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Welcome to Week 7! We started our week off with an uplifting and creative assembly from 6 Gold and Mr Lavorato. The students of 6 Gold created fantastic clips about their experience during camp and highlighted how invaluable this experience was for facing your fears, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, and creating new friendships. The students loved watching the interviews with teachers and hearing about their experience too. There was lots of laughter and joy in the Auditorium.

Our students also watched our amazing Stomp group perform which is run by Ms Rollins. These students are unbelievably talented and the audience was absolutely enthralled with the performance. I would like to thank all the students involved in Open Day this week. I am so proud of how our students toured our guests and represented Waverley so beautifully.

Junior School

Junior School

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews – Tuesday 15 June, Week 9 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday 15 June, Week 9 this term.

When to book? book with your son’s classroom teacher from Saturday 5 June at 9am.

How to book? – book via the Parent Lounge on TASS, OR click here to book.

Difficulties making the appointment?

If your son is in Learning Support and you would like to book an interview with our Learning Support teachers, please contact them directly via their email addresses below. They will be available to take appointments from 9am to 3pm.

These interviews will be held in your son’s classroom, however, if you would like to have your interview via Zoom, this option will also be available. Details will be sent out next week regarding this process.

Tuesday 15 June is a pupil-free day for your son, however, he is required to attend this interview and be in his full academic school uniform. This will be a 10-minute time slot. While brief, this will allow you to discuss your son’s Semester One report and ask any questions you may have about their progress here at Waverley.

Waverley Youth Art Competition

I would like to give a big congratulations to Oliver Issac who won 3rd Prize in the 2021 Waverley Youth Art Competition. The theme was ‘We Are Family’ – ancestors, bloodlines and belonging. This is an incredible achievement and we are so proud of him. The artwork he created was absolutely beautiful. 

‘The Duck Family' by Oliver Isaac.

The Duck Family by Oliver Isaac.

History Hysteria Showcase – Year 5 

Year 5 parents and carers are invited to attend our History Hysteria Showcase on Thursday 17 June. It will be held on the Junior School basketball court at 1:30pm. Our Year 5 students will be presenting their historical knowledge from their history unit in a fun and creative way. We hope you can join us. 

Congratulations to the Leiper Family who Recently Became Australian Citizens

Freddie Leiper in 5 Gold and his Family – mum (Holly), dad (Johnny) and brother (Harry), came to live in Australia six years ago. The Leiper Family are originally from Edinburgh, Scotland. They love Australia so much that they decided it was time to become Australian Citizens.

The Citizenship Ceremony was conducted by the Mayor of Randwick, Councillor Danny Said. The Leiper Family were presented with their certificates after they had made their pledge of commitment to Australia.

Becoming an Australian citizen is something to celebrate. Citizenship ceremonies mark this important milestone in the lives of new citizens. We congratulate the Leiper Family and welcome them as Australian Citizens.

We congratulate the Leiper Family and welcome them as Australian Citizens.

We congratulate the Leiper Family and welcome them as Australian Citizens


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Director of Junior School



A Snapshot of What is Happening in the Classroom

Year 5 White

To celebrate National Reconciliation Week, 5 White engaged in many fun activities that taught us about the history and culture of Australia’s First Nations People. Our favourite lesson was Aboriginal Art Therapy. We used watercolour paints and pastel crayons to create an art piece that reflected our feelings, thoughts and emotions in the moment. The joy of listening to music and moving to it freely, while making marks on the paper was therapeutic and mesmerising. 

5 White 2021

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White

5 White 2021

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White

Aboriginal Art Therapy in 5 White


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

5 White Classroom Teacher



Edmund Rice Activity Day Thursday 10 June

On Thursday 10 June in Week 8, the Junior School students will take part in an Activity Day that will reflect on the life of Blessed Edmund Rice (the founder of the Christian Brothers). The day will begin with a Prayer Service in the morning followed by in-class activities that explore Blessed Edmund Rice’s life. After lunch, there will be a number of fundraising activities including a Spike Ball competition, a basketball shooting competition, as well as a number of other fun games designed to raise money that will go towards assisting the Edmund Rice Camps.

Students will need small amounts of money (coins) to participate in these activities. They are encouraged to come to school wearing mufti clothes for a $2 donation. We hope that they will get behind our Edmund Rice Day activities to assist in raising money for such a worthwhile cause.

Click here for more information on Edmund Rice Camps.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Home Learning Club Week 8

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term.  

