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Please be advised that the Year 10 Career Profile interviews begin on Monday 17 May.

Click here for the Career Profile Interview Schedule

The interview will take your son through his Profile and help him to get started on exploring some career ideas, prior to his subject selections for Years 11 and 12.

Interviews will be running during school lesson time via Zoom in the Careers Resources Room and Meeting rooms on level 1 of the Administration building.

Parents can join the Zoom meeting from work or home by copying and clicking on the relevant link at the top of the schedule. This link will also be sent to your son who can forward it to you. Please note that there are six links at the top of the schedule.

Each Year 10 student has been sent an email from Dr Kratzing with a copy of their report and details of their meeting time.

Could you please ensure that your son notes the date and time of his interview, as interviews cannot be rescheduled.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Co-ordinator


Your son has been chosen to participate in an interfaith conference on Wednesday 19 May. 

This involves Year 11 students from a number of religious schools, at the Emanuel Synagogue, 7 Ocean St Woollahra, and part of the day will include a tour of the Synagogue and viewing and description of the Torah scroll. Judaism is part of the SOR II program but more importantly we are committed to making positive relationships with people from all faiths.

Students attend period 1 until 9:10am and meet in the Centenary Quad for departure at 9:15am. They will walk, with the designated teachers, to The Emanuel Synagogue where the program commences at 10am. There students will engage in a range of activities with students from other faith traditions.

Students need to bring their own lunch in a small excursion bag. The program ends at 2pm and students have the choice of walking back to school or being dismissed from there, based on your permission.

Your son will be an ambassador for Waverley College at this important interfaith dialogue event and as such expected to fully engage with the opportunity presented to him. Full school uniform is required. Your son is still expected to participate in any co-curricular activities and training afterwards.

Further information 

This activity is a response to the compulsory fieldwork component within the Stage 4 Geography unit ‘Water in the World’ and Religion topic ‘Stewards of Creation’. A formal Geography assessment task has been constructed around the field trip. Also, the cost of the excursion has been calculated with the expectation that all students attend.

SUBJECT Studies of Religion 
DATE AND TIME OF THE EXCURSION: Wednesday 19 May 2021. Term 2 Week 5A. Periods 2-6
EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: Opportunity to engage with peers from a range of faiths
VENUE: The Emanuel Synagogue, Woollahra
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Meet 9:10am in the Centenary Quad – Walk to the Emanuel Synagogue
TRANSPORT: Students will walk to the venue accompanied by two teachers
DRESS: Full College uniform with blazer
FOOD & DRINK: BYO water and food
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Raincoat if required, as walking is involved
COST: There will be no cost incurred
TEACHER(S) IN CHARGE: Ms Nohara Binyamin, Dr Paul Batten

Year 11 Interfaith Conference Return Excursion Permission Slip

Click here for the Year 11 Interfaith Conference Return Excursion Permission Slip

Please return this form to your son’s Studies of Religion teacher by Monday 17 May 2021


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religion



Year 12 Formal

Thursday, 17 June, 2021

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate your school journey with your year group.

Venue: Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont.

Time: Formal photos from 6:00pm. Seated by 6:30pm. Dinner 6:30pm to 10.00pm.

Who: Student and Partner. Partner’s name and contact details need to be registered at the time of booking. Photo ID is required to gain entry to the venue.

Cost: $155 per person including three course dinner and entertainment.

Dress: Formal attire for both men and women.

Booking window opens at 6:00pm on Friday, 14 May and closes on Sunday, 6 June.

Please click here to book your ticket

Table Arrangements

Important Event Details



Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing and Ms Suzi Sucur, Student Wellbeing Administrator



Please click here to view the fixtures. 

Our strong performances across all areas of winter co-curricular continued last weekend. Well done to all teams including the 1st XVIII AFL, 1st XI Football and 1st XV Rugby who all secured great wins against strong opposition. The 1st XI Football also backed up their performance on the weekend by travelling to Coffs Harbour on Monday to play in the next round of the CIS Independent Cup Football where they were successful in winning 8-0. A special thank you to Mr Patrick Darvill and Mr Donato D’Agrosa for looking after these students. Our 10A Football and 7A Football also continued on their winning ways with some strong wins. 

