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From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

From Wednesday 31 March you will be able to make bookings for the Years 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on the pupil-free day Tuesday 20 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm. Booking can be made through the TASS Parent Lounge. Bookings close on Monday 19 April at 12pm. The interviews will be face-to-face in the College Gymnasium. 

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible interviews will be of 5 minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings, and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the Term.

Click here to access Waverley College Parent Lounge

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at

A guide on how to access the new Parent Lounge can be found here: Getting access to the Parent Lounge

Read more: T2 Community Outreach Program and Kairos Retreat Important Information


Year 11 Community Outreach

From Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun, Assistant Director Identity and Student Formation

Across Term 2, all Year 11 students will continue volunteer work placements in community outreach as part of the College’s Social Justice initiatives. Students are working in organisations such as Matthew Talbot Hostel, Our Big Kitchen, Waverley War Memorial Hospital, Wairoa School, Jarjum College, Windgap Bowling and Bondi Public School.

The students provide invaluable support to our partner organisations as they work with marginalised groups in our local community such as the homeless, elderly and disabled. 

A registration document was shared with your son in Term 1 for him to select a community service placement and date. Parents will receive an email from Ms Martina Cooper confirming the details of where and when your son is going to be doing his volunteering prior to commencement.

We encourage you to speak to your son about his placement and his experiences. The program continues across Term 3 with opportunities for students to get increasingly involved.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at


Year 11 Kairos (selected students only)

From Ms Suzanne Walsh, Director Identify and Student Formation

For the selected students who are attending Year 11 Kairos Retreat, please find below important information regarding the retreat.

This retreat takes place from the afternoon of Tuesday 11 May until Friday 14 May.  The Kairos students will depart Waverley College by coach at 2:30pm on Tuesday 11 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 3pm on Friday 14 May.  Students are to wear their PE uniform to school on 11 May.

I will send you an email with further information.

What you need to do: 

  1. Please complete the link below by Friday 30 April to indicate your consent and any dietary or medical requirements that we need to be aware of. Consent/Medical/Dietary Information Link: CLICK HERE TO FILL IN THE FORM. Thank you to the parents who have already completed the form.
  2. You will also be sent a separate email with a special request for you to kindly action by Tuesday 4th May.

What to bring:

Cost: Will be billed to school fees.

We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

We hope everyone is enjoying their Term 1 school holiday break!


Canteen Closed Week 1 Term 2

Due to ongoing renovations, the canteen will not be available for lunch orders or service in Week 1. The canteen will reopen again in Week 2, Monday 26 April. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


Home Learning Club

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term.


Register your son via this registration link

This will be sent out each week in the Nurrunga newsletter. Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.

An important note to remember during Term 2: if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, as students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance, and the capacity is always reached.

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday and Wednesday: Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday and Thursday: Mr Matt Ryan

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.


Term 2 Art Accomplishment Classes – Lunchtimes and Thursdays After School – Enrolments Close Wednesday 28 April!

In term 2, lunchtime and after school art accomplishment classes will be held for Junior School students in the Junior School art room and taught by specialist visual arts teacher Ms Faye John-Hopkins.

The program will extend students’ creative abilities through visual media, providing a variety of art experiences that perhaps would not be available to students until their senior years.

Classes begin in Week 2 of Term 2 and run from Thursday 29 April – Thursday 17 June.

Get in quick because enrolments close on Wednesday 28 April!

Click here for more information

Junior School Art Accomplishment Program

Art Accomplishment Program


Term 2 Chess Classes – Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm

Chess creates brighter thinkers, improves student focus and achieves academic success. It also combines learning with fun!

Sydney Academy of Chess Pty Ltd runs Junior School chess classes at Waverley College on Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm in the Library.

Classes begin in Term 2 and run from Tuesday 20 April – Tuesday 15 June.

Click here for more information

Chess table built in 2017 by Year 12 O'Connor student

Chess table built in 2017 by Year 12 O’Connor student


Winter Co-Curricular Season 

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

I hope all students and families have had a restful holiday and are looking forward to the Winter Co-Curricular Season commencing on Saturday 24 April. While there has been information sent out on SkoolBag, I would like to remind you of important information in preparation for Week 1 training and Round 1 beginning.