Please click here to register your son. 

ICAS Competitions | Years 5 and 6 students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions you would like him to be entered in through the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing and Digital Technologies, Science and Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held before school in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online. 

Click here to register your son.

Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than June 18, 2021. 

Waverley’s School Access Code is: QKV852

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. Click here for more information about the assessments

If you require additional support registering your son contact the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free)

Drawing Club

The drawing club operates at lunchtime once a week. There is one more Tuesday left for the artists to show off their talents. This term we focused on sketching, the work of Shaun Tan and entered the Waverley Youth Art Competition. I’m extremely proud of the dedication and commitment to drawing these students show on a weekly basis. I’m looking forward to an exciting Term 3 with a new theme.

 “Little people can be empowered through art.” — Shaun Tan
















Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



CIS Rugby 

On Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 May, Waverley Junior School had six students represent the College at the CIS Rugby Union Trials. These trials are the highest level of accomplishment a Junior School student can achieve for their respective sport.

The students who were selected to trial included: Patrick Palmer, Tom Burke, Jude Maher, Tyden Hennessey, Riley Kolster and Stirling Quinn. 

All of our students involved in the trial process did an amazing job, giving their all amongst some of the best junior school rugby players in NSW. Out of the six students who trialed, we were fortunate enough to have two of our students make it through to the final squad selection and make it onto the NSW CIS Rugby team.

The students selected were: Tyden Hennessey and Stirling Quinn, who we are beyond proud of. But we are particularly proud of all of the students who participated.

I would like to thank Mr Gill for his involvement in the trial process and giving the students the confidence to reach their full potential.

CIS Rugby Trialists - Patrick Palmer, Tom Burke, Jude Maher, Tyden Hennessey, Riley Kolster and Stirling Quinn

CIS Rugby Trialists – Patrick Palmer, Tom Burke, Jude Maher, Tyden Hennessey, Riley Kolster and Stirling Quinn

NSW CIS Rugby team selections: Tyden Hennessey and Stirling Quinn

NSW CIS Rugby team selections: Tyden Hennessey and Stirling Quinn

AFL Paul Kelly Cup

Round 2 of the AFL Paul Kelly Cup took place last Thursday, 27 May, at Blacktown International Sportspark. Our team made it through to the second round by winning the first regional championships at Queens Park. We were anticipating a great day, as that is exactly what eventuated. Mr Mitton did an excellent job coaching the students again for the day, as the team made it straight through to the Grand Final match after winning the first three games against quality opposition. 

The Grand Final was against Lilli Pilli Public School, who had played exceptionally well all day. We knew it was going to be a strong fight, but in the end our students were too strong and came away comfortable winners. The team have been awarded the Regional Champions for the Paul Kelly Cup and are moving onto the State Championships at Giants Stadium in August. 

We congratulate all of the players and Mr Mitton for this amazing achievement, and we wish them the best of luck for the State Championships.

Waverley College Junior School Paul Kelly Cup Regional Championship Team

Huge congratulations to the Waverley College Junior School Paul Kelly Cup Regional Championship Team!

Round 7 Fixtures and Round 6 Scores

The Round 7 weekly fixture and Round 6 results have now been uploaded on the Waverley College website.


>>> Please click here for the Round 7 fixture and Round 6 results.

Good luck to all of our teams in the final round before the mid year break. It has been an exciting and entertaining Winter Season so far and we look forward to the final three rounds of the season at the commencement of Term 3.

Holiday Sports Programs (Cricket/ AFL)

As the July holidays draw closer, it is a good time to think about sporting camps that are taking place across the break period.

Please contact me should you require information about sports camps for Cricket and AFL.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular


On Sunday May 23, the Class of 2021 and their mums came together for a Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House, Hyde Park. The support for the event was a true celebration of the lasting connections and friendships made over the years and an important coming together to mark this final year of school for the students…which is as much a milestone for their mums!

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Sons at the 2021 mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Sons together at the 2021 Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House


Please click here for the Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations Timetable for 2021.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Year 12 Stage 6 Buddhism Depth Study Excursion

A Studies of Religion excursion has been organised for your son. Classes involved include: 12SR1.1, 12SR2.1, 12SR2.4, 12SR2.6.

This activity is designed for students to develop knowledge and understanding of Buddhism as a significant component of the HSC course. The cost of the excursion has been calculated with the expectation that all students attend.