Behavioural Expectations and Maintaining High Standards

At the assembly last week we spoke about some important messages regarding co-curricular. We reminded all students of expectations, always wearing correct attire, using appropriate language at all times and ongoing respect towards the opposition and officials. This was based on some negative reports from the week before, however, there was a significant improvement in these areas last weekend. These expectations do not change and maintaining these high standards are so important as many of our opposition school communities often judge Waverley College on how we act and present at weekend commitments.

The importance of co-curricular activities to young men’s holistic development is critical not only for their physical health but also for their emotional, social and mental well-being. Having fun, connectedness and having positive experiences is vital at a time where school-age mental health issues are having major impacts on the overall health of society. Regardless of the team and level you are playing at, we need to ensure that the experiences are positive and the College is represented in the best possible way. Please also remember that it is only schoolboy sport and not professional, and that there are Codes of Conduct not only for students, but parents and spectators too.

Travel Expectations and Leave

All of Year 12 were on retreat this week so should be fresh and ready for this coming weekend’s fixtures. Please ensure that all students are clear on where and when they are playing, particularly in AFL as there have been recent changes to this draw. We also have a number of teams playing away at venues that are quite some distance and take time to get to. It is an expectation that all students are at their fixtures at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to allow for an adequate warm up, and that consideration is given to the distance of the venue and the time it takes in Sydney traffic on a Saturday morning.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind the College community of the correct processes for requesting leave with appropriate notice, and also any illnesses or absence on a weekend requires a medical certificate as per published College policy.

Travel to King’s for Rugby – Parking Information

For those parents and students travelling to King’s for Rugby this weekend, we have been asked to provide the following information regarding parking:

Volleyball at Newington – COVID-19 Protocols

2 parents per player for all indoor venues and all spectators MUST be wearing a mask.

Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend.

Waverley College 1st XI and Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour

Waverley College 1st XI and Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour



Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular



The May 8 round of co-curricular saw Waverley 1sts Volleyball host Scots College in the Brother Lacey Gymnasium. The two sides played for two hours over four very competitive sets, which had each audience member and coach on the edge of their seats (if they weren’t already standing from the anticipation of who would win!). 

This week’s game came down to momentum. Whichever team had more momentum ended up winning the set. This became evident after watching the first two sets, as both teams started strong and their momentum carried on to win them the set.



Set 1: Waverley had a rocky start to the first set, with the lack of communication from the team denying them from setting up any real opportunities for consecutive points. On the contrary, the Scots team was flowing well, communicating effectively with each other with an answer for everything Waverley threw at them. This led to a 9-19 Scots lead within the first 10 minutes. However, a timeout from Waverley energised the team and started up the much-needed communication between the team, which led to a 16-19 comeback in five minutes! However, the 10 point deficit was too big to comeback from, and Scots won this set 17-25. 

Set 2: The second set had an explosive start from Waverley, with Noah Matet hitting a powerful spike to even the scoreboard. The team was communicating very well, calling for the ball and rushing to get to any and every ball. A string of strong serves from Hayden Wild led to Waverley taking the lead for the first time in the game. Halfway through, Scots called a timeout at a 9-14 Waverley lead. The timeout allowed for Scots to stop Waverley’s momentum, but the positive reinforcement from teammates and coaches Michelle and Ms Belinda Buchan kept the students energised and focused enough to win the set 25-17.

Set 3: The third set started off with a miscommunication from Waverley which allowed Scots to score four successive points. Scots gained significant momentum from these points and denied Waverley any points from their attack. The team seemed disgruntled and demotivated after the scoreline was at 4-12 Scots way, however, after a successful timeout from the coaches, Waverley started to communicate and slowed the pace of the game down. This allowed for both teams to showcase their skills in long volleys which lasted for over a minute each! Our dedication to get to every ball backfired as we were coming back, when two of our players collided and one had to miss the rest of the game. The collision slowed our momentum down and gave Scots all they needed to finish the set 16-25.