Winter Season Trials

All students gave their absolute best efforts in all three trials to provide themselves with the best opportunity to be selected into a team accordingly. Doing the trial over three separate afternoons provided opportunities for students who may have been sick, injured or had just had an ‘off’ day. Our coaches had the challenging task of selecting teams according to what they had seen across the three sessions. They did their absolute best despite the large numbers of students in each sport. 

I have been listening to parents’ concerned opinions about the selection processes in some sports. I appreciate you sharing your concerns and they have been received and noted. We are currently in talks with the Senior School and looking into a whole-school approach moving forward. I will review the role the Rugby 7s competition plays in the Co-Curricular program, and the amendments that could be considered moving forward.

Training Information

Training will begin on Tuesday 20 April, with all training being held at either Queens Park or Waverley Park between 3.15pm to 4.30pm. Teams will be walked to their training venue by their coach after the school day. Once training is completed, students will be dismissed from the training venue. Please ensure you have arranged with your son that you’ll be picking him up from the venue. If your son is waiting a considerable time, he will be walked back to the Junior School by his coach to be picked up from there.

The training schedule and season draw has now been added to the school website. Please click Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures to check which day’s your son is training.

Junior School students

Junior School students

Winter Season Attire

As mentioned on the slip your son received last term, please remember he must purchase the new winter sports uniform for his sport from the uniform shop before Round 1 commencing. He will be allowed to wear previously worn Waverley playing attire, his new winter sports uniform or his PE uniform for training. Please avoid non-Waverley gear unless you have a necessary reason.

Season Draw & Weekly Fixture

To locate the Winter Season Draw, please click Senior and Junior Sports Fixtures. Although the draw is the primary document for all games, please firstly refer to the weekly fixtures – as games occasionally have last-minute changes that are uncontrollable. These will be updated on the school website each week and addressed in the weekly newsletter Nurrunga.

Refer to the Winter Season Maps for any venue addresses (which will be sent out/added to the school website during Week 1).

I excitedly look forward to the season beginning and for different sports to be played each Saturday morning. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Year 6 Camp

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

The Year 6 Camp (The Great Aussie Bush Camp) scheduled for Week 4 of Term 2 is still going ahead as planned. Students will be leaving from the Senior School Performing Arts drop off area on Birrell Street and heading onto Kincumber NSW from Wednesday 12 to Friday 14 May.

All information about the camp regarding what to bring, daytime activities, and medical information will be added in the Week 1, Term 2 Nurrunga newsletter on Friday 23 April 2021.


Junior School Mother’s Day Mass

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

You are formally invited to our Junior School Mother’s Day Mass which will be held on Friday 7 May 2021 at Mary Immaculate Church. 

Unfortunately, we are still restricted by COVID-19 regulations, therefore we cannot hold a combined Year 5 and Year 6 Mass. As a result, we have decided to hold two separate Masses to make this day a special day for the mothers of the students at the College. We are also restricted to one parent/carer per student.

If you have a son in both Year 5 and Year 6, we would ask that you attend the 12pm Mass.

Additionally, as part of the celebration, there is a slideshow presentation showcasing our mothers/grandmothers with their son(s).  If you would like to send a photo through, please email it to:

The deadline for these photos is 30 April (Friday Week 2 Term 2).

We hope that you can join us for this special occasion.

Mother's Day Mass

Mother’s Day Mass will be held Friday 7 May 2021 at Mary Immaculate Church in Waverley


Sacrament of Confirmation 

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated and when the preparation classes will be held.

Sunday 20 June: St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church)

For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 20 June. Compulsory preparation classes will be held in the weeks prior to the celebration. 

Due to COVID-19, the Sacrament was postponed in 2020, therefore in 2021 we are only celebrating the Sacrament with current Year 6 and Year 7 students.  Please rest assured that the Sacrament will be held again next year to accommodate any Year 5 2021 students.

If you are looking to have your son enrolled in the Confirmation program for 2021, please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas at for the necessary information.

