesday 10 August, ySafe will be presenting a webinar for our students on ‘Cyberbullying and Bystander Empowerment + Safety on Social Media and Games + Digital Wellbeing.’

Your son has received a ZOOM calendar invitation for the webinar which will be scheduled for  Period 1 (8:45am-9:30am) for YEAR 5, and Period 2 (9:30am-10:15am) for YEAR 6.

This is a compulsory event and all students must attend. 

The ySafe presentation will emphasise the constructive relationship students can have with technology under a positive digital citizenship ethos, and upskill students in understanding the importance of and ways to implement safe online practices. 

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Fun Friday Activity – Marble Race Course and Robot Collage

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The marble race courses and robot collages that were created by each student were unbelievably creative and imaginative. Picking the winners was a very hard task again this week.

I want to congratulate all students for their hard work and for their amazing ideas. The following students were the winners for last week:


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School


COVID teddy


5 Gold Visual Arts 

During Week 4 of Online Learning, Year 5 have integrated their Visual Arts lessons with Science. This week the students in 5 Gold have been learning about buoyancy. Buoyancy is the upward force that is caused when the hot air is trapped inside of the balloon. A hot air balloon rises because it has buoyancy.

Each student designed their own hot air balloon. Each design had to show the three essential parts: the burner, which heats the air; the balloon envelope, which holds the air; and the basket, which carries the passengers.

It was wonderful to see the detail and colour in their designs.

Buoyancy Collage

Buoyancy Collage by Flynn Killen, Jayden Newrick, Nicholas Giannikouris and Joshua Raymond


Ms Jenny Hoare

Year 5 Gold Class Teacher


Semester 1 Academic Awards (Years 10-12) 

Congratulations to our Semester 1 Academic Award winners in Years 10-12. Their dedication and persistence has paid off and we congratulate them on their fine achievements. These students were recognised at our recent online academic assembly. They lead by example and by striving to reach their potential, have set new benchmarks. We are very proud of each of them.

Award winners:

Year 10

Connor Andrews – First in PDHPE and Physical Activity and Sports Studies

Marcus Antonio – First in Spanish

Eddie Beswick – First in Visual Arts

Anderson Franulovich – First in Mathematics Level 2

Campbell Groves – First in Science

Charles Hely-Hammond – First in Commerce and Religious Education; Equal First in History

Carter Hjorring – First in Design and Technology

James Iatrou – First in Photographic and Digital Media

Jamie Khov – First in Mathematics Accelerated 

Freddie Le Vay – First in Applied Philosophy

Aidan Mahoney – First in Industrial Technology (Timber)

Jake Perks – First in STEM

Jack Preller – First in Food Technology

Xavier Quinn – First in Work Education

Liam Russell – First in Music

Leo Schmid – First in English

Sam Stewart – Equal First in Drama

Ben Stirling – First in Information and Software Technology

Theo Varvaressos – Equal First in History

Euan Veale-Wright – First in Mathematics Level 1

Vasili Vertsonis – Equal First in History

Liam Wood – First in Mathematics Level 3 and History Elective

Matt Woods – Equal First in Drama

Year 11

Leo Astridge – First in Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies and Hospitality

Nathan Barns – First in Spanish Beginners

Pablo Berdaa – First in Spanish Continuers

Toby Davidson – Equal First in Business Studies

Liam Davis – First in Industrial Technology

Daniel Di Francesco – Equal First in Biology and Engineering Studies

William Dodd – First in Mathematics Extension 1 and Physics

Oliver Elliott – First in English Advanced; Equal First in Business Studies

Mack Flitcroft – Equal First in Studies of Religion II; First in Accelerated Mathematics

Jared Garwood – Equal First in Studies of Religion II

Harry Gippel – First in English Standard

Maddox Grebert – First in Design and Technology

Guy Hammerschmidt – Equal First in Biology; First in Music 2

Axel Jeffriess – First in Visual Arts

Thomas Kenny – Equal First in English Studies

Christian Kitas – First in Legal Studies

Louis Kitto – First in Music 1

James Kort – First in PDHPE

Kayton Lee – First in Mathematics Advanced; Equal First in Economics

Max Leedham – First in Geography

Dominic McGrath – First in Marine Studies

Daniel McSweeny – Equal First in Studies of Religion II; First in English Extension, Modern History and Drama

Leo Morgan – Equal First in Engineering Studies

Luke Paterson – Equal First in Economics

AJ Preketes – First in Studies in Catholic Thought

Conor Ryan – First in Ancient History

Toby Ryan – Equal First in English Studies

Finley Stern – First in Photography, Video and Digital Imaging; First in Entertainment Industry

Carl Waterson – First in Studies of Religion I, Chemistry and Food Technology

Thomas Wilkins – First in Mathematics Standard; First in Construction

Year 12

Saia Afeaki – First in Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies

Diego Berdaa – First in Spanish Continuers

Conor Boyd-Boland – Equal First in English Extension 1

Dante Bryan – First in Music 1

Duke Bushby – First in Mathematics Standard 1

Joel Caltagirone-Pantano – First in Construction

Joseph Collins – First in English Studies

Giulian D’Ettorre – Equal First in English Extension 1

Alex Elder – First in Investigating Science and PDHPE

Baxter Flynn – First in Hospitality

Mark Gaponov – First in Studies of Religion II

Jackson Green – First in Photography, Video and Digital Imaging

Elija Heininger – First in Entertainment Industry

Noa Kathriner – First in Mathematics Standard 2

Jacob Larcinese – First in Biology

Louis Liong – First in English Standard

Jack MacKenzie – First in Industrial Technology

Harjot Mand – Equal First in Mathematics Advanced and Economics

Kyle McBride – First in Design and Technology

Luke McLellan – Equal First in Mathematics Advanced

Leon Palacio – First in Catholic Studies; Mathematics Extension 1; Mathematics Extension 2; Chemistry and Spanish Beginners

James Privett – First in Business Studies

Toby Rabinowitz – First in Studies of Religion I, Ancient History and Drama

Alexander Shahinian – First in Food Technology

James Simpson – First in Music 2

Hugo Stephenson – First in Visual Arts

Darcy Sullivan – First in Marine Studies

Jacob Swann – First in Engineering Studies

Sebastian Van De Hoek – First in Geography

Aaron Varsanyi – First in Legal Studies

Hayden Walker – First in English Advanced and English Extension 2

Darcy Widdowson – Equal First in Mathematics Advanced and Economics; First in Modern History

Hayden Wild – First in Physics and Software Design and Development

Jack Ziade – Equal First in Mathematics Advanced

HSC Trials 

At 11am today the Premier of NSW announced that all HSC Trial Examinations in Greater Sydney will be held online. It is understandable with transmission numbers at 291 today, and probably rising, that the Health Department is not wanting movement across Local Government Areas (LGAs). 

I would like to thank our Planning Team, Curriculum Team and our Heads of Department for the work they have done in regards to ensuring our students had both a Plan A and Plan B ready to be enacted at any time. 

We met with our Year 12s and their parents online today at 12 noon to give further details about Plan B which will commence on Wednesday 18 August. Please keep our year 12s in your thoughts and prayers at this time as they continue to pivot successfully with respect to their final studies. It can not be easy in these challenging times, but I hope they know they have the community’s full support.