Set 4: Set four was by far the most competitive set of the game, with Waverley fighting to keep the game alive. The team exemplified what it was like to be a Waverley College student, never giving up and supporting each other no matter the outcome. However, a strong spike from a Scots player ended the competitive set, and thus the game, with the final score of this round being 23-25. 

Whilst we didn’t win, the team showed a valiant effort to keep the game alive and showed improvement from their game last week against Kings. Please come to our next home games versus Riverview on 22 May and Knox on 29 May, to watch the 1sts bring home the win.







Christian Kitas for 1sts Coach Ms Buchan

Student Journalist


The Value of Training!

Last weekend, Waverley College played against The Shore School. The 13s, 16s and Opens played at the impressive Northbridge fields with the 14s and 15s playing at our home, Queens Park. It was definitely a fixture in which teams and coaching staff gained an understanding of the value of training. Unfortunately, rain again disrupted the preparations with park closures leading into this round of trials. 

That said, after some slow starts across the day it was pleasing to see many teams working hard to get back into the games played, coming back from early deficits. The key lesson to be taken away is that training is crucial in preparing both physically and mentally for the match up. Every player needs to be at training and focus on the key coaching points which our dedicated coaching staff work through. A strong and fast start to any game can very much determine its outcome.

Match Reports – Student Opportunities

Again, we are looking for students in all teams across the school who are interested in writing match reports for the games in which they may be involved. This is a great way to share the memorable moments from your match with the community. Students who are interested are welcome to send their match reports to Mr McCoy each week to with prizes awarded for the best report. 

Rugby Vs Kings

This weekend Waverley College plays against The Kings School, the oldest independent school in Australia (Founded 1831). All teams, from 13s to Opens, are playing at Parramatta. As a note, players and families should allow plenty of time to get to the game. From experience, once inside the large school grounds (148 hectares of land) it can take some time to find the fields. 

Kings will be a great challenge for all teams. The coaches have approached the week with a goal of holding on to possession and playing smart Rugby (no easy turnovers). I look forward to players taking up this challenge and working hard with each other to hopefully get some pleasing results. 

I would like to wish all teams the best for this weekend!

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Please click this link for Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Save the Date – Sunday 6 June

The Passing Out Parade and Annual Award Ceremony is taking place on Sunday 6 June 2021 in the Centenary Quad. This will involve the Whole Unit.

We look forward to seeing you there!



MAJ (AAC) Ms Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Welcome to Week 3!

We started our week with a beautiful assembly by 5 Gold and Ms Hoare. 5 Gold presented some highlights of what they have been learning this term. As it is early in the term, their focus was on Religion, specifically the Season of Easter, the Feast of Edmund Rice and May, the month of Mary. The students narrated and dramatised many stories and events, and displayed enthusiasm and knowledge of their learning. 

5 Gold Assembly

5 Gold Assembly

Open Classrooms Timetable

We are excited to welcome parents/carers on campus in Weeks 5 and 6 for open classrooms. Please see the timetable below for your son’s scheduled time. We are looking forward to seeing you. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we can only allow one parent per student. 


18 May


19 May


20  May


24 May

6 Blue

6 White

5 Red

5 Blue

5 Orange

6 Red

6 Orange

5 Gold

5 White

6 Indigo

6 Gold

5 Indigo

Pick up and Parking

Can I please ask parents to be mindful of where you are picking up your son from after school. A lot of parents are picking students up at the front of the school in the ‘No Stopping’ area near the crossing. We have had many complaints about double parking on Langlee Avenue for extended periods of time. Many are double parking close to the interaction of Langlee Avenue and Henrietta Street. This creates confusion for other road users which then becomes a safety hazard for students. Can I ask you to please park legally. There are many spots you can choose to meet your son so that you don’t pose an inconvenience to residents and create a safety hazard for our students. 