Friday 30 April: Enrolment Closes

For parents who have already received the registration form via Google Forms, it is important that these are filled out if you are wanting to have your son enrolled. The due date is Friday 30 April. This includes those parents who enrolled their sons to receive the Sacrament in 2020.

A friendly reminder that the consent and medical form for the Senior and Kairos Retreat are due today, Friday 30 April. Please click here to fill in the form. 

Thank you to the parents who have already completed the form.

Please click here for your son’s retreat type and location. 


Senior Retreat

The Senior Retreat is taking place from 12 to 14 May and students will be attending the venue that is allocated to their House. The three venues are Benedict XVI Retreat Centre (Aungier, Green), Lutanda Camp Toukley (Brennan, Lacey, O’Connor) and Rathane (Conlon, Quinn, Tevlin).

The students will depart Waverley College by coach for their venues from 9am on Wednesday 12 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 2:30pm on Friday 14 May. Students are required to be at school by 8:30am on Wednesday 12 May.

What to bring: 

Cost: Will be billed to school fees.

We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at


Kairos Retreat

This retreat takes place from the afternoon of Tuesday 11 May until Friday 14 May.  The Kairos students will depart Waverley College by coach at 2:30pm on Tuesday 11 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 3pm on Friday 14 May.  Students are to wear their PE uniform to school on 11 May.

For more information, please refer to the letter that was emailed to you last Friday, 16 April.

What to bring:

Cost: Will be billed to school fees.

We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

From Ms Jenna Turnbull, Visual Arts Teacher

Waverley College can boast numerous talented artists. Below is an impressive collection of Year 8 high achievers portraits. Students worked hard in their Visual Arts lessons in drawing the correct proportions of a face, using the grid structure method, using tone to creation expressions and dimensional form, and also using other technical drawing methods to create their self portrait.

These artworks will be displayed in the Wellbeing Centre for viewing. How many of our stars can you recognise?

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

From Mr Bryn Gregerson, Director of Business Services

2021 Fees

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 23/4/2021; due date 7/5/2021

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 16/7/2021; due date 30/7/2021

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

 Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Head of College that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

Relevant dates for 2021:

We are pleased to share the pre-order form for the complimentary 2020 Waverley Year Book with you. To align with the College’s sustainability practices, we will only be printing hard copies for people who have pre-ordered a copy.

Should you like a copy, please register your details by filling in this form. Please register your details by Monday 3 May 2021.

We will send further communication when the 2020 Year Book hard copy will be ready for collection. 

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you for your continued patience.


Marketing & Development Department

AFX 2021 Cadet Camp

From MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, WCCU Commanding Officer

I was so very proud of the recruits and rank who chose to engage with AFX over the course of Cadet Camp 2021. AFX this year was a unique experience in the recent history of the Unit and our cadets rose to the challenge of six days in the field, without electricity, without running water, without technology, without four walls and a bed. And my, didn’t they enjoy it!

To quote one of our Directing Staff, “I never thought I would see the day when Waverley cadets would be chasing rainbows.” Our cadets have had the opportunity to extend themselves, to place themselves outside their comfort zones and to thrive, to cook their own meals, to make their own shelter, to engage in team building activities, to urge each other on in high ropes and obstacle courses, to support each other on Company endurance marches, to connect with their Corporals and Sergeants and Warrant Officers and CUOs, to connect with their Directing Staff, to be exhilarated by night activities, and to wake to a beautiful dawn overlooking the hills and valleys of Canberra.

Senior Rank B Company

Senior Rank B Company

Our recruits now have context. They now have an understanding of what Cadets is all about. What we do every Friday afternoon is in preparation for AFX. The discipline, the lessons, the rank structure; these are all in the Training Program to develop good habits to keep us safe on camp. Without camp, it is difficult to see the point. I hope our recruits can now appreciate the extension of their time in the Unit to give them this opportunity.

A huge thank you to our hard-working staff and rank, without whom our cadets could not have flourished as they did. Their incredible work ethic kept the Unit fed and watered and entertained and supported for the entire week. Their diligence and initiative in creating exciting activities gave our cadets an exciting week of new experiences and an appreciation of their Rank, of Support Company and of Cadets as a whole.