>> Please click here to sign the permission slip.

Please fill in the permission slip by Monday 7 June 2021.

SUBJECT: Year 12 Studies of  Religion I and II.
DATE AND TIME OF THE EXCURSION: Thursday 10 June 2021. Term 2 Week 8B. Periods 1-6.
EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: Buddhism Depth Study: H1- H9.
VENUE: Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, Wollongong.
  1. Guided tour and presentation on the importance of Temple Puja in the lives of Buddhist adherents.
  2. Engagement in cultural activities including tai chi and meditation.
  3. Vegetarian lunch.
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Meet 7:30am in the Centenary Quad, for a 7:45am departure. Return to the College at 3:30pm (approximately).
TRANSPORT: Coach:  Telfords.
DRESS: Full winter uniform, including blazers.  The wet weather jacket will be permitted if raining.
FOOD AND DRINK: BYO water. Lunch will be provided at the temple. A breakfast stop at McDonald’s, Heathcote is scheduled and students can take their own food or money to purchase food. 
COST: The cost will be added to your son’s Term 2 school fees.
TEACHER(S) IN CHARGE: Ms Martina Cooper 


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religious Education


Year 12 Stage 6 Buddhism Depth Study Excursion

A Studies of Religion excursion has been organised for your son. Classes involved include: 12SR2.2, 12SR2.3, 12SR2.5.

This activity is designed for students to develop knowledge and understanding of Buddhism as a significant component of the HSC course. The cost of the excursion has been calculated with the expectation that all students attend.

Please return the permission slip to your son’s Studies of Religion teacher by Monday 14 June 2021.

Please click here to sign the permission slip.

SUBJECT: Year 12 Studies of Religion I and II.
DATE AND TIME OF THE EXCURSION: Wednesday 16 June 2021. Term 2 Week 9A. Periods 1-6.
EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: Buddhism Depth Study: H1- H9.
VENUE: Nan Tien Buddhist Temple, Wollongong.
  1. Guided tour and presentation on the importance of Temple Puja in the lives of Buddhist adherents.
  2. Engagement in cultural activities including tai chi and meditation.
  3. Vegetarian lunch.
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Meet 7:30am in the Centenary Quad, for a 7:45am departure.

Return to the College at 3:30pm (approximately).

TRANSPORT: Coach: Telfords.
DRESS: Full winter uniform, including blazers. The wet weather jacket will be permitted if raining.
FOOD & DRINK: BYO water. Lunch will be provided at the temple. A breakfast stop at Mc Donald’s, Heathcote is scheduled and students can take their own food or money to purchase food. 
COST: The cost will be added to your son’s Term 2 school fees.
TEACHER(S) IN CHARGE: Ms Martina Cooper.


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religious Education


The Waverley Youth Art Prize

The Waverley Youth Art Prize encourages creativity in young artists from across Sydney. It is open to anyone aged between 9 – 18 years old who is living, studying or even simply who plays in Sydney’s East. All artworks are hung so that future artists get to experience the joy of exhibiting and see an audience appreciate their work. Young artists also go in the running to receive encouragement awards including art packs and vouchers to attend classes at local institutions such as the National Art School.

The Waverley Youth Art Prize responds to a different theme each year. In 2021 the theme is: We are Family – Ancestors, Bloodlines and Belonging. This year we had many recipients from Junior and Senior school. We would like to congratulate all entrants for their excellent efforts and beautiful artworks. 

Congratulations to This Year’s Winners!

'Family Tree' by Joao Luca Coelho-Cornelius.

Family Tree by Joao Luca Coelho-Cornelius.

‘The Duck Family' by Oliver Isaac.

The Duck Family by Oliver Isaac.

A Hidden Message by Logan McAuliffe.

A Hidden Message by Logan McAuliffe.

Watch the Waverley Youth Art Prize Winner Announcement!


Congratulations to Clancy Religious Art Prize Entrants 

The annual Clancy Prize exhibition is open to all Sydney Catholic Schools’ secondary students. It is a celebration of our students’ creativity and spirituality, expressed through visual arts, and inspired by Cardinal Edward Clancy. The theme of the 2021 exhibition is: Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia. 

As previously mentioned, our College submitted a collaboration between Year 8 students Fox Stapleton, Renato Rovacchi, Oscar Wilson and Year 11 student Isaiah Close – Brown. Their triptych artwork We are Waverley reflected upon our history of Waverley College, significant people and the land we sit upon. 

