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I would like to thank all students who have seamlessly transitioned to online learning this week. Reports from both the curriculum and wellbeing teams indicate that attendance has been excellent and students have been following the online protocols and are actively engaged in their learning. 

When the NSW Government calls for a return to face-to face learning, it will be particularly important for us to know if any of our students become exposed and will therefore be required to complete a period of 14 days of isolation. In such a case we will do our best to provide access to remote learning. Any student who attends school, even with the slightest cold and flu symptoms, will be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school.

Tips to Boost Our Immune System

Last week, I reminded our community of the following tips to boost our immune system during the flu season:

Reach Out to Your Support Networks if You Need Help

The Wellbeing team appreciates the difficulties faced by our community who are currently impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Mental health and wellbeing changes over time in response to different stresses and experiences. Remember to reach out to your support networks; teachers, mentors, Heads of House, Psychologists and members of the College Leadership Team: 

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing

Mr Patrick Brennan: 9369 0713

Heads of House

Head of Aungier House: Mr John McCoy 9369 0613

Head of Brennan House: Mr James Horrocks 9369 0614

Head of Conlon House: Ms Cathy O’Sullivan 9369 0611

Head of Green House: Mr Scott Coleman 9369 0610

Head of Lacey House: Mr Damien Thompson 9369 0609

Head of O’Connor House: Mr Matthew Barr 9369 0612

Head of Quinn House: Ms Olivia Kite 9369 0608

Head of Tevlin House: Mr John McCallum 9369 0607

Psychologists Years 7 – 12

Mr Greg Cameron: 9369 0645

Ms Tessa Prior: 9369 0635

Psychologists Years 5 and 6

Ms Alexsandra McCredie: 9387 5022

Ms Dawn Young: 9387 5022  

Registered Nurse

Ms Adele Cutbush: 9369 0644

Professional Support Outside the College is Always Available When You Need it Too

Mental Health Services and Support

Sleep is Crucial

I spoke at this week’s assembly about the importance of sleep, exercise and diet at times of change, anxiety and increased stress. Sleep is as important to our health as eating, drinking and breathing. It allows our bodies to repair themselves and our brains to consolidate our memories and process information.

Poor sleep hygiene is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Boys should be getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. Good sleep hygiene involves a routine that includes no screen time an hour before bed and sleeping in a cool, dark and quiet environment away from any devices, particularly their mobile phone.

Keep Moving!

Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of 10 minutes’ brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.

Even in this time of lockdown, I am seeing many of our students engaging in COVID-safe exercise such as jogging and cycling in Centennial Park, skating at Bondi Skate Park, football drills at Erskineville Oval and surfing at Bronte. I believe we have some of the most active teenagers in Sydney. We are blessed with a natural environment conducive to incidental and planned physical activity, and it’s great to see our boys taking full advantage of these spaces.

Hydration, Fruit, Vegetables – More Influential Than You Think

Eating a balanced diet with adequate hydration and plenty of fruit and vegetables helps to reduce the risk of sickness and disease.  It also helps with sleeping patterns, energy levels, and your general health. A healthy diet also affects your mood and helps to manage your anxiety and stress.

Eat, sleep and move during lockdown

The Importance of Students Attending Period One During Online Learning

As well as being the first teaching and learning period of the day, period one serves as the College’s mandatory recording of daily attendance as required by law.

Students who do not attend their Period One Google Meet will be marked absent and their parents will be sent a text message from the College indicating this. This often causes parents who receive this SMS anxiety and concern. This is escalated when parents are under the impression that their son is actively engaged in online learning. To avoid this situation please ensure your son is ready to commence his Google Meet at the start of Period 1. When we return to face to face learning, if he attends school after the bell, he needs to sign in late at the Wellbeing Centre with his student ID card.

Your son’s teachers and Head of House will monitor his attendance during the day and will notify parents if he is not attending his scheduled periods.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing


The physical impact of the pandemic has mostly spared our young people, however as the nation remains to be on alert and in various stages of lockdown, restrictions continue to be mandated. The pandemic has had a great affect on our young people with many paying a heavy emotional and developmental price. Psychological disorders are on the rise and emergency interventions have skyrocketed.

As hard as it is being a young person today, it’s also draining being the parent of one. It has been reported that many parents are struggling to keep their child’s mental health afloat, often proving it is difficult to juggle parenting responsibilities whilst at the same time providing much needed emotional support for their children.

Unlike the coronavirus itself, the emotional blowback of the pandemic cannot be vaccinated away. Psychologists are seeing more depression and anxiety across all age groups, but in adolescents it seems to be on steroids, with some choosing to self-medicate using alcohol or other drugs. When they look into the future now, they’re looking at one that wasn’t what they envisioned before.