Starry night

Starry night

All recruits have now been sent their Intention Forms allowing them to decide whether to continue Cadets for another year. Whether you choose to stay or go, I want you all to know how much I appreciate your participation over these past 15 months. You have all learnt something about yourselves, you can now appreciate the resilience and tenacity and strength of character that Cadets can develop, you have all formed new relationships that you would not otherwise have done, you all now have a shared experience, a collective memory that binds you to each other, and binds you to every cadet that has been through the Waverley College Cadet Unit since its inception in 1911. Well done on completing your Recruit Induction!

Making Fire the Indigenous Way

Making Fire the Indigenous Way

For those continuing, Cadets will recommence for the whole Unit on Friday 30 April. 

Friday 23 April is reserved for Anzac Day rehearsals and relevant participants will be emailed separately. This term will be one of pomp and ceremony as we concentrate on preparation for the graduation of our Year 12 cadets at Passing Out Parade and Dining In Night on Sunday 6 June!

High ropes

High ropes


High ropes

High ropes


High ropes

High ropes


Over Water Obstacle Course

Over Water Obstacle Course


LT(AAC) Addison - one of our hardworking Cadet Staff

LT(AAC) Addison – one of our hardworking Cadet Staff


The SUO (CUO Mark Gaponov) and TRGO (CUO Bryn Parry)

The SUO (CUO Mark Gaponov) and TRGO (CUO Bryn Parry)

Week 1 Term 2 2021

19 April – 25 April


Week 2 Term 2 2021

26 April – 2 May


Week 3 Term 2 2021

3 May – 9 May

Mother’s Day Mass 

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

I would like to formally invite you to our Junior School Mother’s Day Mass which will be held on Friday 7 May 2021.

Unfortunately, we are still restricted by COVID-19 regulations, therefore we cannot hold a combined Year 5 and Year 6 Mass. As a result, we have decided to hold two separate Masses to make this day a special day for the mothers of the students at the College. We are also restricted to one parent/carer per student.

10:30am – Year 5 Mother’s Day Mass followed by a light morning tea at the Junior School.

12pm – Year 6 Mother’s Day Mass followed by a light afternoon tea at the Junior School.

If you have a son in both Year 5 and Year 6, we would ask that you attend the 12pm Mass.

We hope that you can join us for this special occasion.

Sacrament of Confirmation Registration Now Open 

From Ms Joanne Smyth, Pastoral Associate and Sacramental Coordinator, St Brigid’s Parish, Coogee

The Sacrament of Confirmation registration is now open for Year 6 students: Click here for Confirmation 2021 – St Brigid’s Catholic Parish

Registration closes Monday 3 May. Should any Year 6 families have any questions regarding this registration, Joanne Smyth would be happy to assist on 9315 7562.

Years 7-10, Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

From Wednesday 31 March you will be able to make bookings for the Year 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Tuesday 20 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge. The interviews will be face-to-face in the College Gymnasium. 

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible interviews will be of 5 minutes duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the Term.

Click here to access Waverley College Parent Lounge

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at

A guide on how to access the new Parent Lounge can be found here: Getting access to the Parent Lounge


Years 7-10 Parent/Teacher Reports

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

The Years 7-10 Term 1 Progress Report will be available today for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS.

This report gives you your son’s Learner Profile grade and a mark based on his assessment task(s) for each subject completed up to this point. If a mark for a subject is not included in this report then the first Assessment Task in that subject has not yet been assessed. 

Further information about how your son has performed in his cohort is available via the Parent Lounge Analytics.

Click here to access Waverley College Parent Lounge

Once you log on select the Academic Reports option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports.  In this case it will be the Year 7-10 Term One Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

You can also access further analytics regarding your son’s performance across his cohort by going to the [Student Details] drop down menu and selecting [Academic Analytics].  Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports.  

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at

A guide on how to access the new Parent Lounge can be found here: Getting access to the Parent Lounge

From Melissa Cahill and Rae Norman

Year 12 boys and their mothers are invited to a luncheon to celebrate their final year of school, and the many friendships that have been formed during that time.

Sunday 23 May, 2021 | 12pm-3pm

Doltone House, Hyde Park

$85 per person (Mother & Son = $170)

Register here: