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Bookings are open for the Years 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 19 July from 8:30am-6.30pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will run in two sessions: 8.30am-11.30am and 12.45pm-6.30pm. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both sessions will now be conducted online via Zoom.

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Please ensure that you make bookings with your son’s main teacher in instances where one period is taken by another teacher.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Bookings are open for the Year 11 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday 28 July from 3:30pm- 7pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

Due to COVID-19 NSW Health Restrictions, the interviews will be conducted online via Zoom.

Zoom codes are available in this edition of Nurrunga. >>> Click here to view the Zoom codes in the article by Mr Simon Potter in Year 11 Action Items.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your son’s student ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Bookings are now open for the Year 12 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday 14 July from 3:30pm- 7pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

Due to COVID-19 NSW Health Restrictions, the interviews will be conducted online via Zoom.

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your son’s student ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


All students from the Senior campus are encouraged to enter the Staedtler – Artists of the Year competition for 2021. There is a Junior and Senior category. Entries are now open and will close on Monday 19 July, 2021.

>>> Click here for more information on how to enter and prizes to be won.

All artworks for this competition must be created in a traditional artmaking form. E.g. graphite pencil, pigment liners, crayons, paints, charcoal, pen etc. Artwork that has been digitally produced or digitally enhanced will unfortunately not be accepted. 

>>> Click here to download the competition poster for further details. 


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Commanding Officers’ Parade Postponed

The Commanding Officers’ Parade, where we welcome our new recruits to Cadets and present our new rank with their rank slides, has been postponed to 23 July due to the revised COVID-19 lockdown dates.

Cadets will have access to online content on Friday 16 July so please keep an eye on your emails for further information.

Dates and times of uniform issue to all recruits will be emailed next week pending further COVID-19 updates.

Thank you for your patience.

Cadet Promotions Courses 2021

In the first week of the school holidays, 107 of our most dedicated cadets gave of their vacation time to become our new leaders for the 2021/2022 Cadet Year. Leadership is one of the most rewarding components of being a cadet and our new Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Cadet Under Officers worked tirelessly throughout the week, learning new skills and demonstrating that they have what it takes to lead our new recruits as they start their Cadet journey this term.

The week was certainly challenging with the shifting sands of the COVID-19 limitations and we were impressed with how our cadets were able to adapt and overcome, with the ensuing changes to the week. By the end of the week, candidates across the three courses – Junior Leadership Course, Senior Leadership Course and the Cadet Under Officers’ Course – had forged strong new friendships and a collegiate team vital to supporting themselves as they commence their new positions as the Unit’s new leaders. We set the bar high in terms of drill, dress and bearing, and the proficiency standard required for their new responsibilities, and they rose to the challenge.

We are proud of all our candidates and look forward to announcing the new leadership team next week.

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is offered at Waverley College to students in Year 8, Term 3. The award requires students to consistently apply themselves to physical activity, learning new skills and community service. Participants also develop their navigation skills, resilience and leadership in the multiple Adventurous Journeys they undertake.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a three certificate system which encourages and enables students to be proactive in taking on challenges, setting goals and being active in the local community. The award requires students to take responsibility and initiative to progress and complete the award scheme.

To become familiar with the award scheme:

If your son would like to register to undertake the Bronze Award, please ask him to click here to register online by Friday 16 July. 

He will require the following information to register:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.


Ms Gemma Brown

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader


Bronze Participants on their Adventurous Journey

Bronze Participants on their Adventurous Journey

Term 2 finishes with some very powerful messages and learnings including Men’s Health Week, Beanies for Brain Cancer, Refugee Week and NAIDOC week. 

Refugee Week

Refugee Week is actually next week (20 June to 26 June) but with school holidays approaching this was one of our focus areas for students this week. The theme for 2021 is “Unity – The way forward”.

“The volatility of life in recent times has shown us unequivocally that we need to work together often merely to survive, let alone to thrive and progress. Let’s take the opportunity to start afresh and rebuild our lives together. To count our blessings and to put them to work. Existing and emerging communities. Working together.”

Congratulations to all staff and students who have supported ‘Refugee Week’ and helped us all gain a better understanding of what it would feel like to be displaced or persecuted. 