21 May was the official opening night for the Art Prize where winners were presented. Sadly, our collaborative piece did not receive an award. The winner of the prize was a Southern Cross Catholic College, Burwood construction student Charlotte McCaughan for her artwork titled Tableland of Faith and Time.

Our artwork was however placed in the main gallery amongst the majority of the other prize recipients, which is a lovely compliment to have, amongst mostly Stage 6 artworks. Once the Clancy Prize Exhibition closes, this artwork will be exhibited at our College for everyone’s viewing. 

Congratulations again to our entrants and we encourage you to continue to be creative and submit your artworks into the various competitions in Sydney. 

The Clancy Prize Awards, presented by Executive Director of SCS, Tony Farley

The 2021 Clancy Prize Awards, presented by Executive Director of SCS, Tony Farley.


Ms Jenna Turnbull

Visual Arts Teacher



>>>Please click here to view the fixtures.


Waverley Rugby Report

A strong start to CAS for the Waves!

The CAS competition commenced last weekend and, as expected, the contest in each match against Knox was challenging. Across the day, Waverley managed to secure 11 wins and one draw from the 20 matches played. In those matches in which our students came home in second place, there was certainly not many points separating the teams. Congratulations to all players and coaches on a great start to the CAS season.

One particular aspect which made this Convenor happy was watching the community gather around QP1 in the afternoon. While it is always nice to have success on the playing fields, seeing our students supporting their mates, observing parents catching up behind the BBQ and Canteen, and recognising Old Boys celebrating reunions, all served as a reminder of what this beautiful game of rugby is all about! We are truly blessed in our Waverley College Community where we can gather together to check in with each other, celebrate the outstanding wins or heartbreaking losses, and enjoy one another’s company over this simple game of rugby. In the words of Bruce McAvaney, it is “Special!”

Rugby Vs Cranbrook – CAS Competition Round 2

This weekend the CAS Competition continues with the local derby between Waverley College and Cranbrook. Cranbrook played against Barker College last weekend and from all reports were very competitive in all grades, including the 1st XV where they just went down.

Our 14s and 15s travel up the road to the playing fields around Cranbrook, with the school currently progressing through a significant renovation. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will enjoy another match at Queens Park. We certainly encourage supporters to come along to QP for what should be a terrific day of rugby.

Queens Park BBQ & Canteen – Another Big Weekend!

The Rugby Supporters Club again welcomes any support on the BBQ and Canteen duties this weekend. This will be the final game of rugby at Queens Park for some time as we move into the holiday period. The BBQ and Canteen will be open from 7am and will conclude at around 2pm. Any assistance during these times (even for an hour!) would be appreciated.

>>>Please click here if you can help, and register on our online roster.

Upcoming Training Schedule

Please note this this weekend marks the final game of rugby for Term 2. Following this weekend, we move into the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend (no school rugby) and then into the school holidays.

We will continue to hold training sessions next week (7 to 10 June) at Queens Park for all teams (13s, 14s and 15s – Monday and Wednesday/16s and Opens – Tuesday/Thursday). We will not be holding any training sessions in the final week of Term 2 (following the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend).

We are currently in the process of finalising a holiday training program for the upcoming break. As a note, all A teams (13As through to 1st XV) will be playing against St Augustine’s at Queens Park on Saturday 10 July which is the final Saturday of the school holidays. This will be an important match to prepare teams for CAS Round 3 against Barker College on Saturday 17 July. More details to come.

I would like to wish all teams the best for this weekend against Cranbrook!

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


We returned to the Brother Lacey Gymnasium on the 29 May round of co-curricular, hosting Knox in a riveting game of volleyball! Team morale was high and the players were excited to bring home a win for the first time this season. The set-by-set encounter, is as follows:

Set 1: The first set started with a very quick pace, which didn’t work well for either team, who were still warming up. However, the Knox team warmed up faster than Waverley and started punishing us with strong spikes we couldn’t receive. We quickly spotted Knox’s weakness: serving. Most serve attempts would be unsuccessful and would give us easy points. Unfortunately, our communication was very poor throughout the majority of this set, and this led to us making simple mistakes which gave Knox a twelve point lead. After a timeout, we got in the correct headspace and started playing the game with lots of urgency, resulting in four consecutive points from long volleys. The twelve point deficit ended up being too much for us to come back from and we lost the set. Result 25-12.