Medical Information for Year 6 Camp (12-14 May) – Reminder

If your son has any medical conditions, you will need to update his medical information in the Parent Portal.

Please click this link for instructions on how to update his medical information.

If your son needs to take medication while he is on camp, we require one snack-size ziplock bag for each dose, according to your son’s requirements. For example, if he takes 1 tablet at breakfast, 1 at lunch and 1 at dinner you will need to provide the following as indicated:

Please clearly mark your son’s name on all individual dosage bags, and place them into one large ziplock bag clearly marked with your son’s name.

If your son requires liquid medication, or you have any questions, please contact Ms Audrey Coupe to discuss on 9387 5022.

This needs to be delivered to Ms Audrey Coupe by Monday 10 May.


Junior School Canteen

As you know, the Junior school is lucky enough to have a canteen that is open five days a week for breakfast/recess and lunch. We urgently need a full roster of volunteers each term to ensure that the canteen can continue to operate successfully.

The shift time is: Monday to Friday

Breakfast: 8am to 8.45am

During the day: 9.30am to 1pm

We would be delighted to have you volunteer and would really appreciate the support. As a huge thank you for your continued support. Lunch is on us!

Please click here for the Junior School volunteer roster.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Director of Junior School




Students in Years 5 will be participating in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy online this year between Tuesday 11 May and Thursday 13 May.

Click here for NAPLAN Parent Information Pack

Students must have their earphones and laptops fully charged for the start of every test.

Students are encouraged to practise for the tests and can click here to practise.

Students should try out the online tools including calculator, protractor and ruler, as well as text magnification and flags.

NAPLAN Timetable for 2021

Tuesday 11 May Wednesday 12 May Thursday 13 May Friday 14 May
Periods 1 and 2  Writing(42 mins)

9:00 – 10:00am

Reading(50 mins)

9:00 – 10:00am

Numeracy (50mins)

9:00 – 10:00am

Catch up 
Recess Normal Normal Normal  Normal
Period 3  Conventions of Language


11:00 – 11:50am 

Periods 4 – 6 Normal Normal Normal Normal


If you have any questions please contact:

Mr Thomas Mitton

Acting Assistant Director of Curriculum – Junior School 



Lunchtime Talk 

Alexander Avdalis, one of our very own Junior School Waverley students presented at our Lunchtime Talk last Friday. He gave valuable tips on 3D printing, key elements for 3D design;  simplicity, structure and size, and recommended websites for creating your own designs. The Junior School students loved every minute of the presentation and had many questions for our 3D printing guru. A huge thank you to Alex for giving up his time to inspire the next generation of designers. 

Alexander Avdalis

Alexander Avdalis

Alexander Avdalis

Alexander Avdalis

Alexander Avdalis leading the Lunchtime Talk

Alexander Avdalis leading the Lunchtime Talk

Home Learning Club

*Next week there will be NO Home Learning Club on Monday 10 May. All teachers will be attending a Professional Development session.

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term.  


Register your son via the Skoolbag app and follow this link

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots.There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday & Wednesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday & Thursday – Mr Matt Ryan 

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us:

Mr Matt Ryan

Year 5 Red Class Teacher


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher 



Round 3 Co-Curricular Sport

Last weekend, our Prep 1st Football and Prep 1st Rugby teams were honoured to represent the College against Trinity and Shore on Queens Park 1 main field. Allowing both teams the opportunity to experience what it is like for our senior teams to play on a full-sized pitch. Each game was played at a high standard, and the results gave that impression:

Prep 1st Football – Waverley 1 – 1 Trinity

Prep 1st Rugby – Waverley 36 – 10 Shore

After the Prep 1st Rugby game, students were given a tour of the pavilion. This opened their eyes to the rich history of sport at Waverley College, showcasing the most decorated student-athletes in the College’s long history. I sensed the students’ appreciation and honour of representing Waverley College in their early years at the school and for many years to come. 