This report explains the current state of youth mental health in a post-COVID era and offers guidance on how best to support young people today. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If this Special Report raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

>>> Click here for the link to your special report


College Psychologist Contact Details

Psychologist for Years 7-12 Ms Tessa Prior 9369 0635
Psychologist for Years 7-12 Mr Greg Cameron 9369 0645
Psychologist for Years 5 and 6 Ms Alexsandra McCredie 9387 5022
Psychologist for Years 5 and 6 Ms Dawn Young 9387 5022

Have you or your son ever had to walk 10,000 steps carrying everything you own on your back?

Perhaps your son may be interested in connecting with ‘Canice’s Kitchen Backyard Winter Sleepout’ on Saturday 31 July 2021 from 6pm-6am. This wonderful initiative may be a great break from “lockdown life” and is designed for students aged 12-18 years, to help develop their knowledge around the issues of homelessness.

The event is completely virtual, meaning they can complete the 12-hour sleepout in their backyard, balcony or living room, and connect to the event hosts and guest speakers via Zoom. There will be a live discussion as well as a Q&A, followed by a series of challenges they must undertake overnight. These challenges aim to mimic the lived experiences of our two speakers and really put the students into the shoes of someone who has slept rough.

This event is free, however if students would like to get sponsored, they may do so. There is a FAQS page on the registration page to help parents and carers understand the event.

>>> Click here to view the event flyer which includes a QR code for students to go directly to the registration page


>>> Click here to register

Should you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.


Ms Suzanne Walsh – Director of Identity and Student Formation



Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun – Assistant Director Identity and Student Formation


Dear Year 12,

I hope that your HSC preparation is going well as we begin a term that is certainly a different one than we expected. We can’t change the way things are, so let’s focus making the most of some advantages – not having to lose time traveling to and from school each day, being able to get focused work done at home, being able to contact your teachers easily for help, being able to focus just on your studies at this critical time with the Trials being pushed back a few weeks.

You are getting close to the finish line, exciting stuff. Visualise yourself in LESS THAN 4 MONTHS, sleeping in each day, going out to the beach, seeing friends, going out at night – much better that the lockdown happens now rather than when you finish Year 12! And good luck to those with performances and major works in the next weeks, soon that will be another thing off your plate.

As you prepare for the Trials, the Dr Prue Salter Year 12 Support Study Skills resources can assist you with your preparation.  Login to the videos using the details below:    

Username: year12waverley

Password: year12waverley 

And watch this video in the Term 3 section:

Watch this video early in Term 3. You may like to pause in each section and then complete the activities on the worksheet below for that section before continuing to the next.



* Complete the PDF Handout for this section



* Complete the PDF Handout for this section



* Complete the Handout (DOC) for this section



* Complete the Handout (DOC) for this section


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum,


Welcome back to Term Three! I hope everyone has been keeping safe and making the most out of the lockdown. I know this may be a difficult time for many and we understand the pressures of juggling online learning, family life and work life. You would have received two lots of communication last week from our Principal, Mr Graham Leddie and myself in regards to Online Learning guidelines and expectations.

At this point, it is unclear how long students will be partaking in online learning. We need to prepare that this may go on for a few weeks. It is important that we continue with our learning and have high expectations of our students. Can I please remind you of some important points:

  1. Students must be on time to all Google Meets
  2. Students need to work in a suitable place – preferably a public space
  3. Students need to wear their PE uniform
  4. All set work is expected to be completed to the best of your son’s ability. Any issues with this, I ask that you contact your son’s teacher to discuss any issues or if extra support is required. 
  5. Should your son be unable to complete their assigned online working due to sickness or approved leave, the same procedures apply:

Please see below times the boys are expected to login to Google Meet:

Google Meet Junior School Timetable

As mentioned, we understand that this may be a really difficult time for our families and students. The wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. If your son is struggling or needs help during this time, I ask you to reach out to myself or one of our psychologists for support. 

All staff contacts can be found here:

Wishing everyone a smooth start to Online Learning this week. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School 



Boys and Reading

During this uncertain and challenging time, educators, parents and students are currently transitioning to remote learning. This involves substantial adjustments to teaching and learning. During this time reading must continue and reading should never be undervalued.

This is a perfect time to encourage your son to spend more time reading. For assistance, please click the link below to read ‘A Quick Guide for Parents,’ by the International Boys’ Schools Coalition.

Strategy 3: Read Together and Strategy 5: Read Aloud are highly recommended.