Set 2: This set started with an unsuccessful serve attempt from Knox. Our urgency from the end of the previous set remained throughout this set, allowing for the game to become much more competitive. Luke Zilich and Hayden Wild served strongly. Strong Knox’s spikes became too difficult for us to receive, so we called a timeout to slow the game down. The timeout was ineffective in slowing the game down, so instead, we quickened the pace and this worked to our advantage tightening the score to 22-20. However, Knox punished our inability to receive their strong spikes and we lost this set. 25-23.

Set 3: Two aces from Louis Liong. Miscommunication on serve receives and miscommunications from the team in general. Majority of our points once again coming from their unsuccessful serves. (Deja vu) 10-6 Knox. Felt like a portion of this set was the first set. 8-15 Our gameplay started to improve drastically, and the overall competitive aspect of the game improved as this happened. A constant message from coach Ms Buchan of ‘strong hands’ really appeared to be understood by the team. Consistently strong hands and huge spikes. Knox’s serves let us back into the game at 13-18. Our constant pressure on the net stopped the Knox players from hitting their spikes which would usually get them easy points. This allowed the score to get to 19-20, the closest it had been throughout the whole game. The change of pace made the Knox team call a timeout to try to sway the momentum of the game. Unfortunately, the Knox timeout was beneficial and allowed the game to go back in their favour. 25-22 Knox.

Please come down to the College gymnasium and support the 1sts students play against Cranbrook this weekend at 10am!


By Christian Kitas Year 11 Roving Sports Reporter for Volleyball

Ms Belinda Buchan

Convenor of Volleyball


On Friday evening Waverley competed against St Clare’s in the fifth round of the CSDA competition. Students were given topics ranging from socio-political issues about youth detention centres to Australia’s economic influence on the international world stage. 

All teams debated confidently, showing great poise in delivering their arguments and rebuttals. Overall, an incredibly successful evening with Waverley winning debates in Years 8, 9, 11 and 12. 

Well done to all teams, and I look forward to Round 6 this Friday 4 June against St Mary’s Cathedral College.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Congratulations Green and Tevlin Houses

Congratulations to Tevlin and Green Houses on winning the inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball competition yesterday. Great sportsmanship was exhibited by all teams and it was terrific to see the level of support given by all the Houses. Well done to Brennan and Aungier House Prefects on their organisation of this event. It was great to see so many students involved. Well done!

Tevlin House Basketball Champions 2021

Tevlin House Basketball Champions 2021

Inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball Competition

Inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball Competition


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


Thank you to Alumni Mentor Martin Dingle-Wall

On Thursday 3 June, Waverley was fortunate to host Studio 10 who came and talked to our Creative Arts students about their filmmaking journeys for Wavefest. It was filmed live back to the studio and across Australian television screens.

Thank you to alumni Martin Dingle-Wall and Jack Caldwell for inspiring our students and guiding them in this exciting industry. There are many fantastic short films in production. Students were interviewed about what their films are about, what inspires them to be filmmakers, and how Wavefest is supporting their passions and dreams in this area.

Read about our student film synopses:






Tickets will go on sale for the Wavefest night screening in Week 9.


Ms Belinda Buchan

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Cadet Passing Out Parade and Annual Award Ceremony

This Sunday, we farewell our Year 12 cadets after five years of service to the Waverley College Cadet Unit. These incredible young men have formed such close attachments – to the Unit, to their cadets, and to each other – and it will be an emotional time for them as they wear their uniform for the last time at Passing Out Parade on Sunday. We are incredibly proud of their leadership over the past year and the inspiration they have been to the cadets that follow. We thank them for their dedication to, and belief in, the Cadet program.

This is also the occasion to congratulate cadets who have demonstrated exemplary conduct and upheld the tenets of the AAC – service, courage, respect, teamwork and excellence – at our Annual Cadet Awards Ceremony. 

On Sunday, all cadets and CPL are to form up in Winter Barracks Dress no later than 10.15am on the driveway in their Companies.

Parents are most welcome to attend the Parade which starts promptly at 11am. Seating will be available on the upper levels.

2021 Promotions Courses

As we say goodbye to the Senior Ranks of 2021, we turn our attention to training our new leaders to take us into 2022. A reminder to all parents to register their child for Promotions Courses by Monday 7 June if they wish to apply for promotion. Numbers need to be finalised with the venue on this date. 

Click here to register for 2021 Promotions Courses


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