Zaki Haidar was our guest speaker at this week’s assembly and shared his powerful story of fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan and escaping by boat to Australia. Zaki took us on a journey where because of your race/religion you live in fear of death if you seek an education in Afghanistan. Zaki is an Ambassador for Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS) and continues to advocate for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.

Men’s Health 

This week we also celebrated Men’s Health Week by acknowledging the factors that affect men’s mental health and wellbeing. Positive mental, emotional and social wellbeing are vital elements of overall health, yet many boys/men don’t practice adequate self-care or get support when needed. This can lead to problems coping with life’s ups and downs, managing stress or serious mental health problems. With the holidays upon us, it is timely that boys take the opportunity to recharge and reset if needed. 

Research clearly links improving your physical health with good mental health. 

Here are some key things to consider:

Finding enjoyment and satisfaction in life is important to our mental well-being. What that looks like is different for everyone, but some common examples include:

Beanies for Brain Cancer 

We were inspired at the College’s second last assembly of the term where Digger and Archie Callander both spoke so eloquently and passionately about supporting a cause so close to their hearts, Beanies for Brain Cancer. Sadly, their Dad Matt Callander passed away due to brain cancer in 2017. 

Brain cancer kills more young children than any other disease, and kills more people under the age of 40 in Australia than any other cancer, yet only receives 5% of government cancer research funding. On average, approximately 1970 brain cancers are diagnosed each year in Australia; that is roughly one person diagnosed with brain cancer every five hours. Brain cancer has a very high mortality rate and survival rates have hardly changed for 30 years. Brain cancer is the most complex cancer, yet it is the most under-studied.

All funds raised support the MHF – Mark Hughes Foundation who aim to increase brain cancer research to find a cure for brain cancer. 

All boys have been able to buy a beanie from the Wellbeing Centre for $25 all this week. Beanies can also be purchased at Lowes stores Australia-wide, and selected IGA stores. Or you can click here to support the MHF Mark Hughes Foundation via donation.

Year 12

Please keep our Year 12s in your thoughts and prayers at this busy and crucial time of the year, as they continue their preparation for their upcoming final examinations. Thank you to our staff who continue to offer extra tutorials throughout this term and through this upcoming holiday period.

HSC ATAR boys have been given study programs where they should be allocating at least six hours per day for revision and preparation for the upcoming examinations.

Please ensure your son maintains good exercise, relaxation time, reduced screen time, good sleep patterns and a healthy diet during this time. Please do not allow your son to change his normal sleep patterns drastically and sleep in. A consistent approach to his day over the next few months is what is required.

Year 12 Update – Early Bird Undergraduate University Applications, Work Experience and Apprenticeships

During the past two terms, most Year 12 students have met with Ms Knowles to discuss their post-school pathways and options. For those students who are thinking of studying at university in 2022, applications for undergraduate students have opened. Early bird applications will close at midnight on Thursday 30 September, 2021. I recommend that students spend some time over the break to further investigate and research the courses and universities they are interested in.

I encourage any students who are applying to university to submit applications for early entry. Some universities make an early offer to successful applicants prior to sitting their final exams. This alleviates common stresses and anxiety many students have about achieving their perfect score. 

These are some of the more popular early entry programs that have opened:

The upcoming break provides an opportunity for Year 12 Vocational students to utilise the time to source work experience or apprenticeship opportunities which can be undertaken in Term 3 during and after the Trial examination period. This is a valuable opportunity to investigate different trades and vocational pathways and for some, to secure employment.

I wish all Year 12 well in preparing for the Trials and in making informed decisions regarding their post-school pathways.


NAIDOC Week is celebrated nationally every July and this year it occurs from 4-11 July during our Term 2 school holidays. This year’s theme is ‘Heal Country’ which calls for stronger measures to recognise, protect, and maintain all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage. Healing Country is about resolving many of the outstanding injustices which affect the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We all have a responsibility to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples are connected to Country through lines of descent both maternal and paternal, as well as through clan and language groups. Such children in our classes need to maintain that connection to Country as it sustains their lives spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally.

As educators we have the power to change First Nations kids’ school life narrative. We have daily opportunities to be the teacher who makes the difference. Investing time in our students and communicating with them about their lives is key to them making gains on their learning journey. We can’t assume that we know what is going on at home and we must remember that our partnership and connection with parents is crucial.