>>> Click here to view Boys and Reading: A Quick Guide for Parents by the International Boys’ Schools Coalition.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon & Hugo Murphy spent lunch reading and discussing waves

Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon and Hugo Murphy enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub 2021

Junior School students enjoying literature

Boys’ reading attentiveness increases when they are actively involved in the selection of texts

Family reading time at home can encourage boys to develop as readers and develop a love for books

Following the successful Cadet Promotions Courses in the school holidays, it gives me great pleasure to announce our new leaders for the 2021/2022 Cadet Year.

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) – CUO Zach Straker

Adjutant – CUO Daniel McSweeny

Training Officer – CUO Daniel Di Francesco

Operations Officer – CUO Sophia Voigt

Logistics Officer – CUO Sachiel Bass

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) – WO1 Charlie Alexander 

Company Commanders

A COY COMD – CUO Darcy Ferguson

B COY COMD – CUO Ellie Mallett

C COY COMD – CUO Hugo Pizzol

D COY COMD – CUO Kai Chavez

SPT COY COMD – CUO Hugo Defina-Sperando

Company Sergeants Major

A COY – WO2 Matteo Paolella

B COY – WO2 Harrison Cox-Nugent

C COY – WO2 Kayla Heng

D COY – WO2 Alistair Isaac

SPT COY – WO2 Mitchell Cahill

 Students of Merit

JLC Course – CPL Deuchar Dezarnaulds

SLC Course – WO2 Alistair Isaac

CUO Course – CUO Daniel Di Francesco

107 candidates attended the three courses and have been posted to their positions of responsibility across the Unit. We are particularly proud of our first St. Catherine’s Cadet Under Officers who are the first to achieve this rank following the new partnership between our two schools in 2020. This is an exciting milestone and one that brings true balance and integration to the Unit.

With the current COVID-19 limitations, there are changes to the commencement of the Cadet Year. All recruits have been emailed to inform them of their new Sections and Platoons and Companies, and are invited to attend the Cadet Google Classroom for their introduction to Cadets on Friday afternoon. Rank are invited to attend Google Meets with their respective Companies. Please keep an eye out for the Routine Orders through the Chain of Command.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


2021 Cadet Promotions Courses

2021 Cadet Promotions Courses

Rock Band has been postponed for the remainder of the term. We thank Mr Sean Windsor for his impassioned work with the student groups over the past few years. We wish Sean and his family all the very best in their future endeavours.

Parents will be notified directly and refunds issued.  


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


Sectionals will be held for all Band Members during online learning. Information and invitations have been sent to students to join in.

If you haven’t received an invitation or have any queries please email Mr Dan Williams, Head of Bands:


Mr Daniel Williams

Head of Bands


Private Music Lessons have also transitioned to an online format. Lessons will be held via GOOGLE MEET. Invitations will be emailed to students by the Tutors.

Students are required to sign in and sign out of their private music online lesson using the Google Classroom sign-in. Instructions have been sent to private music students by email. Please use CHROME as the browser.

If you are having difficulty and require assistance either contact your Private Music Tutor or Mrs Kossenberg email: or call 9369 0623.

Students who have left their instrument at the College please contact Mrs Kossenberg asap to arrange collection. 


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

PAC Coordinator


A reminder that registration for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is due to be finalised today.

Students who have already registered will receive information via email on Monday regarding their first meeting. 

The program is offered at Waverley College to students in Term 3 Year 8. The award requires students to consistently apply themselves to physical activity, learning new skills and community service. Participants also develop their navigation skills, resilience and leadership in the multiple Adventurous Journeys they undertake.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a three-certificate system which encourages and enables students to be proactive in taking on challenges, setting goals and being active in the local community. The award requires students to take responsibility and initiative to progress and complete the award scheme.

>>> Click here to explore the Duke of Edinburgh website to become familiar with the award scheme. 

>>> Click here to register and pay online if your son would like to register to undertake the Bronze Award.  

He will require the following information to register:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.


Ms Gemma Brown

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader


Although we are learning online, students are still able to complete their Duke Of Edinburgh from home! Students are required to complete one hour a week of physical recreation, a skill and a service. Here are some ideas for your son to consider in order to maintain his award progress whilst in lockdown:

Physical Activity

Now more than ever we need to ensure we are consistently getting up and moving our bodies. 

Track your fitness progress

Track your fitness progress over time


There are many ideas for learning a new skill at home! Here are a few:

Senior School student practicing his guitar during a music class

Learn a new musical skill at home


A reminder that your log must be at least 1-2 sentences explaining your participation. Don’t forget to download the ORB Participant app for quick logging! 


Ms Gemma Brown

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader


We hope to be able to participate in the event in August if at all possible. If this can go ahead I will be in contact again pending availability of spots.

In the meantime I encourage you to read and when reading to take note of how writers grab your attention and keep you interested.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services