Rugby Queens Park Junior School 2021

Rugby Queens Park Junior School 2021

Rugby Queens Park Junior School 2021

Rugby Queens Park Junior School 2021

Aidan Giusti - Player of the match

Aidan Giusti – Player of the match

I have been fortunate enough to witness the majority of games at Queens Park over the first two rounds. It has been amazing to see all teams playing with such enthusiasm and enjoyment. Teams are quickly beginning to develop a positive culture and bond that makes me proud to see, and I know it does for coaches as well. I wish all teams the best of luck for the upcoming round of games and look forward to seeing more great team performances that demonstrate positive sportsmanship.

The results for Round 2 have now been uploaded on the Waverley College website. Click here for Round 3 fixture and Round 2 results and scroll down to the Junior School Sports section.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Round 2: Waverley v Brigidine, Randwick

On Friday evening Waverley competed against Brigidine College, Randwick in the second round of the CSDA competition. All teams did a fantastic job and showed great confidence in their arguments and rebuttals. We almost came away with a clean sweep, winning debates in Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 – well done!

Students were tasked with arguing the need for personal devices in the classroom, exploring ideas about social development, academic progress, and fact versus fiction in a technological world. All teams left their debates with a stronger grasp of socio-economic issues both within and outside of the school classroom.

Well done once again to our Senior team, and I look forward to Round 3 this Friday, 14 May against Marcellin College.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Waverley will host students from our Junior School, the Science department and selected Year 7 students to celebrate this national event on Wednesday 19 May. This year is particularly exciting as we have astronaut, Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station reading the book. 

This wonderful event (organised by the Australian Library and Information Association) is an annual event that started in 2001. Libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes and bookshops around Australia register to read the same picture book at the same time. In 2020 there were over one million participants in over 14,000 locations, including many locations outside Australia (New Zealand, Thailand, UK, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong).

Click here to find out more about this year’s event (with lots of links and ideas for activities) 

We look forward to sharing some photos of Waverley’s participation in coming editions of Nurrunga.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


Justice and solidarity is an Edmund Rice touchstone. The 2021 Bondi SurfAid Cup provided a perfect opportunity for six Waverley College students and surfers to give back to communities less fortunate. This year’s participants were Noah Matet, Max Leedham, Judah Miller, Milan Mann, Kai Jones and Charlie Smith.

Operating in the Pacific Islands, Mexico and Indonesia, SurfAid is an organisation which assists remote communities connected through surfing.  Providing a ‘hand up’ rather than a ‘hand out’, SurfAid delivers health and nutrition, clean water, and mother and child programs. SurfAid is also the case study used in Year 9 Geography, with students completing a formal assessment task in Term 1. 

The 2021 event allowed students to rub shoulders with pro surfers, participate in a renowned community and global event, and gain a deeper understanding of how non-government aid can assist communities less fortunate. 

This year is the sixth occasion Waverley students have participated in the event.  The 2020-21 team (cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19) raised in excess of $5000, and the College community collectively have raised more than $20,000 since the relationship began. 

In closing, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone that has supported this activity and student experience since its inception. Your support and contribution has changed lives … literally.

Click here to read more about SurfAid

Judah Miller

Judah Miller

Max Leedham

Max Leedham

Milan Mann

Milan Mann

Students with local pro surfer JJ Bortelli

Students with local pro surfer JJ Bortelli

SurfAid 2021

SurfAid 2021


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE


On Friday 30 April the Year 11 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation students attended an excursion at Point Piper which related closely to the Unit they studied in Term 1 called Outdoor Recreation. Students took part in kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding on Sydney Harbour with each activity running for two hours. This gave the students an opportunity to experience some of the great outdoor recreation activities that we have available to us in the local area. The students represented the College in an extremely positive manner and thoroughly enjoyed the excursion.

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour


Mr Ben Shorthouse

PDHPE Department