It is also our job to be inspirational educators. We need to keep talking to our First Nations students about their aspirations and ensure we are helping them build strong visions and goals. 

Happy NAIDOC Week to everyone in the Waverley community.

NAIDOC Week 2021

New COVID-19 cases – Eastern Suburbs

NSW Health has advised of four new COVID-19 cases who reside in the Eastern Suburbs. These people have visited a number of venues while potentially infectious. Close contacts are being urgently contacted and asked to get tested and self-isolate. People are urged to check the NSW Health website regularly.

Click here for the NSW Health website to view the latest COVID-19 case locations and alerts in NSW.

End of Term

Thank you to all parents, students, Old Boys and staff who have assisted to make Term 2 a successful term. Most boys have worked hard to achieve their goals this term, and we wish them all a safe and enjoyable break and look forward to their return in Term 3 which starts on Tuesday 13 July.

The Year 12 Studies of Religion cohort engaged in an excursion on Thursday 10 June to the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong to appreciate and experience the practice of temple puja, an aspect of the Buddhism HSC course. The breakfast stop, at McDonald’s Heathcote, en route set the tone for a highly engaging day. Temple puja is a set of devotions to the Buddha, the role model of the path to enlightenment and escape from suffering. Students were able to observe Buddhist adherents engaging in puja but also experience and practise their own development of mindfulness.

They were very focused during the origami session, producing a range of lotus flowers, the symbol of Buddhism. Meditation, with the nuns, was another attempt to be still and cultivate the mind. The removal of shoes, bowing and silence are components of this ancient practice. It was quite uplifting to see that these young adults were able to detach from music, laptops, mobile phones and other devices to give due respect to the nuns, tour guides and teachers. The sharing of a vegetarian meal for lunch further enhanced their understanding of this faith tradition.

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Year 12 Studies of Religion students on an excursion at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong

Students making origami Lotus flowers; an Auspicious Symbol of Buddhism

Students making origami Lotus flowers; an Auspicious Symbol of Buddhism

The Lotus flower is an Auspicious Symbol of Buddhism

Origami by students; the lotus flower is an Auspicious Symbol of Buddhism


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religion


During the past two terms, most Year 12 students have met with me to discuss their post-school pathways and options. For those students who are thinking of studying at university in 2022, applications for undergraduate students have opened. Early bird applications will close at midnight on Thursday 30 September, 2021. I recommend that students spend some time over the break to further investigate and research the courses and Universities they are interested in.

I encourage any students who are applying to University to submit applications for early entry. Some universities make an early offer to successful applicants prior to sitting their final exams. This alleviates common stresses and anxiety many students have about achieving their perfect score. 

These are some of the more popular early entry programs that have opened:

The upcoming break provides an opportunity for Year 12 Vocational students to utilise the time to source work experience or apprenticeship opportunities which can be undertaken in Term 3 during and after the Trial examination period. This is a valuable opportunity to investigate different trades and vocational pathways and for some, to secure employment.

I wish all Year 12 well in preparing for the Trials and in making informed decisions regarding their post-school pathways.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

E: kknowles@waverley.nsw.​

Our Waste Management Audit Shows We Can All Do More!

In a timely manner to coincide with World Environment day (5 June) and World Ocean Day (8 June), our Students of the World Ecology group, along with O’Connor House Prefects and the help of Mr Robinson (Junior School Teacher and iLeader) and Ms Stacey (pre-service teacher), met last week to undertake a waste management audit of selected campus rubbish bins. This is the second waste audit to take place at Waverley, the first in 2020, providing us with comparable data. 

One general waste bin and one recycling bin from two high traffic areas, Centenary Quad and Kenny Quad (near the Canteen), were selected to provide a good snapshot of the waste disposal habits of our students and staff. 

Waste Management Audit - Students of the World Ecology Group

Students of the World Ecology Group Keenly Participate in the Waste Management Audit

Waste Management Audit - Students of the World Ecology Group

Waste Management Audit – There’s More Work to be Done!

Students were grouped into two teams lead by our Year 12 Ecology students Hayden Walker and Sebastian Van de Hoek. Students emptied the contents of these bins onto large tarpaulins and began sorting waste (appropriate gloves were provided!) into specific categories such as, food waste, plastics, soft plastics (RedCycle), paper etc. Each category was weighed and recorded. 

Although we have yet to analyse the data in more detail, which will be done in the next group catch up (Wednesday 16 June, W23, lunchtime), it was clear to see that there was an enormous amount of food waste being disposed of incorrectly. 13kg in total across just four bins. With nearly 4kg of that being placed into the recycling bin! This clearly shows the need for a solution to increase the accessibility of a composting bin to these and other areas in the Senior Campus. 

It was also evidently clear that a further solution along with education is needed for the correct recycling of soft plastics and RedCycle items. Both findings will be discussed and researched early in Term 3. 

Mr Robinson will be looking to organise a waste management audit in the Junior School so that we have data across both campuses. 

Thanks go to Mr Barr, Mr Kendall and Ms Stacey. Thank you also to MAJ(AAC) de Kantzow for allowing us to use the cadet tarpaulins, and to Ms Day in the Science department who helped provide the necessary equipment and cleaning support. 

Waste Management Audit - Students of the World Ecology Group

Waste Management Audit – Klayton Thorn categorising waste

EREA Ecology Conference Filming – Participating Via Technology

Last week also saw the group create a short filmed presentation (below) for the EREA Ecology Conference in Wollongong on 21 June. Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the conference in person this year but we still wanted to participate and provide the other participating schools with an update on our waste issues and other ecological initiatives. We look forward to hearing all about the conference and we hope to be able to incorporate ideas shared by these schools in the near future. 

We wish everyone a happy and ecological break. Remember one small ecological action by many creates one large ecological change – let’s make this a positive change. 

You can view the short EREA Ecology Conference video below: 


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


>>> Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021.

As we come to the end of each Cadet Year, we look to the future and prepare our leaders to command the Unit for the coming year. The 2021 Promotions Courses will take place in the school holidays and we have 51 keen candidates for the Junior Leaders Course, 25 for the Senior Leaders Course and 26 applying to become Cadet Under Officers. We thank our candidates for giving of their school holiday time to further their leadership development at this residential camp and look forward to their command of the Unit for our new recruits in Term 3.

For our new Recruits from Year 8 and St Catherine’s, uniform issue and platoon placement will be finalised during the school holidays. Please keep an eye on your emails.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


>>>Please click here to view the fixtures. 


Waverley Rugby Report

NSW Junior Rugby State Championships

Last weekend a number of students were involved in the NSW Junior Rugby State Championships representing various clubs across Sydney. Players and families travelled to venues all over NSW including Orange, Dubbo, Camden, Concord and Narrabeen. 

We were pleased to hear of plenty of success stories including the Randwick Juniors U18s team, which included a number of our 1st XV and 2nd XV players, who won the State Championships defeating Warringah 23-7 in the final. I hope that all players and families enjoyed the weekend away!

Waverley College Under 16s Players Representing Randwick

Waverley College Under 16s Players Representing Randwick

Monty Armstrong (U14s Randwick Representative Player) races away at Orange

Monty Armstrong, U14s Randwick Representative Player, races away at Orange

Upcoming Schedule – End of Term 2 and Holidays

In the holidays, we will be holding training sessions for players in all Senior School A and B teams (13s, 14s, 15s and 16s) in the final week of the holidays leading into the St Augustine’s matches (match details below). 

These training sessions will be taking place on Tuesday 6 July and Thursday 8 July from 8:30am to 11am at Queens Park. Our 1st XV and 2nd XV will have their own scheduled trainings over the holidays under the direction of their coaching staff.

Holiday Fixture – Waverley College Vs St Augustine’s – Saturday 10 July, 2021

On Saturday 10 July, all “A” teams will be having a match against St Augustine’s at Queens Park. This is an extremely important match to ensure players regain some match fitness ahead of CAS Round 3 against Barker College (17 July). 

The schedule for the day is as follows (all matches will be played on QP1):

If players are unable to make these matches due to being away on family holidays, we ask students to contact their team coaches as well as Mr McCoy so we can ensure teams have enough numbers.

I wish all players, families and supporters all the best for the upcoming holiday break.

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby
